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I put my dog to sleep this morning....

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I am deeply sorry for your loss Ryck. It is awful losing a pet, particularly your first. It is like losing a family member or friend.
Take care.


tt_deeb said:
Anyway, enough about me, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It seemed very sudden and probably hard to believe at first.
Yes ......When the vet had the x-rays out and was telling us (about his lungs and heart disease) I was in complete shock it was the most sureal moment of my life...I though he had eaten something sour and would need medication or something....she gave him the shot he didn't even flinch he just layed there then he stopped breathing it all just happened so damn fast I ran out of the vets office and just completly lost it.... I couldn't believe anything could hurt so bad......:(


Some last pics before I go to bed....again thank you for your kind words......




I'm so sorry to hear about that. I know the feeling. We put my dog down about 6 months ago, just a few days before christmas =(.

Her name was comet, aside from loving her because she was mydog, I loved her cuz she was completely psycho in the most annoyingly cute ways. She was paranoid of shard noises. She had an ever growing list of things that mad her mad, some made sense, most didn't. She would go grab her ball (to muffle her barking) and run around the house like crazy at all teh following:The phone ringing, the door bell, the blender, the seal-a-meal, the breadbox, the toaster, the sugar jar, the protein jar, if you sneezed, if you caughed, and probably alot more that I'm forgetting. But it was so cute in such an odd way. I remember when she was a puppy, we somehow figured out if you stood in a certain place in the family room, and said "on your mark....get set...go" she would shake her head really fast as if she were saying no. Nobody understood it but it was cute and funny.

We took her to the vet one day cuz she was acting funny and she looked like she was getting acne on her face. The vet said she had some sortof personality flaw, like schizophernia or something(that wasn't it...but I can't remember what it was) and that she was getting pimples on her face. The doc told us to use oxy pads on her face(no lie) and that it should clear up. But it didn't...it kept getting worse. After much time, we realised she had an auto-immune disorder and her body essentially thought that her face was a bacteria. Needless to say, we knew we needed to put her down. We kept her on steroids for a little while, and that helped her face somewhat, but the poor thing was constantly scratching at it and it would frequently bleed. She ended up being put down 2 days before last christmas. Undoubtedly the worst christmas ever for me.

I kept hoping that I would soon forget about her, not really forget, but be okay with the fact that she's gone, but it's just not easy. You'll realise it's the little things that remind you. I went for the sugar jar today expecting to hear her bark...only to remember after I had gotten that there she wasn't gonna be barking. I think of her every time I make a sandwich, and I often think about how much I wish I could just sit there and pet her when I'm on the road. It sucks and it sucks for a long time, unfortunately. I have her as my background on my cell phone to play with her if she's out there watching somewhere.

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss.


My condolences, mate. I know exactly how you feel, because I had the exact same thing happen to my 6-year old beagle in November 2003, right down to the sickness. :(

It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, signing that piece of paper. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Febo, and I always cry. He was my son. It's hard for some people to understand this.

My grandmother just passed away on May 27. I'm amess because of that also, but I do find some comfort in knowing that Febo now has someone to stay with...

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
ahh that sucks - sorry to hear.

i lost my cat and my dog in the space of about 3 or 4 months last year. my cat , Scruffy, was about 8 or 9, getting really thin but still had a sort of pot belly, we found out that she had somethin called FIP which stops them getting any nutrition from food. so they lose weight but continue to get some weird fluid in their abdomen.. she was acting fine but once we'd found out there was not much to do but let her die from starvation or have her put down. she was the coolest cat ever :( we had jess, the dog put down towards the end of last year - she was quite old (about 15) and was a bit loopy but still friendly, but then one day she was walking around with her front paw up like a claw under her chest, and drooling everywehre so i knew it was time to let her go - always hard :(


Still Tagged Accordingly

I know the feeling... sort of. The dog I’ve got now nearly died.

One rainy day I noticed my dog (Buka) wasn't inside, which is unusual for him. So I went looking for him in the house... couldn't find him. I figured he wouldn't be outside because it was raining, but since he was nowhere to be found inside I did a quick check outside. For quite a while I couldn't find him and thought he'd escaped or something but eventually I found him, huddled up against the fence under some stuff which was leaning against fence.

He certainly didn't look happy, so I got under there with him to pick him up and take him inside out of the rain, but as soon as I started to lift him he yelped. He was in a lot of pain. I looked for any blood thinking he might have external injuries, but there was none. It was an internal problem. It seemed he gone outside, under the shelter to die...

Even though it hurt him to pick him up I had no choice and had to get him out of there to a vet, so I ignored his cries of pain and took him to the car and the family and I went to the vet. The vet did some x-rays and discovered a large piece of bone lodged in his stomach, or something. I'm sketchy on the medical details of this, so bear with my mistakes and inconsistencies if you know your biology. This piece of bone was from a bone we'd given him to chew on (cleans their teeth) and it seems he broke of a large piece and swallowed it, which then got lodged in his stomach. What then happened is it couldn't be properly digested so it stayed in his stomach for too long which made the pancrease work overtime and caused inflammation because of the high fat content in the bone and its marrow. Without treatment Buka was going to die.

This place we took Buka to is like an intensive care ward of a human hospital but for animals, which deals with critical life and death stuff. They gave him a whole bunch of drugs, something to aid in breaking down the bone and even blood transfusions. He was in there for over a week and for a lot of the time the vets didn't think he'd make it. We asked if it was a good idea to visit him and they were a bit unsure... on one hand it would lift his spirits but on the other we couldn't stay there 24 hours a day so when we left he'd fret. In the end they thought it best that we visit. After 3-4 days of not seeing Buka we went to see him and when he saw us you could see he went to great effort to stand up and even wag his tail... the vet said that was the most active he'd being since we checked him in.

The longer we stayed the more lively he became, so the vets said it'd be okay to give him a very slow walk around the premises outside. It was a very slow, limping walk, but he seemed happy to do it and was glad to be able to urinate freely on a tree. We took him back in, gave him a pat and left. The next day we gave the vet a call and asked how he was doing after we left. Luckily he didn't fret once we'd left and settled down. Over the next few days after we visited his condition improved greatly. 3-4 days after we’d visited him the vets said he was well enough to come home. The vets seemed convinced that our visit had brought about this improvement in his condition... like it gave him something to look forward to, knowing we hadn't abandoned him.

This was 3-4 years ago. Buka is still alive and well and about 13 years old. He's losing his hearing and losing his sight, and that incident certainly shaved a few years off his life, but he's still happy. We can no longer give him bones or any fatty food because his pancrease is far too sensitive after that incident, but other than that he lives the good life a dog should live.

He's the one closest to the camera. The other dog is my sister's, who lives interstate.

It might sound a little macabre to some people, but I hope to find Buka dead one morning having died peacefully in his sleep. I don't want to put him down...


Sorry, man. I know the feeling. It sucks. :(

Scrow, that's normal, imo. I wanted the same thing for my cat. Well, mostly because I didn't want her to have to wait until we could get to the vet. We had to put her down ASAP, but to do it properly we had to wait nearly a day. :\
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