I usually get a chuckle out of the op/ed page in the local newspaper, but this time it's gone from comedy to sheer confusion:
And this, America, is what's wrong with America.
Other selected quotes (all quotes from seperate people):

here's the location of the newspaper
I think the best thing we can do for our own safety at this point and the morals of the country and everything else is to simply abolish the First Amendment. It's doing a powerful lot more harm than it is good. It's letting the enemy know everything. It's running all the junk to be available to everybody under the excuse of free speech. It's ruining our young people. A little bit of censorship would be fine.
And this, America, is what's wrong with America.
Other selected quotes (all quotes from seperate people):
I've been majoring in social studies for three years and even I couldn't tell you who the leader of the United Nations is. Why? Because the UN is nothing more than a puppet faction of the United States. Even though we are members, we use them as spare hands when we agree and ignore their decisions when we disagree.
I am a 45-year-old man and I don't know who the head of the UN is. Who cares anyway? It's an organization for thieves.

here's the location of the newspaper