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I went to a vegan party tonight.


OP, 1 year after the party.




Eh, Indian meat curries are still better. And Bangladeshi ones even better because they are less religiously uptight, so you can eat any animal.

And don't start on salads in India. As in, literally don't. Boil It, Cook It, Peel It – or Forget It. Delhi Belly is a thing and you do not want it.
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Perpetually Offended
I've met some very attractive vegan women ... But that often, not always, means their butts are flat as a pancake. No bueno.


Btw answer me this:

Would you grow and interact with a cow and or chicken for example for years and kill it, skin and remove the entrails and shit because you're in the mood for steak or chicken tenders.
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What we see, recognize and buy in the store is extremely dissociated from it's origin and process they have for us to see: clean cut filets; I often wonder if, when I had to do that myself it kinda freaks me out you know.

Let alone ignoring the breeding/cage/slaughter process 24/7 on a massive scale. It's quite something isn't it. I compartmentalize it and buy it anyway but in the back of my mind i know.

It's quite the cognitive dissonance at play.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
That's not an answer.

Besides, no judgement from my side. Just gave a hypothetical scenario.
That's fine.

I just don't want to ever be deceptive towards vegan wimmin in any way.
If she thinks I don't eat meat, I want to stay true.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Btw answer me this:

Would you grow and interact with a cow and or chicken for example for years and kill it, skin and remove the entrails and shit because you're in the mood for steak or chicken tenders.
I would still go to the store and eat another cow.
But if it were a case for survival, then hell yeah I would eat it.

I'd eat my neighbors if I had to.

Kings Field

On a serious note. I love veggies but I love meat (no homo).

I could never give up meats but I respect the grind and commitment the real vegans have.

John Bilbo

Btw answer me this:

Would you grow and interact with a cow and or chicken for example for years and kill it, skin and remove the entrails and shit because you're in the mood for steak or chicken tenders.
I've thought about this a couple of times over the years and I think if trained properly there is a way I could learn to do it. It would take time though and I would probably get sick in some of the learning stages.


Gold Member
I can't sacrifice eating meat just for a vegan, though.

There plenty of hot non-vegans out there. 🍖
My girlfriend was a vegetarian for ten years before she met me and I also encouraged a vegetarian friend of six years to eat an Aberdeen Angus steak at a BBQ. I tried vegetarianism and lasted approximately a month before someone enticed me with a meat feast pizza.

I've also smoked a dead bumblebee and woodlouse in a three foot long bong made up of two chambers, in order to capture their spirits even though I'm an atheist.

Sometimes I get the urge to pollinate things or walk into random corners of rooms.

I feel much better for sharing, thank you.

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