It's fun to watch for the visuals, end the end fight with Palpatine is really cool. When Rey heard the voices of the Jedi I got chills. They tried to give her more of something resembling a character arc in this film, and while it didn't fix the problems with her it came the closest to it out of the three films.
I laughed out loud in the theater at some of the plot moments (when Rey "killed" Chewie for example) and I think the whole thing was really poorly paced and convenient, but I appreciated their effort to fix Luke. I also didn't hate the Rey/Kylo thing at the end, I just wish the films had committed to it more early on so it would feel like a deserved and well developed relationship.
Poe and Finn felt super sidelined in this one, and out of character? Finn didn't really get an arc at all and Poe was just... there. They got some fun banter with Rey and each other but they didn't feel like characters. I wish Finn had gotten more development and honestly I was hoping he would be a co-protagonist with Rey at the very least but I guess if Finn was more competent Rey wouldn't come off as Empowered(tm).