I've been using a Galaxy Player 5.0 for a few years now as a media player, but it's getting a bit long in the tooth. As such, I've decided to try searching for a replacement portable media device. Google, Amazon, and Best Buy haven't been particularly effective, as many of the articles I found on Google were a few years old (or suggested 7"+ tablets), and the smallest Amazon and Best Buy have are 6" tablets, which are a bit big for my liking, or some brands I've never heard of, such as Mach Speed or KOCASO, that don't look particularly appealing.
The requirements I have for such a device:
4-5" screen ideal, 6" high-end barely tolerable. Has to fit in one hand comfortably, as it will regularly sit in the middle console of my car.
Android OS 4.0 or higher. I have Android apps that I would want to install on it, so that rules out Windows devices, and I refuse for personal reasons to use iDevices. Otherwise, an iPod Touch would be nearly ideal.
SD Card expansion supporting at least 32 GB.
Not an on-contract phone. I spend 10 bucks a month on my current phone, with no need (or capability half the time to/from work) for the "smart" functions of a smart phone.
Price < $250. I may as well just buy a phone off contract if I'm going above that price.
So GAF, is my Google/BB/AmazonFu failing, or is it really that difficult to find a dedicated player that matches these specs and isn't a phone?
The requirements I have for such a device:
4-5" screen ideal, 6" high-end barely tolerable. Has to fit in one hand comfortably, as it will regularly sit in the middle console of my car.
Android OS 4.0 or higher. I have Android apps that I would want to install on it, so that rules out Windows devices, and I refuse for personal reasons to use iDevices. Otherwise, an iPod Touch would be nearly ideal.
SD Card expansion supporting at least 32 GB.
Not an on-contract phone. I spend 10 bucks a month on my current phone, with no need (or capability half the time to/from work) for the "smart" functions of a smart phone.
Price < $250. I may as well just buy a phone off contract if I'm going above that price.
So GAF, is my Google/BB/AmazonFu failing, or is it really that difficult to find a dedicated player that matches these specs and isn't a phone?