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I need someone to identify a PC game for based on a very slim description...


Well, I saw this game in what was probably Next Generation Magazine, I don't know how many years ago. All I can remember is that it had a medieval theme I think and it was a 3D third-person perspective game, but I remember in the article, one of the designers said that what made the game so unique is that the characters were made up of some strange oval-shaped things instead of polygons, and that gave it a very distinctive look.

Does any of this sound familiar? :D

edit: About those special ploygons.. I think he refered to them as something like.. "epi-lipsons"?


Sounds like Ecstatica. But for some reason I keep thinking of Outcast. THere was another thread about Ecstatica and it also has pics in it.
I know which game you're talking about. I can vividly remember the pages of Next Generation (oh, how I miss you). But for the life of me, I can't remember the name.


Yep. Thanks! It's Ecstatica!

LoL! Based on the other thread, the game sounds like it might actually be fun. I'll have to try to get a hold of it! :D
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