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I just saw Metallica's documentary(Some kind of monster impressions)

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Let me start off:

If you were or are a fan of their early work, you should see this documentary.

Ok so on my impressions: Awesome documentary. Whether you're a fan or not, It's a must see. There is so many markout moments in this doc, it's a must see. An especially awesome scene: First completly opened meeting between Lars Ulrich and Dave Mustaine. Dave mustaine explains how he regrets what he did... How he should have gone into rehab during his run with metallica. Lars says he sorry. I'd pay lots of money to see Dave Mustaine return to metallica. Interesting fact: we also know why they aren't any solos in St-Anger: Lars thought it felt old.... And Kirk didn't like that. Kirk also says he hasn't had a voice in what Metallica creates... ever(god it's true). Jason newsted tried to get back into metallica, the band chose otherwise. Another kind of bullshit we see in the doc: Some national radio station blackmails Metallica in doing their contest promo, or they'll receive bad press on their new album. This doc goes deep within metallica and extracts it's guts: you'll see contract negotiations with Robert Trujillo.Metallica's manager says they are gettin blackmailed by that national radio station agency.("You'd see Bono do that kind of thing?"). So the band justs botch the thing.

awesome doc, just not the ordinary behind the scenes look. Go see it.
Wolfy said:
I am interested to see Mustaine in it. Does he talk with Kirk at all?

Nah, but Mustaine does mention Kirk in what he says to Ulrich: "You know how I feel everytime I see a guy that goes to me and says: "Kirk's a better guitar player than you". Do you know how it feels to be told you're a second rate musician?

Looks like Mustaine spilled his guts. But they were both friendly to each other. I guess Mustaine could make an appearance some day??


Second rate? Hah. He's still awesome, right up their with Kirk IMO. Can't wait for his solo stuff to come out.


I really enjoyed the doc too. I was once a core Metallica fan. I had a Metallica shirt for every day of the week, but my enthusiasm started to wane when they started making videos for the Black album. They had always said that they wouldn't make pointless videos just to get onto MTV.

Anyway, by the time the latt scene rolled around I started to feel for the guys in the band again, partly because the doc did such a good job of communicating that even they know that they're not the same band they used to be.

Watching them struggle to find their Metallica-ness was both reassuring and heartbreaking.
ItalianStallion said:
Mustaine's in this? I gotta see it now

Yeah and it shocked me to see him.

God it would rock if he did some stuff with metallica.

Oh and Lars says in the movie that when Robert Trujillo played Battery with them at the auditions, Robert Played like Cliff Burton would: Battery with his bare fingers. Only Cliff would do that. (if I understood it right).


Different bassists play differently, some play with their fingers or some with picks. It's not a big deal.

Also, apparently Mustaine was pretty mad he was left in the film, he requested to have it cut.
Thaedolus said:
Different bassists play differently, some play with their fingers or some with picks. It's not a big deal.

Also, apparently Mustaine was pretty mad he was left in the film, he requested to have it cut.

Why was he mad?

Man, seriously, to me... it was more + 100000000 for mustaine when I saw him in the movie.


Only recently I started to like Metallica, mostly because I play the guitar for a year now and their early guitarwork is very inspiring and fun to play. Next month I'm going to a festival and this documentary is showing too, I'm really looking forward to seeing it!


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Is this documentary playing like in 20 theaters? :( The closest theater that's playing it is all the way in Manhattan.


Gonna go see it tuesday, it looks awesome and it's getting good reviews everywhere.

Some of my Metallica hating friends loved it, you don't need to be a fan to see this. Being one helps though that's for sure! :D


Even though late 90s-current Metallica makes my stomach turn, I really wanna see it, but let me get this straight.

People actually go up to Dave Mustaine and tell him he's a WORSE guitar player than Kirk "Weedley Weedley ROWR Times Infinity" Hammett? Sweet Christ, the sheer ignorance of some people.


Just got back from seeing it, wow, great documentary. Some really touching moments in there and I had to control myself, can't be seen crying with fellow metallica fans ;)

Great moments:

Lars and Mustaine together.
When Newsted tells us why he quit Metallica with teary eyes.
Lars and James uniting against the psy, ROCK ON!
Kirk after James saying he didn't want them to listen to the stuff they had done and make decisions while he wasn't there: "Well it's been like this the last 15 years... for me" LOL Kirk rocks!

Anyways, go see it! It's great!


I didn't even know this already hit theaters. I'll have to rally up my people and watch this one (In the city, I suppose).
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