You, sir, are a newb.
The GA Forum has been merciless to people's registration dates and post counts on account of being nomadic for several years. First we were on the same server as the frontpage using UBB, then we moved to IGN's server using their snowboards software, then they pulled the plug on us so we moved to EZboards, then the 6 month ezboard gold ran out so we moved to an alternate ezboard forum, then that one ran out so we moved back to the first one, then we decided to stop the scheme and we got hosting at gamesquad with vbulletin 2.x. Ok, that puts us one year ago. Eventually problems started to mount and limitations of vb2 began to show, but we were on a total blackbox server with the only GA person with any sort of access never being around. OH, I almost forgot the ads. Haha, fuck how could I forget the fucking POPUPS AND FLASH ADS WITH SOUND. Anyway, we were already getting fairly restless when the database became corrupted and the VB2 ship started sinking. Not long before it died outright, a fundraising drive was launched and a new server search began, only this time there would be no blackbox nor hosting from goodwill. "NeoGAF", the forum you are now posting in, is the result.
I've rambled on long enough for now.