We either X or Y chromosome and depends on how you look I will call you that. And no, I will not remember ridiculously made up words so someone will not be offended. Also it is not a switch that you tick what ever you feel like it. You can’t magically change your sex.
A lot of people do this, so I'm not responding to you specifically. Your post just happens to be a good example of this issue.
Gender is not the same thing as sex. Conflating the two is a huge issue regarding trans rights.
They are not the same thing, despite what traditional language may imply.
To insist otherwise is merely an etymological fallacy. You might as well insist that "gay" means "happy." Or, hell, you might as well insist that "gay" means "homosexual."
When it - quite clearly - means different things among different groups. "Gay" means "happy" and "homosexual" and "bad," depending on who you ask.
In the context of the thread, "gender" means essentially "Predominantly-masculine or predominantly-feminine" within the mind of the person in question.
The pronoun a person chooses is merely an approximation.
The English language (all language, actually) itself is severely limited, and we only have X amount of words to describe ourselves. "Him" or "her" or "he" or "she" or "shim," or whatever else, is just an approximate lingual representation of our selves.
It's no wonder that these identifying terms don't quite fit every single example. There's no such thing as a 100% success rate in experiments; there will always be some exceptions. To assume that language would be any different is just naïve.
Even my own definition - "masculine" or "feminine" - is an approximation. Qualities of life that determine masculinity or femininity differ across cultures; which is the entire point of the term "gender."
"Gender" is a culture-defined term. What is "masculine" in one nation could be "feminine" in another culture.
A prime example of this would be clothing.
In the United States, today, seeing a man wearing multiple layers of fancy, lacy clothing, and a wig, and stockings, and leggings, and shiny shoes, and lots of jewelry would be considered "trans" or, at the very least, "drag."
Yet I just described the exact outfit that George Washington, and all of the other founding fathers, would have been wearing.
The point is that masculinity and femininity change over time. And considering that gender is based on these two terms, the sole concept of gender also changes over time.
Chromosomes have nothing to do with gender.
Sex has nothing to do with gender.
Looks have nothing to do with gender.
It's a fluid term. "Gender" changes from culture to culture. What is "trans" in the United States might just be "straight" in France. What is "straight" in the United States might be "beta-male" in India.
This is why it has nothing to do with sex or chromosomes. They're entirely unrelated concepts, despite what old-fashioned definitions (and certain right-wing media) might want you to think.
To insist otherwise simply means that you are not up-to-date with modern terminology. It's not your fault, though. This particular topic has evolved exceptionally quickly, and a whole lot of people have been left behind.
I’ll take the woke troll bait since it’s a slow morning.
I have no issue calling people whatever the fuck they want to be called. Xir, they, whatever. I’ll humour them.
But I have an issue of being forced to declare my pronouns when it is immediately clear when people have a look at me that I am a guy.
That is lunacy, and the purpose of it is to indoctrinate the 97% of population to accept whatever idiotic demands the 3% have. And the people who play by the rules do so mostly not because they are so benevolent, but because they think virtue signalling is beneficial for business.
I won’t do it, I run my own business and don’t need ro pander to anyone by declaring immediately obvious things.
This kind of stuff, on the other hand, is just funny to see.
I have an issue being forced to declare my height when it is immediately clear that I am five-foot-five.
That is lunacy, and the purpose of it is to indoctrinate the 97% of five-foot-nine population to accept whatever idiotic demand the five-foot-fours have.
Imagine being so frail that you get upset when a person asks you what you like to be called.
You look like a guy, but you have a problem when somebody asks you if you want to be referred to as a guy?
...are you sure you're a guy?
Cause, I'm not gonna lie... if this kind of thing bothers you... you're not much of a man.