Yeah ok dude, she is not a mary sue and half of the planet hate her for no reason
Ah, so we have to conform to popular opinion, gotcha. Guess Michael Bay's Transformers 1-4 are brilliant works of art, and anyone who disagrees is CLEARLY delusional. What? They killed it at the box office, so based on your "argument" ("lots of people agree with me, therefore I'm right!") the Bay movies MUST be good.
And yeah, I'm SURE half the planet obsess over Star Wars to a disturbing degree like certain people on the Internet. Hate to break it to you, but anyone who goes around thinking deeply about this shit is probably looked at by your average person and they think, "the fuck are they going on about? It's a goddamn movie, stop acting like it's your fucking thesis." You think your average person puts that much thought into the films. It's why the OT is "above criticism", because it was made well enough before the Internet came about and sad nerds could tear down every single moment they could. And then the sheep hear these opinions and just start nodding their heads in unison because the vocal whiners made damn sure their opinion was heard above all others. It doesn't matter if I point that if one actually goes back and rewatches Man of Steel, it's the ARMY that destroy more of Smallville than Supeman, and Superman does catch a soldier who was falling, he even asks if he's okay. Also that the citizens of Metropolis could have gotten more out of harm's way, the Daily Planet just stare at the weapon for 10 minutes before Perry finally says they should evacuate (what? No, keep staring for at least another 2 hours, this death gravity machine that has already killed people right before you is clearly no threat!) and the citizens just stare at Superman and Zod fighting in the sky (RUN, you fucking idiots!) But it doesn't matter if I say all that, because the vocal minority made sure to throw their big temper tantrum screaming, "Superman was a psycho who was solely responsible for all the destruction, is completely responsible for the deaths of all casualties, and never saved anyone besides Lois." Because, hey, FUCK CONTEXT, amirite, some people whined about it on the Internet, so it "must be true".
Your average person doesn't analyze movies. Christ, I watched a Youtube video yesterday of a guy going around Akihabara and asking people there what their favorite anime was. Then when asking each person why it was their favorite anime, we got these in-depth reviews: "I like the fighting"; "the girls are cute"; "I like that they're all friends". Yep.
Here, how about this? "Star Wars lead flies ship to solve problem even though we had never seen them fly before." Am I talking about Luke or Rey? Plot twist: I'm talking about both (and really Anakin as well, because no you stupid bitch, flying is not podracing). And spare me the "but he SAID he was a good pilot" bullshit. Some whiny brat (because GOD was Luke whiny in 4, STFU and let the adults handle the situation motherfucker. Han's the pilot, Obi-Wan's the Jedi, so shut your mouth and learn!) stroking his ego with NOTHING to back it up isn't exactly convincing (if farmers apparently have ways that they can get flying lessons or some shit, the movie offered nothing to suggest it). Then when we finally get a little more info about what he flew, it's literally the scene right before they take off in the X-Wings. Wow, such brilliant set-up. And I guess we just have to assume the ship Luke flew handles very similarly to an X-Wing (because for example flying an airliner doesn't mean you can immediately fly jets) as the movie provides us no help there either. Rey states as they're running to the Falcon that it's garbage and hasn't flown in years. Which supports the idea that she has A) worked on the Falcon and B) likely flew or at least co-piloted back when it did work otherwise why does she know such a detail on a random ship? And the flying scene, yeah they took out two TIEs. She has Finn's help as well. What does Luke do when he hops into a X-Wing for the first time? Oh, not much, JUST BLOWS UP THE ENTIRE DEATH STAR THUS INSTANTLY RESOLVING THE ENTIRE CONFLICT OF THAT PARTICULAR MOVIE. Unless I missed some clue that those random ass TIEs in 7 were the true main threats and not Kylo and Snoke, I feel confident in saying Luke's skills should have been set up MUCH better considering what he's allowed to do with it (not to mention the plot has to give him the most unbelievable luck imaginable. Han showing up is fine, but a TIE pilot specifically chosen by Vader just immediately panics and flies into Vader despite knowing he's right there? Just another example of the OT making the Imperials dumbasses so the heroes can win ("there's no life forms aboard, they must have short-circuited." Droids are a thing, you fucking idiot! "Impossible. No ship that small has a cloaking device." I was nine when I first saw ESB, and I knew what Han had done in a few seconds, how can this officer not figure this shit out?)
And I probably know more about actual Mary Sues than a lot of the people who just jumped on it in the last few years when it became the hot new buzzword for everyone to jerk off to. I read the following like back in the early 2000's, but now every chucklefuck on the Internet thinks Mary Sue can be summed up with: "durr, they're really good at things!" Granted, the creator no longer supports the test because they feel the term should no longer be used. I agree, but not just for the reasons they stated, but also because I guarantee you that 90+% of what's on the test never even crosses people's minds when they lazily throw out the term. They think it's such a simple phrase, hate to break it you normies but this phrase has a lot of angles to it and people just casually throwing it out based only a few elements is pathetic.