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I thought all SCEA published games retailed for $39.99 now?


Gold Member
If that's the case, why is the retail on Killzone $49.99? I went to Fry's hoping they'd have it on sale, but nope it was $49.99. Ratchet and Clank 3, which also just came out, was $39.99 but Killzone wasn't. Are they backing off on their $39.99 first-party pricing now?


Link316 said:
cause its an online title just like Socom and Champions of Norrath which were also $50

R&C3 IS an online title retailing for $39.99. It is the exception however.


Gold Member
Link316 said:
cause its an online title just like Socom and Champions of Norrath which were also $50

Champions of Norrath was not published by SCEA and thus was a third party game. SOE is only connected to SCEA in name. They are a division of Sony Pictures and SCEA treats them like a regular third-party.
Man, I'd wish for SCEE to follow this excellent example. They and pretty much every other publisher in Europe are launching most of all their games at 60€ (!!!!). In fact, the only big publisher, who launches with comparable prices to your's is THQ with 40€ each game.


Guns N' Poops said:
Man, I'd wish for SCEE to follow this excellent example. They and pretty much every other publisher in Europe are launching most of all their games at 60€ (!!!!). In fact, the only big publisher, who launches with comparable prices to your's is THQ with 40€ each game.

There's usually 20-25% tax on games in the EU though, without tax (as in US) they would cost 40-50€.


BeOnEdge said:
they'll need to recoupe the cost of trying to pan this game off as a halo killer somehow.
I think I'll be very happy if I never hear the press hype a game as a "________ killer" again.
SCEA never stated that all of their games would release at $39.99. The prices of their games have always fluctuated between $29-$49.
ManaByte said:
Yes they did. They made a big deal out of the new first-party price point.
Do you have proof of this announcement? All I remember is SCEA announcing a new price tier structure where selected titles would sell at a much more aggressive $39 but not every game.


Gold Member
Mr_Furious said:
Do you have proof of this announcement? All I remember is SCEA announcing a new price tier structure where selected titles would sell at a much more aggressive $39 but not every game.

It was either this past E3's press conference or the one before it when they announced that first-party SCEA titles would retail for $39.
ManaByte said:
It was either this past E3's press conference or the one before it when they announced that first-party SCEA titles would retail for $39.
I googled and came up with two similar articles from Eurogamer and Gamespot and from what I could find, no they didn't.

Look here or here

There's no official announcement made by SCEA themselves. I even searched SCEA's, IGN's and Gamespot's websites for such an announcement and came up with zilch. There's mention of prices being "under review" which might explain the lowered price of some of Sony's software but nothing official was ever released by Sony themselves stating every 1st party game would be priced at $39.99 as far as I can find.

BTW, this news is dated May 2002
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