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I just watched The Rise of Skywalker and...


rey is even more capable than him, and she doesn't have all the training he had.
she block a fucking spaceship with one hands with relatively ease ffs...yoda had some difficult to block far smaller things in the films, and vader after all the training with the supreme sith lord wasn't capable of firing fucking sith thunders without even trying...
she was an ace pilot of the millenium falcon with almost zero experience in driving big spaceships, anakin at least trained to do pod races.
And she was already super good with a lightsaber just because he defended herself from some low tier scumbags with a wooden stick, come the fuck on...

STILL mild compared to what the NINE year old did, come the fuck on now. She blocked the ship after one year of training. Vader couldn't use Force lightning because Lucas said losing plenty of his body parts and having them replaced with metal weakened his connection to the Force.

She knew the Falcon was shit when she was running with Finn so it's not unreasonable to think she had flown it before, probably to determine if it was ready to sell for her boss. Meanwhile Anakin just flies well because apparently being a NASCAR driver makes you a competent jet pilot by Star Wars logic.

I'm pretty sure being competent with a quarter staff (wooden stick, are you fucking serious?) can make you do well enough with a sword if you're facing a dude who's been shot in the leg and can't focus due to murdering his dad.

And you're still ignoring the huge "you can be even stronger than Yoda" and "you're the center of a fucking PROPHECY" handjob.


I liked when they were all in a cave, and a big snake is about to eat them alive, but Rey just somehow knows not only that it's wounded (the wound can't even be seen) but that she suddenly has a force heal ability. So she climbs over that part of its body to the other side and heals it to make it leave them alone.

And the audience isn't supposed to question any part of that. They just needed to show us that they crammed in a force heal since they'd be abusing it later and would rather have it mysteriously appear at the beginning to give a fake explanation for it later.


I liked when they were all in a cave, and a big snake is about to eat them alive, but Rey just somehow knows not only that it's wounded (the wound can't even be seen) but that she suddenly has a force heal ability. So she climbs over that part of its body to the other side and heals it to make it leave them alone.

And the audience isn't supposed to question any part of that. They just needed to show us that they crammed in a force heal since they'd be abusing it later and would rather have it mysteriously appear at the beginning to give a fake explanation for it later.
Yeah that part was hilariously bad.

Super Mario

I enjoyed the entire sequel trilogy.

Force Awakens was probably the biggest bummer in theaters because it was such a retread of A New Hope but I very much came to appreciate that on subsequent viewings.

Last Jedi is my favorite of the three. Please don't throw tomatoes at me.

While Force Awakens played it safe, it gave promise to a new story with new characters. We all wanted to see where it went next.

TLJ gave us characters we cared nothing about. Stories we just couldn't wait until were over. I appreciate the attempt to do something different though

RoS did what it could with what it had. It definitely wasn't a terrible movie. There were so many worse ways the story could have ended


Gold Member
the sequel trilogy is what got me excited about star wars. i grew up with a friend who was a HUGE star wars nerd and i just had no time for it even though i was forced to watch episodes 1-6 pretty much every weekend and watch him play Star Wars games on his PC. it wasn't BAD (except the prequels which I hate passionately) but it just didn't do anything for me. i got more enjoyment out of it from just spending time with my friend. he loved the shit out of it and so i was excited for him.

in 2015 when TFA came out i thought "hey fuck it i'm gonna go see this cause i got nothing better to do." and i guess something just clicked. TLJ wasn't what i was expecting but on it's own i don't think it's a bad movie. it just feels out of place in the sequel trilogy. i didn't hate TROS. sure OK maybe it had some pacing issues but whatever. i honestly think if they didn't get Rian Johnson in for TLJ and stuck with JJ for all 3 movies it would've been better. No hate against Rian...he's a fantastic director and i love the rest of his work but it just wasn't what TLJ needed.

i wish the sequel trilogy did better but it is what it is now. if it wasn't for Disney making these movies then i would probably have no interest in Star Wars right now. so i guess they won me over. Haters gon hate i suppose. I like the movies but as a package/trilogy it does fall short with TLJ.
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Yeah ok dude, she is not a mary sue and half of the planet hate her for no reason :ROFLMAO:

Ah, so we have to conform to popular opinion, gotcha. Guess Michael Bay's Transformers 1-4 are brilliant works of art, and anyone who disagrees is CLEARLY delusional. What? They killed it at the box office, so based on your "argument" ("lots of people agree with me, therefore I'm right!") the Bay movies MUST be good.

And yeah, I'm SURE half the planet obsess over Star Wars to a disturbing degree like certain people on the Internet. Hate to break it to you, but anyone who goes around thinking deeply about this shit is probably looked at by your average person and they think, "the fuck are they going on about? It's a goddamn movie, stop acting like it's your fucking thesis." You think your average person puts that much thought into the films. It's why the OT is "above criticism", because it was made well enough before the Internet came about and sad nerds could tear down every single moment they could. And then the sheep hear these opinions and just start nodding their heads in unison because the vocal whiners made damn sure their opinion was heard above all others. It doesn't matter if I point that if one actually goes back and rewatches Man of Steel, it's the ARMY that destroy more of Smallville than Supeman, and Superman does catch a soldier who was falling, he even asks if he's okay. Also that the citizens of Metropolis could have gotten more out of harm's way, the Daily Planet just stare at the weapon for 10 minutes before Perry finally says they should evacuate (what? No, keep staring for at least another 2 hours, this death gravity machine that has already killed people right before you is clearly no threat!) and the citizens just stare at Superman and Zod fighting in the sky (RUN, you fucking idiots!) But it doesn't matter if I say all that, because the vocal minority made sure to throw their big temper tantrum screaming, "Superman was a psycho who was solely responsible for all the destruction, is completely responsible for the deaths of all casualties, and never saved anyone besides Lois." Because, hey, FUCK CONTEXT, amirite, some people whined about it on the Internet, so it "must be true".

Your average person doesn't analyze movies. Christ, I watched a Youtube video yesterday of a guy going around Akihabara and asking people there what their favorite anime was. Then when asking each person why it was their favorite anime, we got these in-depth reviews: "I like the fighting"; "the girls are cute"; "I like that they're all friends". Yep.

Here, how about this? "Star Wars lead flies ship to solve problem even though we had never seen them fly before." Am I talking about Luke or Rey? Plot twist: I'm talking about both (and really Anakin as well, because no you stupid bitch, flying is not podracing). And spare me the "but he SAID he was a good pilot" bullshit. Some whiny brat (because GOD was Luke whiny in 4, STFU and let the adults handle the situation motherfucker. Han's the pilot, Obi-Wan's the Jedi, so shut your mouth and learn!) stroking his ego with NOTHING to back it up isn't exactly convincing (if farmers apparently have ways that they can get flying lessons or some shit, the movie offered nothing to suggest it). Then when we finally get a little more info about what he flew, it's literally the scene right before they take off in the X-Wings. Wow, such brilliant set-up. And I guess we just have to assume the ship Luke flew handles very similarly to an X-Wing (because for example flying an airliner doesn't mean you can immediately fly jets) as the movie provides us no help there either. Rey states as they're running to the Falcon that it's garbage and hasn't flown in years. Which supports the idea that she has A) worked on the Falcon and B) likely flew or at least co-piloted back when it did work otherwise why does she know such a detail on a random ship? And the flying scene, yeah they took out two TIEs. She has Finn's help as well. What does Luke do when he hops into a X-Wing for the first time? Oh, not much, JUST BLOWS UP THE ENTIRE DEATH STAR THUS INSTANTLY RESOLVING THE ENTIRE CONFLICT OF THAT PARTICULAR MOVIE. Unless I missed some clue that those random ass TIEs in 7 were the true main threats and not Kylo and Snoke, I feel confident in saying Luke's skills should have been set up MUCH better considering what he's allowed to do with it (not to mention the plot has to give him the most unbelievable luck imaginable. Han showing up is fine, but a TIE pilot specifically chosen by Vader just immediately panics and flies into Vader despite knowing he's right there? Just another example of the OT making the Imperials dumbasses so the heroes can win ("there's no life forms aboard, they must have short-circuited." Droids are a thing, you fucking idiot! "Impossible. No ship that small has a cloaking device." I was nine when I first saw ESB, and I knew what Han had done in a few seconds, how can this officer not figure this shit out?)

And I probably know more about actual Mary Sues than a lot of the people who just jumped on it in the last few years when it became the hot new buzzword for everyone to jerk off to. I read the following like back in the early 2000's, but now every chucklefuck on the Internet thinks Mary Sue can be summed up with: "durr, they're really good at things!" https://springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm Granted, the creator no longer supports the test because they feel the term should no longer be used. I agree, but not just for the reasons they stated, but also because I guarantee you that 90+% of what's on the test never even crosses people's minds when they lazily throw out the term. They think it's such a simple phrase, hate to break it you normies but this phrase has a lot of angles to it and people just casually throwing it out based only a few elements is pathetic.


But isn't she like the chosen one and shit?

Any story with "chosen heroes" do this kind of crap, be it Matrix, Naruto, Spider-Man, DBZ, whatever... all have a that extra something something when pushed to the limit...

Did you even watched Matrix? Neo would be basically dead if it wasn't for the intervention of one of the crew members who survived Cypher attack. Got blind nearly at the end and died afterwards. Only beat Agent Smith with help of the machines.

DBZ? Goku died, revived and almost died again(broke all his bones) if it wasn't for the intervention of his son. Even the most recent DB(Super) make Goku loses a bunch a lot of times and make him impossible to beat the main villain(they couldn't do it). And yes, Goku( and Vegeta) are training paranoids.

Naruto? OP as fuck, but initially a bunch of characters already saved him more than once from eminent death.

So yeah...all of them comparable with god level Mary sue here.
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Gold Member
It’s watchable. It’d be better if it wasn’t a prime example of this:


I’m in no hurry to rewatch it, but it’s decent SW fanfiction.


The general feeling I've got is that if you loved The Last Jedi you'll think Rise of Skywalker is trash, and if you hated The Last Jedi, you'll think Rise of Skywalker is at least passible.

As someone that loved The Last Jedi and heard how much RoS attempts to retcon it, I don't think I'll ever bother watching it.

I plan to watch Skywalker this weekend and don't really have a dog in this race. I liked 7 and thought it had some iconic moments and fun nostalgia. I basically have... no memories of 8? It's not like the prequels where I can distinctly remember Jar Jar, sand monologues and lots of arguments about trade negotiations or whatever. It's just a blank slate in my mind, except for a goofy bit where Finn rides some dumb animals weird Leia using magic to space fly. So I guess if your theory holds true I will have the same opinion of 9 - it won't be memorable at all.


I'm 16 minutes into this "thing" they call Rise of Skywalker & it's Uwe Boll levels of bad right now.

Stiff, disjointed scenes with laughably bad acting & the plot being "explained" by cringe exposition. The music is also relentlessly distracting in every scene as well. I don't usually stop & judge after 16 minutes but holy hell, what a mess.


I thought the plot was garbage but also the action.

Some of the imagery was cool but none of the duels or battles were memorable to me. Maybe it's just because I was younger at the time but I remember episodes I-VI having far more memorable duels and space battles.

I tried to rewatch episode IX again recently and used fast forward to skip ahead to the battles and duels but they were just as shit as I remembered them originally. None of the action in the ST has been particularly good.

Only recent Star Wars film that got the action right was Rogue One. Rogue One had incredible battle and combat scenes.


It's unwatchable, IMO.

Jedi Fallen Order has better acting, directing & dialogue than this (I've been playing it over the past week), the Star Wars prequels are better than this (I've rewatched them recently as well, i.e. despite some clunky dialogue & moments which feel unearned, it still feels like Star Wars & they also have the best lightsaber duels in the entire franchise). And yes, Rogue One is better than this.

Where to start? Daisy Ridley is awful. She can't deliver her lines well, has a flat voice & dumb expression. The rest also feel like they part of a comedy sketch. The locations are also drab (dancing ethnic alien people in a cheapo set was not good). It seems like Disney pulled the plug on some of the budget. I just don't even feel like ranting about this anymore. It's so bad it's boring now.
Recently watched it for the first time and it’s boring absolute trash. Very predictable. That sabre fight between kylo and Rey was awful as well.


I actually just re-downloaded the sequel trilogy. Should be watching soon. Haven't seen Rise of Skywalker since theaters. I'm excited.
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I enjoyed the entire sequel trilogy.

Force Awakens was probably the biggest bummer in theaters because it was such a retread of A New Hope but I very much came to appreciate that on subsequent viewings.

Last Jedi is my favorite of the three. Please don't throw tomatoes at me.

Force Awakens > Rise of Skywalker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dragon Ball Evolution >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Last Jedi


Faith - Hope - Love
I was never the biggest Star Wars fan, so that's probably why I kind of liked all the movies...prequels included. They didn't have the same hold on my heart as they would the biggest fans, therefore the choices made by the writers or directors didn't hurt me as they understandably did others.

I DO understand those feelings, though. The same thing has happened with me on other series...such as Netflix's rendition of Locke & Key. I was disappointed by the strange (and honestly stupid) changes made from the source material. I came away mostly numb and wishing it wasn't made at all in a way.

I feel for the fans that hated parts of the Star Wars saga. Hopefully The Mandalorian will continue to deliver for you and help heal your hearts. ❤


Hold onto your panties
I don't feel the sequels should have been made into live-action films as they were. It would have been nice to see it as more of a fan fiction that got animated or became a video game franchise instead. I'm just bored of the glossy, CG-emersed, proxy films that have been coming out since about 2008. So, I can't be fair when reviewing them having a preset bias against most modern film.


The main thing that I don't like about this movie is that it didn't follow up on all the awesome ideas from TLJ and instead knee-jerk tried to reinvent the whole trilogy in a single movie.

However, I did go in with expectations of a JJ Abrams movie: mcguffins, plot holes and more action and emotion than brain and smarts. I therefore was kind of ready for it to be just average. I think it did well by closing all the threads and making a simple yet agreeable ending for everyone closing the Skywalker saga. There were good action moments and character moments. However as always JJ is just not good enough to write a cohesive plot which ties together thread in a smarter way and Disney overcorrected with pandering by quite a bit. He's good at starting stories with his mystery boxes rather than answering them. It is the weakest film of the sequel trilogy, overall the worst Disney SW film bar Rogue One so I guess it goes to about 6.5?

I will say that just for slick action and good cinematgraphy it's an easier rewatch that some of the other SW movies with brain on autopilot.


Following up the shit show that TLJ was is a near impossible task.

But why hire Chris Terrio as a writer? If you look at his filmography, he’s fucking awful. Seriously Disney, you couldn’t find a better writer for this? They should have let Colin Trevorrow do his thing.


I'm 16 minutes into this "thing" they call Rise of Skywalker & it's Uwe Boll levels of bad right now.

Stiff, disjointed scenes with laughably bad acting & the plot being "explained" by cringe exposition. The music is also relentlessly distracting in every scene as well. I don't usually stop & judge after 16 minutes but holy hell, what a mess.

oh come off it, stop with the hyperbole. It's nothing like a Uwe Boll movie. So ridiculous.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It is a disjointed mess. It boggles the mind that Disney didn't plan out the broad themes and structure of all three movies beforehand - things just careen from one scene to the next, no flow, no overall narrative vision, things and people just come and go.


The hate the new Star Wars films get on the internet is so weird
No it's not. They're mediocre rehashes and terrible sequels of one of the most beloved movie/games/books/comics universes of all time.
The expanded universe has so much stuff that's 100 times better than any of those Disney movies it's not even worth the time to type it out. Check Thimothy Zhan's trilogy about Thrawn for instance.

STILL mild compared to what the NINE year old did, come the fuck on now.
He was the one...the prophesized force user that brought balance to the force (yeah, he did...2 jedi, 2 sith). Of course he was better at 9.

While Force Awakens played it safe, it gave promise to a new story with new characters. We all wanted to see where it went next.
No we did not.
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oh come off it, stop with the hyperbole. It's nothing like a Uwe Boll movie. So ridiculous.

Alright, it's like Tranformers Revenge of the Fallen then, i.e. beaucoup hundreds of millions of dollars on screen smeared with shit.

To take a lore & universe with such endless possibilities (as stated above, the expanded universe already has far better content) & produce these films we watched in this latest trilogy is one of the biggest cinematographic clusterfucks... ever. The acting is shit, the directing is shit, the story is shit etc.

There's only so many ways to say... they're shit movies by all known standards.


He was the one...the prophesized force user that brought balance to the force (yeah, he did...2 jedi, 2 sith). Of course he was better at 9.

Which was part of the handjob if you had bothered to read the full post. As someone who's actually looked into the full Mary Sue test, being a "chosen one" adds some serious points to the Mary Sue meter. And why does it automatically make him better? How is it required for him to be the most powerful and capable to fulfill the prophecy especially since he never even reached that point anyway as Yoda and Palpatine were both clearly above him in Force mastery when he died. It was just unneeded jerking off to a character that didn't need it. Vader was already cool, we didn't need Episode 1 to start fanboy-ing about how he was the most special child imaginable as that was never suggested in the OT.

Not to mention it's an unneeded cliche that doesn't even fit the mythology. The Force is described in the first film as an energy field created by all living things that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together. In other words, it's not something capable of intelligent thought as it's not a being or anything; it's energy. So how the fuck does concepts like prophecy or fate come into play? No, a vision of the future is not what it could have been. For one thing, a vision of the future isn't related to prophecies or fate, rather simply seeing something farther ahead in time. And whoever made the prophecy (which we get zero detail on, it's almost like George Lucas admitted in 2010 he made the movies up as he went along and the fans who say otherwise are both delusional and flat out calling Lucas himself a liar) couldn't have had a vision like that because Luke sees Leia and Han suffering so if you see people then whoever had the prophecy should have seen enough to offer more of a description than "someone will bring balance to the Force". All the prophecy is is a lazy storytelling device to push Anakin's importance in the narrative to a higher degree than it needed to be. He didn't need to be the most potentially powerful or the chosen one for the story to work, Palpatine could have sensed the strength in him and the darkness lurking underneath and that was that. Hell, cut the chosen one bullshit, maybe we could have some time for some better character development and developing the characters' bonds with one another instead of letting two far superior cartoons do all the meaningful shit.

And that's all I'm going to say about that (especially since you responded to a month old post, for fucks' sake). Anyone still seeing otherwise I just give up on, the notion this 9 year old is allowed to do like a dozen awesome things in the first movie while the 20 year old woman isn't allowed to do like three in her first movie is seriously just making me hate the prequels even more. And trust me, Episode 1 does not need any help in that regard. Stupid ass filler movie, fucking Qui Gon Jinn is like one of the most time-wasting meaningless characters of a trilogy I've ever seen, why the fuck wasn't Obi-Wan and Anakin's friendship and mentor/protege relationship focused on immediately instead of spending an entire movie on another dude who dies at the end of it and is barely mentioned again and leaves zero emotional impact on anything? I didn't even need to think about why it was the case when I first heard the most popular abridged cut of the prequels that cuts it down to 2 hours only bothers to include the final five minutes of Episode 1 and the rest of the cut is 2 and 3 because it was so obvious. Star Wars Episode 1: The Filler Menace. But hey, it's a good way to catch some ZZZs, I think the only blockbuster movies I find more boring to watch than Ep. 1 is entering flat out tranquilizer territory like Hulk 2003 and Superman Returns.


I'm 16 minutes into this "thing" they call Rise of Skywalker & it's Uwe Boll levels of bad right now.

Stiff, disjointed scenes with laughably bad acting & the plot being "explained" by cringe exposition. The music is also relentlessly distracting in every scene as well. I don't usually stop & judge after 16 minutes but holy hell, what a mess.
Yeah i stopped after 30 min more or less, it really is a giant turd of a film.


Yeah i stopped after 30 min more or less, it really is a giant turd of a film.

I burst out laughing at the "Palpatine has returned!" rebels scene. It's shot like a comedy sketch. Plus with the ridiculous cameo of whatshisname Charlie from Lost/Merry from Lord of the Rings muttering "dark science!" for xyz stupid exposition reasons it's made even worse.

And their expressions, holy shit, amateur hour. So you're right, it's totally shit.


The best part of the movie is how they just cram Rose into a little corner with almost no lines and hope audiences forget how horrible the character was in the previous movie.


Yeah, I’ve got my beef with TLJ but objectively in a lot of ways, it’s better than TROS. It’s just a sophomoric mess.

I’m pretty sure Trevorrows flick would have sucked too but at least it seemed like a coherent continuation. And again, I stress, I don’t say that as a fan of TLJ. Just a fan of..shit making sense in terms of a story. But I guess the entire ST was FUBAR in that respect.
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Which was part of the handjob if you had bothered to read the full post. As someone who's actually looked into the full Mary Sue test, being a "chosen one" adds some serious points to the Mary Sue meter. And why does it automatically make him better? How is it required for him to be the most powerful and capable to fulfill the prophecy especially since he never even reached that point anyway as Yoda and Palpatine were both clearly above him in Force mastery when he died. It was just unneeded jerking off to a character that didn't need it. Vader was already cool, we didn't need Episode 1 to start fanboy-ing about how he was the most special child imaginable as that was never suggested in the OT..
But he was indeed not as strong (not as experienced or trained) as Yoda or Palpatine. His potential was higher. He fulfilled the prophecy merely by not helping Windu. The 2 of them could have defeated him... but it wasn't meant to be and allowed Palpatine to use his full power (Windu being troubled and distracted by Anakin's betrayal).
He did make short work of Dooku so he was strong.
Vader was the shadow of a former glory and it can be seen throughout the OT. He has trouble against a mostly untrained Luke, Palpatine and even Moffs order him around like he's a joke...etc.
He's not the ultimate badass your 5 y/o self imagined, watch the OT again, my friend.


when you see these words, take them seriously. these movies are just "based on" the previous Star Wars movies.


they are for all practical purposes fan fiction.
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But he was indeed not as strong (not as experienced or trained) as Yoda or Palpatine. His potential was higher. He fulfilled the prophecy merely by not helping Windu. The 2 of them could have defeated him... but it wasn't meant to be and allowed Palpatine to use his full power (Windu being troubled and distracted by Anakin's betrayal).
He did make short work of Dooku so he was strong.
Vader was the shadow of a former glory and it can be seen throughout the OT. He has trouble against a mostly untrained Luke, Palpatine and even Moffs order him around like he's a joke...etc.
He's not the ultimate badass your 5 y/o self imagined, watch the OT again, my friend.

Did you even read anything I wrote? "especially since he never even reached that point anyway as Yoda and Palpatine were both clearly above him in Force mastery when he died." I know he never surpassed those two, why are you repeating what I said?

"He fulfilled the prophecy merely by not helping Windu."

Pretty sure most fans think he fulfilled it by killing Palpatine but again, more reasons why the prophecy is bullshit, it goes so vague it doesn't ever get a clear definition in the actual canon so that way the writer can avoid any potential plot holes by being so purposefully vague. It's cheap and lazy.

"Vader was the shadow of a former glory and it can be seen throughout the OT. He has trouble against a mostly untrained Luke, Palpatine and even Moffs order him around like he's a joke"

Obviously, having a ton of his body be machine greatly reduced his connection to the Force since the Force connects to living (I believe this was the explanation provided by Lucas). I never said anything contradicting that. I'm talking about how in Episode 1 by itself Anakin just gets a mountain of skills and special fates dumped on his lap, it's fucking absurd.

"He's not the ultimate badass your 5 y/o self imagined, watch the OT again, my friend."

I've watched it a fuck ton of times, most recently last year, and I also never once said VADER was the ultimate badass. I even said Anakin in Episode 1 being treated like the most important and special being ever felt insane since OT Vader was strong but nothing was ever mentioned of him being that important. Obi-Wan told Luke that his father was strong in the Force and a gifted pilot and that's it. Are you talking to someone else at this point because I have no idea where you're getting this idea that I was saying "OT Vader was the best" from.


Alright, it's like Tranformers Revenge of the Fallen then, i.e. beaucoup hundreds of millions of dollars on screen smeared with shit.

To take a lore & universe with such endless possibilities (as stated above, the expanded universe already has far better content) & produce these films we watched in this latest trilogy is one of the biggest cinematographic clusterfucks... ever. The acting is shit, the directing is shit, the story is shit etc.

There's only so many ways to say... they're shit movies by all known standards.

I need to watch episode 9 again but IMO episode 8 has some of the best acting out of all of the Star Wars movies.
I just hope they do a director's cut at some point. I enjoyed it but the whole Palps resurrection actually makes sense in the novelization but is super ambiguous on screen. There's also a bunch of other scenes that would have made it a better movie like Kylo mind fucking Chewie and more time on Mustafar so you actually know what fucking planet it is. There's also a cool flashback from Palpatine's perspective that would have been interesting to see on film where it kind of closes the loop on Anakin.

Palpatine knew how to cheat death but needed a host body. So that's the whole rule of two thing with the Sith: the apprentice murders his master then the master body jumps. Anakin was supposed to have been a host body once he was strong enough to kill him, but then he got chopped up by Obiwan so that prompted Palpatine to use clones and ultimately he tried and failed to get Luke to kill him so he could move in like a parasite, when that didn't work he basically only had a crippled clone to jump into until Rey came along. Creepy shit.
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it was aight, intro was excellent

rey v. kylo w/ waves crashing was fun, nice effects and good sense of space

garbo ending, not sure if disney wants to destroy nuclear families or not


unlike the shitshow that was TLJ, with TROS they made a watchable movie for normal people,

This summarize well Rise of the Skywalker (and The last Jedi) for me.

Last Jedi was a pain to watch (And I watched it twice to be sure).
As a Star Wars fan, I was really pissed from TROS but it's still an enjoyable movie to watch for non ultra Star wars fan.

Force Awakens was definitely the best out of the 3.


I enjoyed the entire sequel trilogy.

Force Awakens was probably the biggest bummer in theaters because it was such a retread of A New Hope but I very much came to appreciate that on subsequent viewings.

Last Jedi is my favorite of the three. Please don't throw tomatoes at me.
It's my favorite also. Rian Johnson should have done the last of the trilogy. Or we should have gotten trevorrows. Anything would have been better than ros


I thought we were talking about Rey, not Anakin in Episode 1.

9 year old who can:

-build podracers
-build a highly advanced droid (this slave sure does have a lot of free time)
-wins a podrace against seasoned veterans despite even having a significant delay due to sabotage
-has higher Force potential than fucking YODA of all people
-is the center of a prophecy despite that raising a lot of questions of how a Force prophecy would even work (did a thing of text just appear? Did they see a vague vision and just bullshit out a meaning for it?) and this never being mentioned once in the OT despite so much of it focusing on Anakin/Vader
-can competently fly a Naboo starfighter (apparently the original pilot was either a little person, Jawa, or Ewok, because how the fuck is the damn 9 year old able to sit normally in that thing) and lucks his way into blowing up the mothership which ENDS THE ENTIRE BATTLE

You know, when Obi-Wan said in the OT that Anakin was already strong in the Force and a skilled pilot when he met him*, I assumed he meant at least a teenager who happened to be strong in the Force but not the "best evah" (considering in the OT it seemed clear Yoda and Palpatine were stronger in the Force than Vader), as opposed to a child who is so fucking special I'm surprised he didn't also figure out the cure for cancer.

*then again, I'm pretty sure Lucas forget plenty of stuff from the OT when making the prequels. Oh, so Leia remembers her mom, did she? Guess people in the SW universe can remember stuff from when they were just born. Oh, so Anakin just learned how to become a Force Ghost from.......no one, since I doubt Qui-Gon's ghost told him, and Obi-Wan and Yoda certainly never told him. And of course the hardcore Lucas defenders will trip over themselves defending this shit coming up with baseless assumptions of "oh no, this wasn't a retcon, CLEARLY Lucas meant this vague nonsense as opposed to what the film objectively stated" and honestly I can't even be mad anymore, it's more hilarious to me now. Lucas himself even stated in 2010 that he did not plan the OT out, and yet certain fans will still insist he did. I guess Lucas' fans love the man but also like calling him a liar.....
There never should've been an emperor. In a new hope it's Vader that looks the most badass. They should've just kept it as him being top dog.
Apparently rumour is that the sequel trilogy will be retconned out of cannon through use of "different reality". Doubt well ever get films to replace them ..which is a shame but i guess real cannon will be done through the new eu


It's a cool movie and doesn't deserve the hate it gets. It's not perfect and leaves quite some things to be desired, i.e. it didn't live up to its potential, but it brought a lot of very cool stuff to the table. Also, retconning the RJ vanity project that TLJ was helped a lot, because that one was a true mess.
I really think that RJ could have been doing an amazing Star Wars movie that is not mainline.
I mean, I kind of like his dark take on the Star Wars thing.

Him shitting up the Skywalker Saga, destroying and replacing everything that was build up in TFA was horrible though.


The only good thing the sequel trilogy did for me was making me enjoy the prequels much more

TROS seemed like bad fanfiction written by a 13 year old
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