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I think I'm completely sick of music.

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I've always been a huge music fan -- over the years, I've bought hundreds of CDs, invested in various MP3 players and an iPod, and constantly listened to music while driving or at my desk. Lately, though, it seems that I'm never in the mood to listen to ANYTHING. I scroll through my playlists and albums, and nothing seems to fit my state of mind. Most of my hip-hop collection has been gathering dust for a while, but that didn't concern me since I've gone through several phases where I either love or hate hip-hop, depending on the month. But now I'm starting to get bored with rock and even my beloved electronic music.

In the car, I turn on KCRW to listen to NPR or their music programming, but that's about it. If I'm working and need to stay awake and focused, I will put on a mix of some kind -- house, trance, breaks -- but rarely listen to anything else. I haven't gone to a concert in over a year, and have bought about four CDs total in the last two months.

What the hell is going on with me? Am I hitting the "music wall" now that I'm 30? I've always noticed that adults at a certain age stop following current music -- has that little part of my brain reached its time limit and burned out as well? Is this a consequence of living with my girlfriend, who is not inclined towards music at ALL? Is this just a phase?

(In case you're wondering why the explosion of topics today, I'm NOT trying to become the next Santo. I was up until 1:15 AM working on a paper for work, came into work before 7 AM, am still not done, and since I'm exhausted, I'm hitting the freakin' wall with writer's block. Sometimes it's helpful to write ANYTHING to get the words flowing.)


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
If you like breaks, I definitely recommend you check out Sasha's "Involver" album... some really good stuff on there. I'd be more than happy to recommend to you some good electronic music, as I almost exclusively listen to that. Just bought Dave Seaman and Phil K's album... it's alright but it could be better. the Phil K side of it is pretty interesting.
You should PM me your address & I'll send you some dope stuff.

I go through the same "everything sucks" phase - usually when I'm stuck listening to the radio for an extended period of time. :)

Jim Bowie

I don't know what useful advice I could give you, since you are almost double my senior. I went through a similar phase where nothing seemed good anymore. It lasted a couple weeks, and then I discovered a new band that made me love music again. For me, it was The Postal Service. I suggest going back to that "tell me good music" thread posted by Diablos a while back and check out some of the bands there. Who knows? Maybe one of them will re-ignite your passion for music.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Just listen to Smashing Pumpkins. If you don't like there music, then theres no way anyone can help you.




djtiesto said:
If you like breaks, I definitely recommend you check out Sasha's "Involver" album... some really good stuff on there.
Already have it, and I posted a review of it a couple of months ago. The opening reconstruction of Grand National's "Talk Amongst Yourselves" is the SHIT. The album pretty much rocks up until the last two tracks, which are much weaker than the rest. Kind of disappointing to end on a down note.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Saint Cornelius said:
Please kill yourself.
lol, I love how pissed off people can get on this board. What i posted, thats my opinion and everone is entitled to their own.


I don't know. I can't even imagine running out of music to listen to. What mood is it that you are in? Maybe you need some really off the wall stuff? More international bands? Who knows, it might help if you can show us your playlist.

psycho_snake said:
lol, I love how pissed off people can get on this board. What i posted, thats my opinion and everone is entitled to their own.

You didn't really voice it like an opinion. You said it like it was the come all, end all solution and nothing else matters.
psycho_snake said:
lol, I love how pissed off people can get on this board. What i posted, thats my opinion and everone is entitled to their own.

"There's no way anyone can help you" if you don't like Smashing Pumpkins? Interesting.


I think I'm completely sick of music.

You obviously don't appreciate the older stuff like Mendudo, NKOTB and earlier BSB and 'NSYNC.

You my friend are a poser.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Sat. Radio solved that problem for me... listen to any style of music from current to back in the day at the flick of a switch... change the style of music with your mood.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Saint Cornelius said:
"There's no way anyone can help you" if you don't like Smashing Pumpkins? Interesting.
so it was slightly exagurated. IMO, Shashing Pumpkings is probably one of the best bands ever, I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone by saying there's no way anyone can help you, I never really thought it woulkd bother anyone.


tt_deeb said:
Maybe you need some really off the wall stuff? More international bands?
Laborintus II by Luciano Berio. It also has the best use of electronics outside of Stockhausen's stuff.


psycho_snake said:
so it was slightly exagurated. IMO, Shashing Pumpkings is probably one of the best bands ever, I'm sorry if I annoyed anyone by saying there's no way anyone can help you, I never really thought it woulkd bother anyone.
I don't really see why it would bother anyone considering you're right and all.


You want something different? Check out William Shatners upcoming album "Has Been". Seriously it doesnt sound bad. Its definetly something different of least. It was produced and arranged by Ben Folds and has guest appearnces by: Aimee Mann, Ben Folds and lots of others. Im not joking I think I might get this album! Listen to some clips and interviews about it here:



Knows the Score
Vgamer said:
You want something different? Check out William Shatners upcoming album "Has Been". Seriously it doesnt sound bad. Its definetly something different of least. It was produced and arranged by Ben Folds and has guest appearnces by: Aimee Mann, Ben Folds and lots of others. Im not joking I think I might get this album! Listen to some clips and interviews about it here:


I've already heard Common People, but..

Henry Rollins? Lemon Jelly?
Yeah, I don't know that it's that bad for me yet, but I've been feeling a little bit of a music funk myself. I'll get new CDs and stuff that I'm excited for, listen to them a few times, but never really get involved in them. It used to be for me that I'd play new CDs all the time, over and over... and I'd listen to them just to listen. I'd sing along, let the music change my mood, whatever. I haven't done that for a while.

I suppose part of it for me is just being so busy. Sure I listen to music the whole time I'd at work, go to clubs to dance, and put stuff on while making dinner, etc. But it's always along with some other task. I think the lack of focus on just music has made it less personal.

I don't really have any advice for you, since this is the first time this has happened to me. However, if I had to give myself some advice, I'd probably say that I should set aside some time to just listen to music. Either that or give it a break, eg: don't play it all day long at work.
Music is like my blood and even I get tired of it sometimes. I wind up taking breaks where I really don't listen to anything for a week or two at a time. I just don't have the interest. Then one day, something drags me back in... usually an album I've not listened to in quite some time that reminds me how awesome that musician is.

David Bowie is generally a good bet.
psycho_snake said:
lol, I love how pissed off people can get on this board. What i posted, thats my opinion and everone is entitled to their own.

Except that your post pretty much said that nobody can have the opinion that they don't like smashing pumpkins.

It's not that in itself that was a horribly bad statement...it was pretty harmless(as it was so obviously wrong)...it's just that you should be careful of the image you project (although that may not matter too much to you on a videogame forum). Saying somebody is hopeless for not liking a band is a pretty egotistical remark, and things like that, although they may be small, can REALLY make people mad when they feel as pashionately about a subject as many do about music, myself included.
Probably the best thing to do is take a break, or try listening to albums which are radically different from what you normally listen to, find genres of music that you've never bothered to pay attention to, and check them out. Since I know that you listen to a lot of music (at least from what I see on this board) I'm not going to bother making recommendations since chances are, you probably heard what I would recommend. Therefore, I say go to the music store and check out a section of the store that you usually never walk through.


-jinx- said:
What the hell is going on with me? Am I hitting the "music wall" now that I'm 30?

I dunno that you need a break so much as you need different types of music. Give the rock, electronica, and hip-hop a break for a while. Go educate yourself about jazz, soul, R&B, country, and the wide spectrum of music from around the world - though try to avoid the Dance Party NPR type stuff. Hell, break out the New Age if you think it'll help you. Alternately, take some time to explore the classics you may have missed; 30 is a good age for going back and digging up older music that completely passed you by the first time around. At least, I've been doing a lot of that lately, having just turned 30 myself...

I'll follow up Saint Cornelius' offer; PM me and I'll hook you up.



Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I'd suggest checking out more jazz and classical - the best antidotes for pop music available.


Vgamer said:
You want something different? Check out William Shatners upcoming album "Has Been". Seriously it doesnt sound bad. Its definetly something different of least. It was produced and arranged by Ben Folds and has guest appearnces by: Aimee Mann, Ben Folds and lots of others. Im not joking I think I might get this album! Listen to some clips and interviews about it here:


When Henry Rollins came to my school earlier this year, he talked about doing the collaboration with Shatner (with Adrian Belew on percussion) and I thought he was just joking/exaggerating... Holy shit this is awesome. :-D


DjangoReinhardt said:
I'd suggest checking out more jazz and classical - the best antidotes for pop music available.

Could you recommend anything? I have enough access and recommendations on classical music. (it's all my grandparents listen to) But I lack in the jazz department.


tt_deeb said:
Could you recommend anything? I have enough access and recommendations on classical music. (it's all my grandparents listen to) But I lack in the jazz department.
I can. Laborintus II by Luciano Berio.

If you want more strait up jazz, I'd recomend Kind of Blue by Miles Davishttp://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00003XAQ5/qid=1092426589/sr=8-3/ref=pd_ka_3/103-3285113-7279001?v=glance&s=music&n=507846
or Cantaloupe Island by Herbie Hancock
These two are very good albums that, although of course dominated by improvosation, are well grounded in melody and are therefore both excellent introductions to jazz.

Oh, and just because your grandparents listen to classical music doesn't mean you've been introduced to much. They probably don't listen to any music post 1940's.
There's been some amazing classical music since then such as this piece by Stockhausen
or just about anything by Iannis Xenakis. And of course Berio who I mentioned above.


NLB2 said:
Oh, and just because your grandparents listen to classical music doesn't mean you've been introduced to much. They probably don't listen to any music post 1940's.
There's been some amazing classical music since then such as this piece by Stockhausen
or just about anything by Iannis Xenakis. And of course Berio who I mentioned above.

Yeah you are right about that, she only listens to the Classical/Romantic era mostly although she does listen to some pretty modern opera, I think.


Jinx, You say you don't care too much for The Rolling Stones and The Beatles, I suggest you look into the discography of both, and teach yourself some manners.


I went through the same phase some years ago until my friend introduced me to power metal. You need some good and true metal music in life. I recommend this track as a great initiation:

Rhapsody - Emerald Sword


distantmantra said:
Good, but I doubt it will change his current perspective on music. The first track IS amazing, but the album is so not life shattering as many make it out to be.

I dunno...it's almost a year later and I still listen to the album almost daily. I guess it depends on your tastes and everything, but I can't praise the album highly enough. From the shimmering guitars of the opening track, to the all out ROCK of track 2, to the drifting feeling of track 3, to more ROCK in track 4, and to the brilliant dueling-like guitars of the closing track, the entire album is sonic perfection. Well, it is to me anyways. :)


Unconfirmed Member
Whenever I'm kinda burned out, I like to go to a show. It helps.

If not, listen to something extremely bizarre. I'd suggest Blueberry Boat by The Fiery Furnaces.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Try something else?

I've never liked anything but soundtracks and classical mehself.


Comfort_Eagle said:

That right there is a really good album.

Comfort...it would help if we knew who the artists is and what the name of the album is as well. It's blatently obvious that that is one of the most vague album covers ever. And I can't for the life of me figure out who or what this album is.
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