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I think Mario Kart AR would have been so much better with real physical drifting


Let's face it, kart racers would be boring without drifting. It's not difficult to achieve, I have a drift RC car, just like the one in this vid (but a much lower end Yokomo):

All it needs is PVC wheels and the smallest amount of camber in your front wheels ($0 added cost to manufacture). You don't need a fancy belt drive train or a special diff (if you're doing high end drifting you can, but we're talking about mario kart here...). A few tweaks in the design at no added cost and drifting would have been totally doable. If you're not doing really advanced counter steering it's super easy to do. It would have made Mario Kart AR fun for both kids and adults (I mean I'm sure it's fun for adults as is, but not for long). I don't know if any of you have tried a drift RC but they're insanely fun.

Yokomo also make a mini version which is probably more akin to MK AR in size:

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RSI Employee of the Year
Drifting in an arcade car racer makes it easier to control. In real life, it's the opposite.

This is a gimmick toy designed for kids (and kids at heart). I think you're simply expecting too much.


The Mario Karts go really slow. RC cars have an insanely high scale speed, but it’s low in MK since you’re driving in first person.


Drifting in racing slows you down , you don’t want to slow down when in a race.
Another thing is this game was made to be played indoors do you really want cars ripping up your carpet and flying into walls uncontrolled?
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