Virgin Wii
Finally, I'm able to use a computer again! Quick thoughts after skimming the main board:
The RE4 PS2 port was totally unexpected, shocking, really. How many times did Capcom scream that it wouldn't be ported this generation or next? Seems like these days you can't even trust the companies making the games themselves, never mind the bullshit the hardware makers spout.
PSP price was a suprise. Looks like the Nintendoo is in trouble. Another victory for Sony!
Umm... that's pretty much the only real news that I've seen. I guess a lot doesn't really happen in a month. Not this time, at least.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUS SPOILERS FROM HERE ON DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I've been in New Jersey for almost a month now (with a few more days to go before I head back), and the people I'm staying with have Angel seasons 1-3 on DVD. Some bullshit happened (and is still happening) with my friends and without a car I've been pretty much confined to their home this whole time while they've been out. Strangely or not-so-strangely, this resulted in me discovering the greatest show I have ever seen. I don't watch a lot of tv, mind you, but I once did years back. Nowadays the only thing I watch on the tube is news, daily show, and adult swim. Anyway...
Yesterday ended my viewing marathon. Some days I watched the episodes to the verge of passing out, and even then I didn't want to stop.
THE GREAT THING ABOUT ANGEL IS THAT THERE ARE ALMOST NO FILLER EPISODES IN ANY OF THE THREE SEASONS I VIEWED!! As far as that is concered, season 1 was the worst: it had 2 filler episodes, which were "She" (I think that was the name) and the Excorcist ripoff. SEASON 2 ONLY HAD ONE FILLER EPISODE!! (the one where the guy wanted to stop time as he ejaculated or some stupid shit like that) EVERY OTHER EPISODE WAS MAGNIFICENT!! Season 3, like season 1, had two filler episodes, but they weren't as bad as season 1's. Those episodes were the Birthday episode (even though the Doyle mention was nice) and the one where that casino demon wanted to collect Gunn's soul.
Season 1 was the least enjoyable of them all, but it was still awesome. Although flawed, it had a monster-of-the-week charm to it. It probably has the most charm of the 3, since the gang (can you call a group of 3 a gang?) is new to demon hunting and they're just getting their bearings. In other words, they still get freaked out by the stuff they see, which happens less and less in the later seasons. Episode to episode it felt kinda disjointed, something I didn't even notice until I watched season 2.
Season 2 is my favorite so far. It's incredibly close to perfect, with the relationship between Angel and Darla and how it affects the crew. There were a lot of seriously AWESOME cliffhangers: Darla crawling on top of Angel as he slept (I was like, "what the fuck?!!); "You're fired" (that was one of those times when I was near passing out from an all-day marathon, but I just HAD to watch the next one); Lorne's head on a platter; etc.
It was great how just about the entire season was so dreadful and doomy, and then with the last 4 episodes they throw in a quirky but very fun little quest into another dimension. It was GREAT to see Angel smiling again after he was so depressed the whole season. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, because that whole time the show was making ME depressed. It was the perfect way to end the year. The dance of shame was awesome!!
Also, the sense of continuity is amazing. It seemed to pick up right where season 1 left off, and never deviated too long from the main plot of Angel and Darla. It made the story so much deeper than if they had only devoted one or two episodes to the issue, which was something season 1 and nearly every other tv show I've ever seen would have done. I never thought about how most shows plots are so confined to a single episode until I saw Angel. I just thought that was how tv shows were set up... Angel writers are geniuses of tv!
Season 3 was also amazing, even if I like 2 better. The best episodes here beat the best episodes of season 2, but overall I just thought season 2 had consistently better episodes. That same awesome sense of continuity is back, maybe even improved, and there are some very emotional moments that had me in tears.
There is one thing, however, that I hate about season 3. IT'S TOO FUCKING DEPRESSING!! Like season 2 on steroids, with no happy ending to make you feel better when the show's over. The ending actually kicks you when you're down! Never mind that, though... they fucked Wesley over!! He's my favorite character in all of tv, and they just completely screwed him! First he's distraught over the prophecy, and LIKE A TRUE FRIEND he diligantly works day and night trying to prove it wrong. Then he makes an extremely painful and difficult decision and kidnaps Conner, which is exactly the thing he SHOULD have done (if the prophecy had been legitament, how would Angel have felt if Wesley had done nothing and he sucked his own son dry?), and what happens next? He gets his throat slit! I felt sick, and was almost ready to just stop watching there and give up on the show, but I had to know what happened next. The mark of genius storytelling for sure. Then Angel tried to kill Wesley in his hospital bed. I remember repeating something over and over in shock, probably "holy shit", but I can't quite recall. I felt that sickness come back again, but this time it was mixed with a healthy dose of anger. Fuck Angel (the character), and fuck his crew for just abandoning Wesley like that. Even Gunn decided to just forget about him. Gunn! They were supposed to be homies! Fuck Gunn double.
Despite all that, I NEED to see season 4. Perhaps I'm a glutton for good drama. What I want to see out of it, though, is Wesley turn evil and fuck over all those assholes at Angel Investigations. He has the smarts to do it, and I want to see them suffer. I'll be purchasing season 4 as soon as I get back to my state of residence.
Anyone else in love with this show?
The RE4 PS2 port was totally unexpected, shocking, really. How many times did Capcom scream that it wouldn't be ported this generation or next? Seems like these days you can't even trust the companies making the games themselves, never mind the bullshit the hardware makers spout.
PSP price was a suprise. Looks like the Nintendoo is in trouble. Another victory for Sony!
Umm... that's pretty much the only real news that I've seen. I guess a lot doesn't really happen in a month. Not this time, at least.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUS SPOILERS FROM HERE ON DOWN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I've been in New Jersey for almost a month now (with a few more days to go before I head back), and the people I'm staying with have Angel seasons 1-3 on DVD. Some bullshit happened (and is still happening) with my friends and without a car I've been pretty much confined to their home this whole time while they've been out. Strangely or not-so-strangely, this resulted in me discovering the greatest show I have ever seen. I don't watch a lot of tv, mind you, but I once did years back. Nowadays the only thing I watch on the tube is news, daily show, and adult swim. Anyway...
Yesterday ended my viewing marathon. Some days I watched the episodes to the verge of passing out, and even then I didn't want to stop.
THE GREAT THING ABOUT ANGEL IS THAT THERE ARE ALMOST NO FILLER EPISODES IN ANY OF THE THREE SEASONS I VIEWED!! As far as that is concered, season 1 was the worst: it had 2 filler episodes, which were "She" (I think that was the name) and the Excorcist ripoff. SEASON 2 ONLY HAD ONE FILLER EPISODE!! (the one where the guy wanted to stop time as he ejaculated or some stupid shit like that) EVERY OTHER EPISODE WAS MAGNIFICENT!! Season 3, like season 1, had two filler episodes, but they weren't as bad as season 1's. Those episodes were the Birthday episode (even though the Doyle mention was nice) and the one where that casino demon wanted to collect Gunn's soul.
Season 1 was the least enjoyable of them all, but it was still awesome. Although flawed, it had a monster-of-the-week charm to it. It probably has the most charm of the 3, since the gang (can you call a group of 3 a gang?) is new to demon hunting and they're just getting their bearings. In other words, they still get freaked out by the stuff they see, which happens less and less in the later seasons. Episode to episode it felt kinda disjointed, something I didn't even notice until I watched season 2.
Season 2 is my favorite so far. It's incredibly close to perfect, with the relationship between Angel and Darla and how it affects the crew. There were a lot of seriously AWESOME cliffhangers: Darla crawling on top of Angel as he slept (I was like, "what the fuck?!!); "You're fired" (that was one of those times when I was near passing out from an all-day marathon, but I just HAD to watch the next one); Lorne's head on a platter; etc.
It was great how just about the entire season was so dreadful and doomy, and then with the last 4 episodes they throw in a quirky but very fun little quest into another dimension. It was GREAT to see Angel smiling again after he was so depressed the whole season. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, because that whole time the show was making ME depressed. It was the perfect way to end the year. The dance of shame was awesome!!
Also, the sense of continuity is amazing. It seemed to pick up right where season 1 left off, and never deviated too long from the main plot of Angel and Darla. It made the story so much deeper than if they had only devoted one or two episodes to the issue, which was something season 1 and nearly every other tv show I've ever seen would have done. I never thought about how most shows plots are so confined to a single episode until I saw Angel. I just thought that was how tv shows were set up... Angel writers are geniuses of tv!
Season 3 was also amazing, even if I like 2 better. The best episodes here beat the best episodes of season 2, but overall I just thought season 2 had consistently better episodes. That same awesome sense of continuity is back, maybe even improved, and there are some very emotional moments that had me in tears.
There is one thing, however, that I hate about season 3. IT'S TOO FUCKING DEPRESSING!! Like season 2 on steroids, with no happy ending to make you feel better when the show's over. The ending actually kicks you when you're down! Never mind that, though... they fucked Wesley over!! He's my favorite character in all of tv, and they just completely screwed him! First he's distraught over the prophecy, and LIKE A TRUE FRIEND he diligantly works day and night trying to prove it wrong. Then he makes an extremely painful and difficult decision and kidnaps Conner, which is exactly the thing he SHOULD have done (if the prophecy had been legitament, how would Angel have felt if Wesley had done nothing and he sucked his own son dry?), and what happens next? He gets his throat slit! I felt sick, and was almost ready to just stop watching there and give up on the show, but I had to know what happened next. The mark of genius storytelling for sure. Then Angel tried to kill Wesley in his hospital bed. I remember repeating something over and over in shock, probably "holy shit", but I can't quite recall. I felt that sickness come back again, but this time it was mixed with a healthy dose of anger. Fuck Angel (the character), and fuck his crew for just abandoning Wesley like that. Even Gunn decided to just forget about him. Gunn! They were supposed to be homies! Fuck Gunn double.
Despite all that, I NEED to see season 4. Perhaps I'm a glutton for good drama. What I want to see out of it, though, is Wesley turn evil and fuck over all those assholes at Angel Investigations. He has the smarts to do it, and I want to see them suffer. I'll be purchasing season 4 as soon as I get back to my state of residence.
Anyone else in love with this show?