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I really think Jim Sterling is on the brink of a psychological breakdown and needs help.


Gold Member

^^^^^ Yes, that's an actual picture of Jim Sterling, taken from his latest video, which devolves into an absolutely atrocious pseudo-cerebral political diatribe that blends overpriced GBA games, the destruction of fun in gaming, and an economic system which pits us all against each other.


^^^^^Yes, that's another picture of Jim Sterling, presumably roleplaying the purple version of Goldust, but looking like a fat rapist-murderer version of Bob Hope instead.

But he wasn't always like this. The Jim Sterling of old--at least the one I remember--had savage wit and could genuinely make people laugh. But now...I don't know what to make of him. Sure, he had some stupid dress-up gags, but the exception has become the rule.

Observable trends from "modern day" Jim Sterling:
  • Disconcerting weight fluctuations, ranging from excessively obese, to obese, all the way back to excessively obese.
  • Increasingly bizarre video openings that seem to hint at perverse childhood fetishes.
  • A clear hatred for gaming, especially AAA gaming.
  • A clear hatred of gamers, especially those that buy anything even remotely popular.
  • A clear hatred of developers, especially those that have had project delays, resulting in the most cruel fate known to mankind--"crunch time."
  • Embarrassingly amateur political rants that lead me to believe he hasn't properly fastened his Marxist training wheels.
  • Self-hatred and guilt that manifests itself in weird monologues, one of which featured him apologizing for helping to embolden the patriarchy while he was working as a games journalist, culminating in his pansexual reveal in Spring/Summer 2020.
    • Maybe I'm missing a key event, but when in the blue fuck did Jim Sterling ever "embolden" the patriarchy?
  • Persecution complex/narcissism.
In all actuality, this is not a faux-concern thread meant to get cheap shots in at an easy target. Having worked with writers and various artists over the past few years, I've witnessed this degenerative behavior, and it generally starts like this:
  1. Artist consistently looks for/obsesses over their personal flaws, dwelling on them, and generally blowing them out of proportion.
  2. Artist's quality of work begins to suffer and clear signs of mania present themselves in their work.
  3. Artist latches onto a guru or movement and is easily manipulated.
  4. Artist is reborn as something or someone completely contrary to their previous identity, or a grossly exaggerated cartoon caricature, completely lacking the personal charm or positive traits that made you like them to begin with.
On Jim's Wikipedia page, there is this statement:

The events of recent weeks have been particularly affecting for me, as I've begun to come to terms with my own history. While all of this talk of abuse is going on, I've had a psychiatric evaluation where I was confirmed to have bipolar type 2 and complex PTSD as a result of what can only be described as a couple decades of having my sense of identity systematically destroyed by caregivers, followed by people convincing me I was making stuff up and that I wasn't even mildly depressed.

If any of that is true (and there is reason to doubt, unfortunately, given what I've outlined), it's undeniably tragic.

But even more tragic is the path he's headed on.
  • He recently moved to the American Southeast (Mississippi).
    • Apparently he moved out, but is now an American citizen.
      • He obtained citizenship in 2020--great year to come to 'Murica, Jim.
  • Took up wrestling in Ryse, a terrible federation with backyard matches.
  • Spends a lot of time talking about his wrestling matches on his video game channel.
    • His "shoots" are generally pretty bad, since he needs to abide by politically woke standards.
  • Cannot seem to crack the 1,000,000 YouTube subscriber mark, no matter what he does.
    • Think about how long his channel has been around for, and all the controversy and swirl around it, and yet....
    • He is also losing subscribers hand over fist.
  • His blend of humor seems to grow more and more fringe as the days go on, and a lot of it seems be inside jokes and stupid toy references that only his most staunch followers would get.
    • I actually ended up unsubscribing from his channel last week, a move which is petty and symbolic, since it doesn't cost me a damn thing to be a subscriber and nobody cares. Strangely enough, it still felt good.

TLDR: Jim is headed for a crash. And it's a matter of "when" and not "if." I truly hope someone stages an intervention, because if that doesn't happen, we're all bound to hear him rant and rave about the supremely evil United States healthcare system, and I don't think I'll be able to ignore his YouTube death rattle.

Jim, if you're reading this...you're not the video game version of John Oliver or John Waters, and you're not a good wrestler or even a good "bad wrestler." Please get back to your core, Jim. You were a good writer and an adept video game critic. I implore you to get back to that persona, and please, please, please dial down the hamfisted political cringe you think is so cutting and profound. It's not, and you sound like a nut job, a moron, and a hopelessly naive little shit.

Please, Jim. Do it for yourself.
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Gold Member
If this was a sudden turn I'd agree.

But he's been doing this for years now? Even if he has gone crazy, it's a sustainable sort of crazy, like Trump. He's unlikely to crash. I don't think so anyway.

Since 2020, he's become increasingly unstable. That's when he moved to Mississippi to join a wresting circuit and began to atone for his patriarchy-emboldening journalism.

His appearance has also drastically changed.
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Gold Member
It’s probably all a character.
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt too that's all just a fun gag character for social media clicks. Got to stick out from the crowd I guess.

Sounds too crazy for someone to actually take a caricature affecting real life.

Then again, you got guys like Heath Ledger taking things so serious he actually acted like the Joker in real life to help him play the part.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Isa


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Honestly, I really don't know whether its performance art or a true representation of their mental decline but its pretty sad to see anyway. And I'm not referencing gender status, his whole demeanour is so hopelessly negative and angry.

I'm also kinda curious how someone who claimed to live below the poverty line in his childhood somehow managed to emigrate to the US on a freelance game's journalist's income. Clearly something changed in his circumstances to accomplish this.
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I'll give him the benefit of the doubt too that's all just a fun gag character for social media clicks. Got to stick out from the crowd I guess.

Sounds too crazy for someone to actually take a caricature affecting real life.

Then again, you got guys like Heath Ledger taking things so serious he actually acted like the Joker in real life to help him play the part.
Not what happened with Ledger.
Fuck him, dude's always been a shitbag pariah. You can only do so many "Game Developer Bad" videos before this happens to you. I'll send thoughts and prayers as soon as I smash that like and subscribe button and donate to his Patreon and whatever else cash begging he's doing these days.


^^^^^ Yes, that's an actual picture of Jim Sterling,taken from his latest video, which devolves into an absolutely atrocious pseudo-cerebral political diatribe that blends overpriced GBA games, the destruction of fun in gaming, and an economic system which pits us all against each other.
The bolded is all I needed to come to a full understanding of the situation. Stop believing commie garbage and you’ll be fine, Jim.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I wish him well, but there was clearly a turning point where I stopped watching. Especially when one of the last I clicked by curiosity was just “Did you notice something different about me???” . I mean I don’t give a shit if you were born a Chinese vegan lesbian wrestler in a fat white shell of a man, your content on gaming is going downhill.

And he certainly doesn’t need help. What for?

edit : replace all he/him with she/her FFS, I don’t think it will ever register in my mind that the fucker is a girl now
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Hopefully he saved up his Patreon money while he had the chance. I mean he still gets $13k per month so he's doing fine, but I know his views have been dropping so that likely won't last forever.
Yes, that's an actual picture of Jim Sterling, taken from his latest video, which devolves into an absolutely atrocious pseudo-cerebral political diatribe that blends overpriced GBA games, the destruction of fun in gaming, and an economic system which pits us all against each oTher.
We have not achieved communism yet.

He never looked like he was very stable to begin with, I'm not sure what portion of his persona is a character and what is 'him'.
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Gold Member
I wish him well, but there was clearly a turning point where I stopped watching. Especially when one of the last I clicked by curiosity was just “Did you notice something different about me???” . I mean I don’t give a shit if you were born a Chinese vegan lesbian wrestler in a fat white shell of a man, your content on gaming is going downhill.

And he certainly doesn’t need help. What for?
Thats the problem with social media whoring. You got to keep the content coming in some sort.

And if you dont have a steady stream of content like Method #1, a YT gamer streaming himself playing games every night or reviewing games every week, versus someone doing Method #2 - Jim Sterling who barely even uploads videos on his YT channel or plays games. So you take another approach which is less content, but try to make a giant splash with personality and crinegworthy clickbait.

A guy streaming himself playing COD or doing weapons testing is one way to get gamers watching. And not even sensationalist in any way. It's him playing online matches and shooting the shit while he plays and eats food in between matches. Sterling chooses method #2 which is splashy "watch me on a podium" lecture way of attracting people. And funny enough, it's literally what he does.
I wish him well, but there was clearly a turning point where I stopped watching. Especially when one of the last I clicked by curiosity was just “Did you notice something different about me???” . I mean I don’t give a shit if you were born a Chinese vegan lesbian wrestler in a fat white shell of a man, your content on gaming is going downhill.

And he certainly doesn’t need help. What for?

edit : replace all he/him with she/her FFS, I don’t think it will ever register in my mind that the fucker is a girl now
He is a mentally ill dude wearing a wig ffs.

"He is a a girl now"
That's not how reality works.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Isn't Jim the guy that one IGN dude who used to work at destructoid slept with to get into the industry? (allegedly)

Used to be a solid critic (unless it was his game journo friends) but I'm not sure he's ever been 'on the rails' as a person...well ever

Haven't kept up with him since 2014 and none of this shocks me


We have not achieved communism yet.

He never looked like he was very stable to begin with, I'm not sure what portion of his persona is a character and what is 'him'.
You will never achieve the false utopia that’s been sold to you. It’s a tool for the few to gain power over the many, using the power of your own minds to enslave you. It’s the most insidious force that’s been unleashed on humanity yet.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
However he has some good shit back in the day:

Also 37 holy.fucking.shit

And no thing to note, his voice note didn't changed at all, so I presume he/she/they were destined to this.
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Gold Member
You will never achieve the false utopia that’s been sold to you. It’s a tool for the few to gain power over the many, using the power of your own minds to enslave you. It’s the most insidious force that’s been unleashed on humanity yet.

Cut out the media and social media whore mongerers and life is still fine. I dont even keep up with news unless I'm watching or reading CP24 and there's something big that happened in the world.

I get by surfing the net for fun, business, gaming and sports.

I follow general news so little, I dont even keep track of Ontario covid restriction policies half the time until my family or coworkers tell me important dates and whats open and closed.

I get by life fine. Nobody ever said to live life you need negative nancies speaking into your ear every half an hour. And not surprising, in return they want your money, click or subscriber count.
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This is transphobia if I ever seen one.

She ( he if you are so triggered) don't give a fuck about loyalty or fanboyism and would say it as it is. I like her content and she still make game reviews (like hades and others).

And what's wrong with wrestling? You think WWE has no abuses against it's contractors?
Better report the transphobia then.


Yea I have noticed the quality of his content diminish the last couple of years in particular. I pretty much never watch his videos now despite being a subscriber.
Exactly the same here.

His Jimquisition videos used to be good commentary on an issue in the game industry at the time but now they are just poorly edited rants where he repeats the same things over and over and over for 20 odd minutes. They could be half the length they are even without the random clips and skits thrown in.

He plays so few games now and has pretty much stopped playing bad games entirely. His best gaming videos were those of him playing terrible/broken games.

He doesn't even review games anymore which sucks. I always enjoyed his reviews even when I disagreed with them as they were his honest thoughts on a game. He didn't bow to pressure and give something a 9 or a 10 just because every other reviewer was.

I hope he pulls it all back together but he's been like this for so long now I don't think he will. It's a shame as we've lost one of the few critics who was genuine and didn't bow to pressure or care about consensus.
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