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I think Team Asobi next game should be a character racing game


I'm not sure if they can pull it off as good as Mario Kart but we can at least get a Diddy Kong Racing out of them with the flying DualSense & other PlayStation controllers as the air vehicles ( PlayStation Move wouldn't be a good idea though ) .

They could bring in vehicles, characters & levels from past PlayStation games like Wipeout.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I think Team Asobi should keep making 3D platformers since they’re so good at it. I kinda wish a sub team at Insomniac would make a kart racer.


Gold Member
I thought a Astrobot × Pikmin type game where the you can use the bots for basic attacks, but the premium bots have a specialty type based on their game


The nicest person on this forum
They want to make a racing game
Next one is "Astrobot's Time Machine" we go back to the 80s, Crt tvs, cassettes and walkmans.
There will be a Vice City stage and lots of fun with all kinds of 80s music pop-rock artists
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always chasing the next thrill
Make a soulslike roguelite game
Call it bloodbourne 2
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After just that one Astro Bot level, I want Team Asobi to make a LocoRoco 3D game.
Also, I want them to make a new Ape Escape
Also, I want Sony to fucking revive Japan Studio.
What are we even doing here, mate?
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Gold Member
We already got enough Mario Kart clones that failed.

Let them rescue Concord. Replace all the freaks with Astro Bots.


There are so few good 3d platformers in the last console generations, Astro bot being one, that it would feel like a waste if they stopped making them.

But of course they should develop what they want to, and what they feel passionate about
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