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I need a Christian or otherwise to explain this to me

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I'd actually do it more, actually to the extent that she didn't want to talk to me any more. That's how turned off I get from ppl like that. :)


God's Hand said:
So there's this girl I work with who a year or so ago became Christian because she saw God and thinks we live in a fallen world. Her words. I'm the absolute oposite and a complete asshole, HOWEVER, I do not get into arguments with her nor do I "say the Lord's name in vain".

Yesterday I noticed she was upset about something, and I asked her what was up. She told me she's getting fed up with me for always saying "Oh my god" or just plain "god!". I say those sometimes because that's just what I say when I'm surprised or do something stupid.

I asked her why it's offensive, and she said: "Why is it offensive? Because I am a Christian and that is considered taking the Lord's name in vain."

The thing is, I don't say those things to offend anyone. In fact, I believe the term god is generic, because there are tons of gods out there that people believe in. Only problem is her's doesn't have a name, it's just God.

So is she making a big deal out of nothing, or does she have a valid reason to get offended?

If she's offended, she's offended. There is nothing valid or invalid about that. Its an emotional reaction that can't be controlled.

Nevertheless the word "god" has many different meanings and is not specifically Christian. If she wants you to respect her because she is a Christian, she needs to respect that you are not one. Its as simple as that.

A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.
A very handsome man.
A powerful ruler or despot

Definition of the word if you want her to know its other meanings ...


This thread has some classic stuff in it. I love how you guys offend someone then immediatly do the exact same thing to them that you find offensive in them. They believe in God and you dont so that makes them a hypocrite and you a Saint. :lol


darscot said:
This thread has some classic stuff in it. I love how you guys offend someone then immediatly do the exact same thing to them that you find offensive in them. They believe in God and you dont so that makes them a hypocrite and you a Saint. :lol

You assume too much. Who said I didn't believe in God? I do, in fact I would bet that I'm probably one of the religious posters here. I just think that if you're going to get on someone's case for taking God's name in vain and then do so yourself in a different way, well there's one name for that...hypocrite. I don't go around telling people not to smoke cigarettes and then light up a pipe. That's my point.


ronito said:
Besides, it's always fun to call a christian a hypocrite, especially when you're right.

Any one that claims to be a Christian but takes pleasure and actually considers it fun to ridicule and call some one else a hypocrite needs to reexamine there faith. This seems to be a little arrogant and self righteous to me. I’m not Christian so I could be wrong.


Again with the assumption. Here's my point. I do not take the lord's name in vain, and find it offensive. However, it is not up to me to tell someone to stop doing it. I have issues when christians like to point out others misdeeds but over look their own.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Too many christians have fallen in a cespool of hypocrisy. That is why I enjoy pointing it out. They believe that they're supposed to be above this. Also to say that pointing out hypocrisy is unchristian is just silly. Jesus himself riled against religous hypocrisy, indeed most of his ministry was about not being hypocrites. Yes, I am probably guilty of taking guilty pleasure at pointing out people's hypocrisy, but the fact is if someone doesn't challenge her way of thinking she'll never learn.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
darscot said:
Any one that claims to be a Christian but takes pleasure and actually considers it fun to ridicule and call some one else a hypocrite needs to reexamine there faith. This seems to be a little arrogant and self righteous to me. I’m not Christian so I could be wrong.
I thought being a christian was all about judging others?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
-jinx- said:
If I were you, I'd try to make a good faith effort (no pun intended) to avoid saying "God" around her, simply out of courtesy.

Probably the most sensible thing said so far. If it's a friend or person you have to deal with continuously, just be the bigger person and try to cut down on it. A good friend of mine is a devout Mormon, and as much as I disagree with most of his religion, I am respectful of it. I'll blurt out the occasional "shit" or "god-whatever", but he appreciates that I at least make the effort and, honestly, I feel better for it. It's a simple matter of respect. Now if this person goes out of their way to stealth-baptize you or something or otherwise does not warrant respect, then disregard what I said and prepare the f-bombs for dropping.


ronito said:
I have issues when christians like to point out others misdeeds but over look their own.

Kind of just like you when you call them a hypocrite. I'm not saying your bad guy or anything we all, myself included need to look in the mirror on a regular basis.


darscot said:
This thread has some classic stuff in it. I love how you guys offend someone then immediatly do the exact same thing to them that you find offensive in them. They believe in God and you dont so that makes them a hypocrite and you a Saint. :lol

Hey, I don't have the belief system that isn't centered around the absence of logic and material evidence.

You know what else doesn't need logic and material evidence? Delusions.


darscot said:
Kind of just like you when you call them a hypocrite. I'm not saying your bad guy or anything we all, myself included need to look in the mirror on a regular basis.
I AM A HYPOCRITE! I've never said otherwise. I am fully aware of this, and make no pretense otherwise. I'd be surprised if you found anyone that knew me I haven't explicitly told. But I already admitted it earlier in the thread.


Zilch said:
You're not a Christian.

I could swear (to God!) that there was a little something in the Bible about reserving the whole "Judging others" thing for Jesus himself.

Anyway, there's a fine line here. I'm not sure if I agree with Jinx on this (it's a first, really. I'm marking my calendar), simply because your intentions are not to offend. If you wanted to upset her religious beliefs, you'd be hanging upside down crosses in her cube or some shit like that, right?

The context of your words are pretty important here, and while I'm a bleeding-heart, I'm also a pragmatist; excising what's become an expression of aggravation/annoyance/surprise in the English language from your vocabulary just because one person is (over)reacting to it is a bit extreme. I'd almost equate it to an orthodox Jew complaining to an office's management because someone put a cheeseburger in the microwave, and now he can never use it for the rest of the time he works for the company.

There's expecting a certain amount of respect for your religion, and then there's asking people to bend over backwards. Should you be cautious around her? Sure, you can try, but if I were in the same situation and slipped up on occasion I'd hardly feel bad about it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Tazznum1 said:
Or the tried and true:

"F*ck me! F*ck me? No, F*CK YOU!"

'Now that's just mean-spirited.'


demon said:
I thought being a christian was all about judging others?
Merely calling oneself a Christian does not make that person one...also, Jesus said (multiple times) that as a Christian one should not judge others...


Honorary Canadian.
Gattsu25 said:
Merely calling oneself a Christian does not make that person one...also, Jesus said (multiple times) that as a Christian one should not judge others...

Do you know exactly where Jesus talked about "christians"?
I never had a problem with this but at the company I used to work for there were a couple women who worked in the cubicle next to mine that talked about god all day (I had to listen to music to program). They were generally creepy and didn't really do anything on top of that so I really couldn't stand them. I tried to convince my manager to let me hang a cross upside down on the wall in front of my desk (I was 21) but he wouldn't go for it.

note: The plan was to put a nail in the bottom of the cross so it would stay upright for a little while but always fall down. That way, when they called me on it, I'd say "oops" and stand it upright again. I just knew it would piss them off on a daily basis which of course would make me happy.


Zilch said:
You're not a Christian.

What is a christian? A person who believes in Jesus and follows his teachings. I don't know where he said that you must go to a church every Sunday. At best you are going to find that they say "you must keep the sabbath day holy" and I don't think that Jesus aid that.


xsarien said:
I could swear (to God!) that there was a little something in the Bible about reserving the whole "Judging others" thing for Jesus himself.

Of course. That was probably a bad post for me to make, but the post I was responding to was just so ridiculous, basically saying "I'm a Christian, but I despise most Christian traditions/teachings."


Monk said:
What is a christian? A person who believes in Jesus and follows his teachings. I don't know where he said that you must go to a church every Sunday. At best you are going to find that they say "you must keep the sabbath day holy" and I don't think that Jesus aid that.

I'd like to know how a person who insults "born-again Christians" by calling them "umbatz" (which I assume means crazy in a negative way) is a believer in Jesus or a follower of his teachings. The whole point of Christianity is to be born again!!!

edit: aparasi, I'd love to hear your defense of why saying "Oh my God" is ok and/or not taking God's name in vain.


Each Christian has un-christian flaws. Most people are hipocrites in some form, and thus the same for christians. But that is an issue that he has to overcome, but he is still a christian.


Zilch said:
Of course. That was probably a bad post for me to make, but the post I was responding to was just so ridiculous, basically saying "I'm a Christian, but I despise most Christian traditions/teachings."


Since I know you were originally responding to my post.

Yes I am a christian, and no I dont think I need to go to Church, aside from that, I want you to tell me where in my post I said I despise most Christian traditions?

Go ahead, go look at my original post. I dont know where you get off preaching to me about religion.

You explain to me why I need to go to a building for god to hear my prayers? Explain it to me? I think that if my god is an all powerful being and loves all his followers, if I wanted to shoot the shit with him in my house, in my room, on the toilet, I think I have that right.

EDIT: Yeah "umbatz" is Italian slang for Crazy. Most of the time, and this my personal opinion only, if you dont like it, then I apologize, but I have a right, born again christians are always forcing something down your throat about the end of the world, and jesus is pissed at everyone, and how we all need to atone for our sins, and blah blah blah. I mean its all well and good for them, and I give them credit for sticking with it, but when you come after someone who is a morally good person and lives their life like a normal person, and you try to shove your ideals down the throat of that person, then yes, I think they are umbatz

I hear people say "Oh My god" at the birth of their child. Or on a wedding day when a father see's his daughter in her wedding dress, or when something amazing happens. How is all that taking his name in vain? I can understand if you want to challenge me on taking his name in vain, when someone says "Oh my fucking god" or "Fuc*ing God in Heaven" or something when the tone is meant in a negative way.

Please do me a favor and dont try to get me to give my reasons for my beliefs. They are mine, and mine only.

Is it too late to suggest: "Jesus got pissed and flopped his cock out"?

Very probably.

Edit, pissed means drunk in English, y'all.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
OMG != Hey you, behind those pearly gates. Yeah, FUCK you, ya bastard.

She can believe anything she wants but meaning/thought is everything, words are nothing.


SteveMeister said:
You can't say "gee" or "geeze" either, because they're variants on "Jesus".

I take the Lord's name in vain on a regular basis. Really, I do it so often that such words are almost definitely my most often used exclamation.

But I am sensitive to other people that care. No need in upsetting them.
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