Sounds like a group of people that is eventually gonna come up against some well-armed cartel or Mexican troops and regret very much what they do on these excursions.
Sounds like a group of people that is eventually gonna come up against some well-armed cartel or Mexican troops and regret very much what they do on these excursions.
most meals are prepared with bacon grease or pork to keep would-be Muslim infiltrators at bay
I looked to the one black man in the group, a recruit who had family near the mass shooting in San Bernardino a week earlier. "I hate to tell you, but I'm in for the long count," he told the captain. "So you'll be seeing my black ass here every time."
The captain responded that in his experience, black people were always the best at learning and executing orders. "We need to see some more black asses, is what we need," he said. Another man added, "We need diversity."
most meals are prepared with bacon grease or pork to keep would-be Muslim infiltrators at bay.
Cartel Land is exactly about that and they come off as jokers.Sounds like a group of people that is eventually gonna come up against some well-armed cartel or Mexican troops and regret very much what they do on these excursions.
It just gets worse and worse the farther you read. It's like they tack terrible qualities and pile them on top of each other.
Not only are they racists, but they are also paranoid racists who believe in conspiracy theories with no basis reality. And they're violent or at least have violent impulses. And they think racism is the fault of black people. And they have deeply messed up views of women. And they think torture/hazing is okay.
Imagine if you actually knew these guys beyond this kind of interaction. I bet it'd be frightening.
The cajones on that reporter. Damn.
Fascinating article. Loved how the camp segregated into Colorado and Arizona factons that hated one another.
Are they vampires? Is this like spreading goats blood on your doorway to ward off demons? Fuckin hell.
And they're heavily armed...
Are they vampires? Is this like spreading goats blood on your doorway to ward off demons? Fuckin hell.
Yup yup.What are you really asking, here? Everyone in the article is fully aware of the nature of their hobby - direct or indirectly killing immigrants. They send their recruits through a torture boot camp to condition them.
It's a heavily armed cult, they openly discuss some end-times scenario and one guy jokes about the caste system they already have set up where they'll be the equivalent of Roman nobility and they'll make everyone else farm and forage for them. There is no good intention here - they are basically a confused, infantile, western ISIS.
"I thought to myself, if I get a little bit of training, I might get more of them"the blue helmets"before they get me. Instead of getting 5 or 6, I might get 10 or 12. Or 20. Who knows? I've learned enough now that I might even get a couple dozen."
Lunatic with delusions of being Rambo. Is it terrible of me to wish this guy, everyone in this group actually, gets dysentery?
Militia / PMC / Mercenaries always frighten me.
It's like the US is working with third party contractors that have wildly varying levels of training and vetting for tasks that involve killing people.
That's harrowing, to say the least.
Also what the hell leads someone to have such hatred for other races without any major interaction with them in the first place?
And conservatives thought this was off-base. No it was right, you are comic book villains.
Another whined at having been stuck at the Canadian border with his family for 2 hours (wahhhh) and being "treated like a criminal" because the paperwork wasn't in order
These guys wouldn't be so terrifying if they didn't have the actual backing of law enforcement. If you somehow get caught up with them on a bad day, there's basically nothing you can do.
During the early hours of the riot local authorities did little to stem the growing crisis. Indeed, shortly after the outbreak of gunfire at the courthouse, Tulsa police officers deputized former members of the lynch mob and, according to an eyewitness, instructed them to "get a gun and get a nigger." Local units of the National Guard were mobilized, but they spent most of the night protecting a white neighborhood from a feared, but nonexistent, black counterattack.
I don't think the world will mourn if they got into a shootout with cartel guys and everybody died.
Sounds like a group of people that is eventually gonna come up against some well-armed cartel or Mexican troops and regret very much what they do on these excursions.
I'm not so sure, if they die "for the cause," they become martyrs that inspire a new generation of idiots and chucklefucks to do the same thing.
If they get dysentery and shit bloody diarrhea everywhere, atleast the worst thing they did is fertilize a bit of woodland somewhere.
RIP to the guy who blew the whistle on them, and his girlfriend.WHAT THE FUCK.
Iceman tells me about himself. Seven years ago, shortly after high school, he wound up homeless, living out of his car. He joined the Marine Corps and was sent to Afghanistan. There, he searched cars entering his base for bombs and drugs. He was glad to leave, but it didn't take long before he felt that he was "scratching at the walls" of the hole he'd escaped by joining the military. Life still seemed stacked against him. He was working at a Subway and had a baby with heart problems. Sometimes he found himself hungry and penniless.
Iceman lay awake at night and wondered about the way of things. Why don't veterans get the recognition they deserve? Why is the country so divided? He had a sinking suspicion that the government was behind it all. Racism had been nearly extincthe didn't care about racebut then Obama stoked the flames and now black people were marching in the streets. Was the government trying to start a race war to make it easier to enact martial law so that Obama could secure a third term, bring in UN troops, and launch the New World Order like George Soros and the big bankers want?
He lets the N-word slip sometimes, even though it seems to make some of the guys a little uncomfortable. Fifty Cal later told me that racism isn't tolerated and that "We have removed and blocked folks that didn't align with our ideals." In its official communications, 3UP insists it is not a white supremacist organization. No one ever speaks up at this kind of language, though. To show offense would be to give in to political correctness, which is a step toward Big Brother mind control.
Oi! militias and PMC/Mercs are two very different beasts.
Militias needs to be shutdown immediately. PMCs and Security Contractors are properly trained, professional soldiers who do a variety of tasks such as rescue operations, private security for commercial/industrial/private properties, and a whole lot of other stuff. Yes, we're well known for the "killing" part but you painting us with a very broad brush and I take offense to that. I take great offense to that. we involved in wildlife protection too ya know? some poachers be packing serious firepower these days.
At the very least, my boys have to pass a mental aptitude test to confirm they ain't psychotic idiots. these militias should be illegal. basically homegrown terrorists who may as well be a ticking time bomb waiting for something to trigger them to do something real stupid. half the time they packing illegal firearms/ammunition they shouldn't being carrying.
Too bad border patrol is a whole other level of incompetent.
It's worth considering how far gone many of these men already are. Some are certain that being in the militia is a pressure release for them, having left an intolerable life they find that this paramilitary activity is an outlet for emotions they might otherwise direct to even more destructive ends. Meanwhile, the leadership fronts that they try to weed out the potential Tim McVeighs from their ranks, not realizing how many are getting in.
This is how radicalization works. You recruit disenfranchised men who feel like they have nowhere left to go in life and you arm them and you reinforce their belief that armed insurrection is not only inevitable but a moral necessity. "Militia" is just double-speak for these folks. They're straight terrorist cells.
Want to read this prison article first. Got a link?
These people have mental issues. I think they need some form of community based help. I am not a religious person, but I think local church or religious group should try some sort of program for them. Work on finding out where all this hate for fellow human beings comes from.
Border militia people (they were featured in the brilliant documentary Cartel Land) basically come off as military LARPers.
I love that right wing numbnuts still do the pork thing to ward off Muslims lololol
Cartel Land is exactly about that and they come off as jokers.
The weird thing is though, according to the article a not-insignificant number of these guys are veterans. They do have the experience of being in a real combat zone, following real orders, with real stakes. So you'd think they'd recognize how dumb and fake this pretend version of the military is.
That is why I think local churchs might have better luck. They hate "science type" people because they don't want to be told what to do. With churchs they would, supposedly, have their friends and family members rather than strangers. Of course, it would much harder to get through to cases where entire families have bought into this. I do know from personal experience how difficult and frustrating (and down right depressing) it is to try (and fail) to communicate with a person who feels disenfranchised.
From the article, most of them have ignored suggestions given to them by the VA or medical professionals. It's a little depressing.
They think it's another conspiracy. I know lots of people that feel it's a sign of weakness to utilize medical care or medications, which is also a little depressing.
I love that the border patrol guy basically talked about misuse of his position by stealing weed and cars, but that he's glad these militia men and women are there to do his job for free while he gets paid for it.
Militia / PMC / Mercenaries always frighten me.
It's like the US is working with third party contractors that have wildly varying levels of training and vetting for tasks that involve killing people.
That's harrowing, to say the least.
Also what the hell leads someone to have such hatred for other races without any major interaction with them in the first place?
That is why I think local churchs might have better luck. They hate "science type" people because they don't want to be told what to do. With churchs they would, supposedly, have their friends and family members rather than strangers. Of course, it would much harder to get through to cases where entire families have bought into this. I do know from personal experience how difficult and frustrating (and down right depressing) it is to try (and fail) to communicate with a person who feels disenfranchised.
I don't know how effective that would be. Religious groups in the communities that spawn these sorts of folks tend to have a similar brand of conservative contempt simmering beneath their surface.These people have mental issues. I think they need some form of community based help. I am not a religious person, but I think local church or religious group should try some sort of program for them. Work on finding out where all this hate for fellow human beings comes from.
It's windy and the sun is blazing in the cloudless sky. At the top of a small hill, Iceman takes a knee and Sandstone and I do the same. For several minutes, we look out over the valley, mottled with creosote bushes, sotol, and grass. I sense that for them, there is a romance to thisthe open land, the distant mountains, the belief that they are defending the frontier in service of the nation. I, too, relish this moment. Like them, I have a rationale for my attraction to danger and violence. I, too, am here.
Oi! militias and PMC/Mercs are two very different beasts.
Militias needs to be shutdown immediately. PMCs and Security Contractors are properly trained, professional soldiers who do a variety of tasks such as rescue operations, private security for commercial/industrial/private properties, and a whole lot of other stuff. Yes, we're well known for the "killing" part but you painting us with a very broad brush and I take offense to that. I take great offense to that. we involved in wildlife protection too ya know? some poachers be packing serious firepower these days.
At the very least, my boys have to pass a mental aptitude test to confirm they ain't psychotic idiots. these militias should be illegal. basically homegrown terrorists who may as well be a ticking time bomb waiting for something to trigger them to do something real stupid. half the time they packing illegal firearms/ammunition they shouldn't being carrying.
Too bad border patrol is a whole other level of incompetent.
Fair enough, but man most of the news I've heard about PMCs comes from shits like Blackwater or whatever new name they have this time around.
I shouldn't have used such a broad definition but yeah, any third party contractor being used for military based work scares the shit out of me as a regular citizen.
PMC's aren't always kosher either, as evidenced by Blackwater goons letting their inner Satan out and getting caught on tape.
MJ: What do you think of the federal government?
MM: The federal government is becoming tyrannical. I think that they have broadly overreached in many aspects. We see it in the Second Amendment, but we see it in the First Amendment, too. There's talk about what you can say, when you can say it. [Attorney General] Loretta Lynch came out herself and said people who make disparaging comments against Muslims should be charged with hate crimes. We see the federal government getting involved in everything from school lunches to firearms to how you can talk. Twenty years ago, we didn't need all these laws and rules. Things seemed to work just fine.
MJ: What do you think about Donald Trump's idea of a wall on the border?
MM: Well, I don't know how well that would work. I think that we need border control. I think that we definitely need to help our Border Patrol by giving them better equipment with better funding. You can build a gigantic wall if you want. It may slow down the traffic, but what it's gonna do is it's gonna slow down the immigrant traffic and that's not the traffic that concerns me the most. A wall is not gonna slow down the drug traffic and it's not gonna slow down the human trafficking because those people have all the money in the world to build tunnels, to buy airplanes. I mean, shoot, they are using submarines off the West Coast. I would like to see us focus on stopping the criminal enterprise that's going on down at the border. I don't think a wall is going to do that.