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I need some comments on the graphics for my game

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OK guys, I need some comments on the tileset I'm making for my game. What I've done is uploaded my work-in-progress Map Editor along with a test tileset.

The map editor is very easy to work with. Click Actions>Import Tileset, and select the tileset. It will load up the tiles on the form on the right, and you click them eith either your left, or right mouse button. then go over to the big form and click away to add them in.

Oh, and there's an easy to work with flood fill button. Just click it with either your left or right button when you've got a selected.

I need comments on all the tiles starting in the second row, the tile second from the right. It'll say 9 up in the form caption when you click on it, and it's the first detailed green one.

What I'm in need of input with is which green (grass), and brown (dirt/sand) tiles I should go with.

Have fun guys, and thanks for the input!

***NOTE*** This is designed to run with 1024x768 resolutions or higher. It will be a bit cluttered on an 800x600 monitor.

Map Editor
Zipped in one package


Looking for Pants
You should work on your MapEditor before you even start to worry about the tiles. Lots of basic features missing. I'm not trying to pull you down, but your tileset should be the least of your worries.


The map editor isn't done. That's fairly obvious.

It's a work-in-progress, and that's an old build. I'm more concerned right now with the tileset, because the map editor is further along that what I've got posted. It's got the flood fill, which is all you really need to answer the question I asked.


the map editor and game are being done in VB.

Game is using BitBlt, rather than DirectX, so it's likely to run a tad slow when all is said and done.


Ah yea I was messing around with BitBlt a few weeks ago just to see what it could do. I was trying to create a water effect cause its really easy manipulating pixels with DIBSections but ofcourse creating water effects in GDI was a bit on the uh.. slow side.


The problem with these is that if you create a 4x4 block of any green or brown one, you can notice the "pattern".

For example, brown #16 starts looking like a grid whereas green #10 looks like a q-bert maze titled to the side.

What seems to work is to create a 4x4 area of a mix of green #9 and 10.

Similar results work with the brown ones as well.


yes, I know they make a pattern. some of the patterns look like crap IMO(#13,#14), but I'm a fan of the pattern others make. For example, I like #15, because it sort of looks like the wind has blown the sand.

Which of the two grass patterns do you prefer? I can't decide which looks better.

Also, don't games usually have repeating patterns for grass and sand and such?

example of a repeating pattern:


I'll have a link to the game when it's finally done.

I've still got a lot of art left to do. I've got another thread about that for any graphic artists interested in helping with character design.


Yes, there are patterns but some blend in betters then others. I think the issue I had with some of yours (some of the brown ones) is that the "edges" seem to pop-out.

For example brown 13 & 14 are MUCH better then brown 16 (which looks like a tic-tac-toe board) but brown 14 seems to have one or two pixels that give off where the tiles are joined.

Also, green 8 join up much better then green 6.

I think both sets of green (9 and 10) are great - there is a pattern but they seem to blend really good (to each other and themselves). I'd probably give a slight edge to 10.

For a hobby game, I like them.


Yea, all the grass stuff before 8 is probably going to go.

I'm a big fan of 8 and it's varients that I've made. I'll put them up soon and you'll see what I mean.

Now personally, I can see a tic-tac-toe pattern much more clearly in 13 than in 16, but that's just my eyes. I'm also a fan of 14, but I plan on making slight modifications to it, so it's not quite so noticable that it's a tile.

thanks for the complements/suggestions!

Keep them coming!


OK, I've updated the tileset quite a bit.

Added some stuff for making shapes with the sand, and transferred the bush and stump to the new grass.

Suggestions and comments are welcome, especially on the stump. I think it looks a bit too cartooney, so anyone with a suggestion as to how to fix it, or heck, even a new stump bush graphic from someone would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the comments guys!
unzipped bitmap (140K)
zipped up bitmap (22K)


shitting in the alley outside your window
theres a patch of darkness on one of the edges (bottom left maybe) of #34 that is making it really obvious its repeating or maybe its top/bottom middle doing it

i think #9 looks a little odd, it has almost a wavy type feature that doesnt really blend with the other grass

#10 doesn't blend either but it could look good for patches if you darkned it a touch maybe? i think it'd look good then

the stump is cartoony, try a darker brown on the center and maybe some noise

looks good overall though :)


This thread has 330 views. I know some of you must have tried this but aren't saying anything.

Come on guys! I know you've got something to say.

Any suggestions on what other types of scenery I can use? anything I should get rid of? What's on your minds?

With that said, I'd like whoever tries this out to pay special attention to tile #34. I'd like comments on how well this blends.
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