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I really hate to go this but , well it's girl related...

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I was thinking about this for a while, and I figured I would ask the good people of this fourm for there opinions on this.

Ok, first off I live in Canada, BC more specificly, and I work at what is quite literaly the shittiest buisness IN Canada. Any Canadians on this board I am sure will attest to this. I work at The Real Canadian Superstore. And not only do I work for a company I despise. I have the biggest 3 cock suskers of managers possable. And as if this wernt bad enough, I hold the shittiest possition in this fucking store. I hate to admit this on the board, but I am the janitor there. Even though I applied for the electronics department, and even though my resume completaly pointed out that I would be best fit for this department, I got the shittiest job in the store instead. I was hired in Jan of '03. And the only reason I am still there now is the same reason I took the job than. I just can't find anything else. And that isnt through lack of trying either.

Now anyway this is getting a little off topic here, but anyway the point is, around 4 or so months ago (maybe less), a girl started at the store, And this girl is just unbeliveably hot. I first met her while we were both in the lunchroom on break. I talked to her, and found she was really nice. She just has a really likeable personality. After first meeting her there, I wanted to ask her out. However over time, (and I cant remember exactly how) I found out she had a boyfreind, And in talking to her on different times she confirmed it. I realized I was a fool to think a girl like that wouldent. SO I just gave up on that hope. But we still talked a lot whenever we saw each other.

Now jump to this just past Wednesday, and I am on by break again, and after being in the room for a couple minnuts she comes in on her break. I say hi to her, and she sits down at the same table as me. And I sit there trying to think of something to say to start a conversation with her. I fianaly think of something, and ask her if she's seen Spider-Man 2 yet, she tells me she hadent, and I kinda bug/joke with her saying why not, and she tells me she doesnt have many freinds that go to movies. Than I say "Oh, well, dont you and your boyfreind go to movies?" And than she tells me "Oh we broke up". At this point I continued to play it cool, not acting any different. But I mean, I was actualy quite happy. I than say to her "Oh, I'm sorry, what happend?" than she tells me it was "him" which I cant begin to immagine what's wrong with this guy, but whatever. Than we continue to talk for a bit and I head back to work after my break. The rest of the shift I was contimplating asking her out right away. But in the end I didnt because I decided to wait a little while.

The reason I decided not to was because I had no idea how long they had been broken up for, and I didnt want to seem like an ass by asking her out right after she had told me they broke up. Than there's the fact that I am a pussy about such things :(. However when she was talking bout being broken up she didnt seem even remotly upset about it, and seemed in her normal high spirits that I am used to seeing her in. So I don't know.

As I left work that night I saw her leaving and I asked her whe she worked next, she told me 8 to 5, I told her I worked 12 to 5 and that I would see her tommorow. And we said bye to eachother and that was that.

Than today, or I guess yesterday (Thursday) I wanted to talk to her more to get a better feel for how she was about the breakup. But as it was I didnt see her really at all untill around 3 something when we both were taking out breaks at the same time again (that happens a lot actualy, and I am not complaining) So we talked through the whole break again, but I couldent think of a good way to ask her about her break up and I didnt really want to bring it up. But I asked her what she was doing after work and such. And she told me she had to go to the police station after work casue some cop wants to get a report from her about a fire that the store had a month ago and she was the second person to see it. She was complaining she didnt rrally want to go. So I wished her luck in getting it delt with quick (she was worried it would take a long time).

I than again went back to work where I again though about asking her out today. I even saw her in the back for a moment and though to my self "here's my chance" I wanted to ask her, but I dunno, like I said I suck at this part. So we just said hi, and she laft, I than decided I was gonna do it right after work, when we were both leaving. SO I was trying to think of what to say. Than at 10 to 5 I get a call from my asshole manager, he wanted to see me in his office and to bring a union rep of my choice with me. So at this point I knew I was fucked and the day was determined to keep me that way. I go up and I am of corse suspended for 2 weeks (another story). So now my priorities have changed a little, i still really want to talk to this girl though, but I just knew this would screw me. My asshole manager tells me to go sign out and than come back upstairs to give him my sign in card. So as I head downstairs. i see the girl coming up. I say hi, and tell her I wont see her foa couple weeks and she asks why, I tell her I was jsut suspended, she seemed suprised and concerned for me about it. But anyway i rush to sign out and return the card in a vain attempt to catch her before her mom picks her up. But when I get back downstairs she was gone. FUCK.

So here we are now, I am not sure what it is about this girl but I really want to ask her out, I feel driven to. But there's a whole number of concerns I have. First there's the fact that I absoutaly suck at that aspect of talking to girls (though I used to suck at even that), and also something I dont like to admit is I havent ever actualy had a gf, I have had different girls I have liked, but never a gf. Than there's the fact that I am as mentioned erlier, the bloddy janitor, I wear green coveralls. (did I mention I despise my job?) And I dont know how she would feel about being asked out by the lowly janitor of the store. Although on that note, she doesnt seem like she's that shallow. But that leads me to my next problem. I to be honest have no idea if this girl is just naturly a nice person. Like I have seen her talk to other and she always seems nice, but I dont know how she would respond to being asked out, like I am sure she lieks me as a person/freind, but beyond that i have no idea how she'll react. THan there's the matter of me not ebing sure what to SAY... I was thinking on asking her is she wanted to go out for a coffie sometime. Is that any good? And lastly, I am still not sure if I SHOULD ask yet, beause I am not sure how long ago it was they brook up. The only clue I have to that was that she told me the last movie they saw at the theater together was Shrek 2. But, that doesnt say too much.

THe final thing I will say is she told me she probably works Friday at 5 till 10, so I am almost tempted to go in just to see her and ask her, but I am not sure I should, and if I were to, how to go about it. It would have been easier had I still had MY 5 to 10 shift tommorow.

Anyway I feel like a complete looser now. Any help/advice GAF?

Edit: Oh yeah, I ment to mention, before, I am 19, and I belive she's 17, she in grade 12 next year.

~Black Deatha

Seth C

Go see her at work. I'm not sure what the store is, but go and act like you needed to buy something, in fact, actually do go get something to buy. When you see her, just ask if she has still not seen Spider-Man 2. When she says no, just casually tell her you were thinking of going this weekend and ask her if she'd like to go.

No pressure for anything but two co-workers going to catch a movie.


I think I know how you feel, I really suck at talking to girls, dunno i have this fear of rejection(sp?) i belive...
My advice, talk to her, tell her you are going to see spiderman and if she wants to come. The worst thing that could happen is if she will say no... so what?
Hmm, see Spider-Man 2 again, that could work, although would the fact that again would actualy be time number 3 make the plan backfile on me and make me look like a looser?

And yeah man, I think your on to something about that feer of rejection thing, like I did ask another girl out from the store like probably 7 or so months ago, just asked her casualy (though I was nervious as hell when I said it) if she would like to go for a coffie sometime. She however told me she had a bf, but was really nice about it sying I was a really nice guy and even said sorry, but I told her it was cool And we still get along, thank god.

~Black Deatha

Seth C

Why do you have to tell her it would be the third time? I assume in your earlier conversation you told her you'd already seen it? Either way, just don't mention the number. If you ask her if she wants to go see Spidey she isn't going to say, "Have you already seen it twice, loser?"


Hollywood Square
If a girl cares about how many times you've seen a movie, she's a loser. I'm taking a date to see Spider-Man 2 and it'll be my third time. Who cares. I've taken a girl to see X2 for my fifth time. What-fucking-ever.
Where's the lol face damnit?

Anyway yeah, I thought about that after. I suspose I wouldent need to vouldnteer that info. But there's one thing I forgot to meantion in the origonal post, and that is. I am kinda at a dissadvantage when it comes to going places. Because while I do have a car, it doesnt run, and I also dont yet have my fill licence, so II cant drive freind anywhere yet. I plan to get it soon. So does anyone have any ideas for an alternitive way of getting around that doesnt involve something like getting yuor parents to drive you and a girl somewhere? Because as far as I am concerned that's out of the question. And somehow I doubt the bus would be a good bet either.

~Black Deatha
well, i agree with the guy that said just casually ask her to go watch spiderman. At this point in time, you guys are just friends. So don't get nervous or overanalyze it and ask her to the movie as a friend. Think of it that way and its much easier for the both of you, not to mention the pressure is much less.
And about your janitor job, you dont have to be ashamed of that on this board man, everybody has to work to make ends meet, and i know that shit aint easy so you got my respect. And im sure that girl feels the same way, by the way you make her sound.

good luck


Your attitude sucks "I felt like a complete loser" WTF, man. It's not really a good idea to date people at your work, but you're suspended now, so that's a blessing in disguise. Plus, it doesn't really matter how long she's been broke up, unless she had been going out with him her whole life. Read this to get your mental stuff straightened out http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=4568

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Because while I do have a car, it doesnt run, and I also dont yet have my fill licence, so II cant drive freind anywhere yet. I plan to get it soon.
Just tell her you are going to pick her up, then show up in a Taxi, and when she comes in, casualy mention to her that your car has just broke and has to be repaired. Problem solved.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
just ask her out! If you dont do it now she might eventually get another boyfriend and then you will lose your chance with her.


Dating at work is a fairly bad idea if you're in a "career-type" job, but it sounds like your current job situation is unstable enough that all hell breaking loose because of a dating situation gone wrong is the LEAST of your worries. (Don't know if that's a blessing or a curse...sorry, man.)

SethC's advice is dead on. Ask her out soon, ask her out for something casual (coffee or a movie), and ask her out with CONFIDENCE. The not-having-a-car thing is kind of a negative, but you have the ability to control the plans (since you'll be asking) to minimize that problem, hopefully. Coffee is good since you can get more talking done than if you're sitting in a movie, but it can also be more intimidating in some ways. The critical thing is to get her to think about you as "fun hot guy," not "co-worker janitor guy."

Do NOT ask about her breakup. In fact, as far as you're concerned, she popped into existence five minutes ago and has no information about men whatsoever. If you ask about her old boyfriend, only two things can happen, and they are BOTH bad:

1) She will start thinking about him and either miss him a lot -- which might rekindle her feelings and screw you out of the picture -- or be really upset thinking about the breakup, which will bum her out and put her in the wrong state of mind to enjoy your company.

2) You will find out enough information about him that you will subconsciously try hard to be his exact opposite...rather than being yourself.

One more thought: You DO sound kind of down on yourself in general, and girls can smell a lack of confidence a mile away. It might be good to make a list of the top two or three things you want to change in your life (car, job, ???) and make a PLAN on how you're going to change them. It may not help with this particular girl, but when you feel more positive about yourself, you'll have many more girls at your disposal.

And, oh yeah, be sure to snap digital photos for your friends at GA! That goes without saying. ;)


Banstick Emeritus
I love shopping at the Real Canadian Superstore! Their prices can't be beat.

Oh yeah, do what Jinx said.
Yeah, the prices are good sometimes, but it's literal hell to work for.

And thank guys, there's a lot of good advice here. Although, I want to set a couple things stright, first off when I said I feel like a looser now was more a joke beause I was asking for girl help on the internet, I guess it didnt go over that well.

And about my job, I know I dont have to be ashamed about it, but smetimes it's hard to help. I get such an insain lack of respect from the dip shits otherwise knows as customers it just pisses me off to no end. And as someone asked, the reson I was suspended because a customer complained saying I was rude to her. But it was the opposite, I basicly got suspended because I decided on this occasion I wasnt gonna take this bullshit and I stood upo to her, she didnt like it, so the moral of the story is, a customer can be the biggest fucker in the world to you, but if you stand up to them for it, you get the shit.

And as for my car situation, it's not quite as bad as that, she already knows I dont have my full licence. So she knows I cant drive myself and others right now. Now I suspose this could change nothing, or work aganst me, I suspose I'll have to see...

Oh, and I agree the being suspend thing is a blessing in disguise, because this way I can go in the store as my self, not in some ugly green coveralls. I am sure it cant hurt.

And lastly, IF she does go out with me, and it works out, I will deffinatly take some digital pics, but I do need to buy the cammera first, it is on my list of to buy stuff, but it's below my new PC, and 7.1 sorround sound system.

~Black Deatha

aoi tsuki

i can't say much more than what's already been said, but when you do go in, make sure you look good. Shower (wash inside your ears and under your nails), brush your teeth, and maybe wear a little cologne. As you shower, feel your old self washing away, revealing a new, more confident you.

Don't wear your everyday street clothes. Hell, i'd even go in in a shirt (something other than white) and tie and if she asks, just say you had an interview or something.

Practice your facial expressions and speaking in a mirror until you're confident that you. Confidence is contagious; once you're confident in yourself and exude that, others will be confident and attracted (not always sexually) to you. Also make sure to read Cubsfan's link. i don't agree with everything there, but the basics are pretty dead-on and at least it'll help you go in with some focused thinking.

Make sure she knows that this is who she's going out with, not the nice guy in the apron that cleans up. Not that there's anything wrong with that; i worked in the "maintenance department" at Best Buy while working in the PC/home office department. At least you have a legit source of income.


*drowns in jizz*
Shirt and tie? My advice would have been not to try TOO hard. I mean hell that coudl scare her off. Yeah, look good, but its not the damn prom.


hyperbolically metafictive
please don't do the noncommittal coffee date thing. it's not as if she won't know your intentions. it's not as if she doesn't know how you feel already. the "do you wanna get some coffee" thing is false and spineless and i can only expect that girls hate it.

when i was younger i used to obsess and calculate endlessly before i'd ask a girl out, and i'm certain that it cost me a lot of opportunities. just ask her out. as i said, i'm sure she's perfectly aware of how you feel, and even if she's not interested, i doubt she'll think any less of you for asking.


Jinx is right on.

Jinx, are you some AI with the perfect answers? Because, DAMNED, you give out perfect answer after the next, from Calculus, to dating advice. :p
The best way to approach this situation is to not think of her as a potential girlfriend, but a friend you like to hang out with. This will cut out a lot of nervousness and make things a little more comfortable. Ask her if she feels like checking out Spiderman 2 with you.. then go have a good time. You'll know right away how she feels about you on the first outting. If she likes you, you'll notice her warming up a lot through out the night. Still, keep playing it cool and keep going out with her (as friends). After a couple times of going out to different places, tell her that you have a blast hanging out with her and think she's a great person. If she likes you, this will be the turning point and I garrantee things will work out for you..


i laugh at your expense, but all i think you need to do is grow some courage and stop being such a kid. people say it all the time "you have to have confidence to get a girl." no matter what if you like the girl and want to ask her out then do it. if you keep playing cute with her she will have no attraction to you and find you as cool as her little sister. who cares if you don't have a car, did you not see 40 days and 40 nights, a bus ride can be fun. the point is you have nohting to lose with this girl. and everything to gain. just ask her out!! your 19, have not you genitles dropped! confidence!!!!
if she says no buy some booze and get really drunk so you can forget, then spend the next morning vomiting out all of your shame.
I think you're racing way ahead of yourself, Black Deatha. The attitude you should be taking up is that you need to work on being a good friend - you need to make her feel more comfortable around you. Asking her out to the movies - for no other purpose than to be a good friend, with no strings attached, is a good way to start. Let her get comfortable with you. That'll make it easier when you let her know how you feel about her, if indeed you do still feel that way after getting to know her a little better.

Thing is, taking this "I just want to be good friends" ought to make the initial asking her out a lot easier. The reason you're thinking it's so hard is because you're still thinking about it from the perspective of a lovelorn teen.


be careful not to get to friendly though, you may not want to belive it but first impressions do count, the more you try to be a friend to her the more she will see you as that. which is good but you want a girl friend and that meens you have to act as if you aim to be so. i stress confidence because you need to be able to show not dominance but leadership. the more of a leader she sees in you the more she will follow. just ask her, what have you got to lose???
Oni Jazar said:
If you do end up going on a date with her, don't ramble on like you did in your post. :)


MonkeyBoy said:
your 19, have not you genitles dropped! confidence!!!!

Double ouch!

But yeah, I get your points. So I am thinking I will go in around 6 or so. And ask her is she wants to catch a movie sometime, and than suggest Spider-Man 2. I think I can handel that. Now I just need to know how to dress.

And X2 rocked! And I am on the DVD, which just kicks all kinda of ass :)

~Black Deatha
Ok, I think I look decent now, got a pair of jeans on, Nike tshirt with a unbuttond blue shirt on over the tshirt, is this appropriate?

Ok, I am jsut bored now, but gonna leave soon. I think I'll head down to Future Shop and take advantage of that sweet Famly Guy season 1 and 2 deal while I am out too...

~Black Deatha
Well, here's my pathetic update to you guys.

I went in, I talked to a couple people while working my way back to her department, while talking to another guy from MY department my Nazi bitch of a manager (she is a Nazi, she's German, and her names Nancy if you will belive that) catches me doing so and actualy tells me that what I am doing is loitering, and to not do thta, I just look at her for a sec than trun and walk away.

I than go to the girls departmen, look around her area for a coupel minnuts, cant find her. I than see anothjer guy from her department heading to the front of the store, I catch up to him and ask iwho he's working with, he confirms she's there, and I ask if he knows where she is, of corse she busy in the back. I tell him I was hoping to catch her, but he doesnt ask why. Now being suspended I know I am not allowed to go in the back, And at this point I didnt want to get more shit from the Nazi, so I left.

Now I dont know what to do :(. I dont have any idea when she's on again, and I just bet the other guy is gonna go and tell her I was asking about her.

~Black Deatha


goddamit, Griese!
Nothing wrong with that, brah. Just go back in another day or something. It's not like you were stalking her or something. 'Sall good.


You don't work on Marine, do you?

Btw, I'm pretty bad at asking girls out as well. But I've gotten better. To the point where if I can at least strike up a conversation and feel comfortable, I'm barely nervous.
You don't work on Marine, do you?

What do you mean?

And yeah, I too have gotten a little better, I can have a convo with a girl, but sometime I am not sure what to do to keep it going...

~Black Deatha
Well, here's my offocal upate on the situation. I went in again just like 30 minnutes agp, my self and a freind, I saw her this time, talked to her a bit, than left, (I guess I pussyed out) but than when we went to leave my (often asshole) freind threatend that if I didnt ask her he would tell her I like her and screw me over. So I did, I asked her, and DAMNIT, she got back together with her b/f :(

Oh well, at least now I guess I can move on.

But damnit, things will probably be ackward between us now, she did say "sorry" and I said, "oh, dont worry, it's not your fault" and played it cool. But I still hope she doesnt think I am a looser now...

~Black Deatha

Oni Jazar

Well at least you asked that doesn't make you a loser. And if she runs into more bf trouble she now knows where to turn to. ;)
Oni Jazar said:
Well at least you asked that doesn't make you a loser. And if she runs into more bf trouble she now knows where to turn to. ;)

Wait, are you serious? Shit, I hadent even thought of that :)

Course I am not gonna wait around based on that, but if I were still single than...

~Black Deatha
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