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I wonder how George Lucas feels about modern SW


Pay Day Money GIF


Gold Member
I wish it was just the first films* and someone competent made pre and post stuff that didn't necessarily connect to a Skywalker.

The prequels ruined a lot about the Jedi to me, and the Disney stuff made no fucking sense. 3 films with Anakin, 3 films with Luke, 3 films with some silly bint who wasn't connected to them until she sort of was but only through a work arrangement.

*Return is a bit cack.


There is zero chance he's happy with the creative direction Star Wars went. He gave them ideas about where he would go with future movies and Lucasfilms went in a different direction, one that has been universally panned.

I don't know how George Lucas really feels, but i prefer his prequels to the modern Disney Star Wars and i didn't like them lol
It's because they feel like Star Wars. The new crap misses that vibe completely. It's completely hollow slop.
I don't know how George Lucas really feels, but i prefer his prequels to the modern Disney Star Wars and i didn't like them lol
Basically this lol. I grew up with the prequels, I was 10/11 when TPM came out, and even saw it in theaters. They're some of the worst movies I've ever seen, but for as bad as they were, at least Lucas had a coherent storyline planned out. That's the only good thing I can say about them, which puts it 1 step higher than the Disney trilogy.


There is zero chance he's happy with the creative direction Star Wars went. He gave them ideas about where he would go with future movies and Lucasfilms went in a different direction, one that has been universally panned.

It's because they feel like Star Wars. The new crap misses that vibe completely. It's completely hollow slop.
Yeah, true, nothing wrong with the prequels feel, it was the story i didn't like, in particular Darth Vader, that wasn't the same bad ass i had known since 1977, he didn't hunt any Jedi down, was lovesick and whined a lot and killed some kids.
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There is zero chance he's happy with the creative direction Star Wars went. He gave them ideas about where he would go with future movies and Lucasfilms went in a different direction, one that has been universally panned.

It's because they feel like Star Wars. The new crap misses that vibe completely. It's completely hollow slop.

Hollow slop and out of ideas sums it up well.


Basically this lol. I grew up with the prequels, I was 10/11 when TPM came out, and even saw it in theaters. They're some of the worst movies I've ever seen, but for as bad as they were, at least Lucas had a coherent storyline planned out. That's the only good thing I can say about them, which puts it 1 step higher than the Disney trilogy.
Yeah, before the prequels i was Star Wars mad, now i just don't care about it anymore, sad state of affairs


One of those YouTube clickbait videos told me that he didn’t like Episode 7. He thought it was a ripoff from his first movie, didn’t push the boundaries of tech and didn’t introduce enough new worlds to be interesting.


One of those YouTube clickbait videos told me that he didn’t like Episode 7. He thought it was a ripoff from his first movie, didn’t push the boundaries of tech and didn’t introduce enough new worlds to be interesting.

I mean that's why I didn't like it. The only difference is I'm not a clickbait Youtuber.


I mean if he really cared about what happens to the franchise he wouldn't have sold it, specially not to some massive multi media corporation.
That said I do think it's an interesting question in that Disney was in a different position in 2012. He might have not expected the extent to which they'd milk the franchise, nor that they would somehow decide to make a new trilogy with no plan or overall story outline in mind.


Gold Member
After seeing many documentaries and clips of George Lucas after all these years I think he was just extremely lucky to have got away with Starwars. George merely took historical genres and classic film beats and made a new jigsaw out of the pieces. He was lucky to have the right people to put the pieces together. His actors told him when his script was shit; refusing to say lines of drivel. His editor fixed the jumble mess of his ideas into a decent story, the sound guys made some of the most iconic sounds around. His work on the prequels was spoilt by 'yes' men with no push back. Actors stood on a green stage; no one having a clue what surroundings they were playing to. Some of the actors were shite and even some good actors were made to look worse than they were. And, Disney... well the less said about them the better.
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I mean if he really cared about what happens to the franchise he wouldn't have sold it, specially not to some massive multi media corporation.
That said I do think it's an interesting question in that Disney was in a different position in 2012. He might have not expected the extent to which they'd milk the franchise, nor that they would somehow decide to make a new trilogy with no plan or overall story outline in mind.

If I remember correctly he sold it to Disney when Marvel movies were juggernauts so it would have been easy to think that Disney was a good caretaker. He was also "promised" that they would take his input on what the sequel trilogy should be about, but got stabbed in the back by Iger and Kennedy. I might have some details wrong.
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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
There is zero chance he's happy with the creative direction Star Wars went. He gave them ideas about where he would go with future movies and Lucasfilms went in a different direction, one that has been universally panned.

It's because they feel like Star Wars. The new crap misses that vibe completely. It's completely hollow slop.
Yup. They also don't use intelligence when they create these new ones. They cast based on gender, color and make characters powerful based on gender and color.
I'm not whining or anything. That's what I've witnessed. Men are usually second fiddle to a woman that was born in a fragile body, but has 25% of The Hulks strength as a default passive.


If I remember correctly he sold it to Disney when Marvel movies were juggernauts so it would have been easy to think that Disney was a good caretaker. He was also "promised" that they would take his input on what the sequel trilogy should be about, but got stabbed in the back by Iger and Kennedy. I might have some details wrong.

Yeah as I said, Disney was in a different position back then. The MCU was taking off, their animation branch was doing better and I'd argue their overall public perception was higher.
So he might have expected them to put more effort into the new movie trilogy and not crap out a bunch of unnecessary spinoffs and uneven TV shows.

As for the whole taking his input thing, at that level of negotiation I imagine he was aware that anything that isn't on paper doesn't really mean anything.


I wish it was just the first films* and someone competent made pre and post stuff that didn't necessarily connect to a Skywalker.

The prequels ruined a lot about the Jedi to me, and the Disney stuff made no fucking sense. 3 films with Anakin, 3 films with Luke, 3 films with some silly bint who wasn't connected to them until she sort of was but only through a work arrangement.

*Return is a bit cack.
I just wish they took what worked in the EU. Disney saying it's not canon and then immediately stealing ideas and bastarding them has to be beyond infuriating for the people who created them.
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Yup. They also don't use intelligence when they create these new ones. They cast based on gender, color and make characters powerful based on gender and color.
I'm not whining or anything. That's what I've witnessed. Men are usually second fiddle to a woman that was born in a fragile body, but has 25% of The Hulks strength as a default passive.
Yeah, everyone has. One of the main reasons why the Stars Wars brand is in the shitter.

Diddy X

Not like first 6 movies were that great either, but anyway he created it and sold it, it had extreme success and he is rich, he's got a family and other way more important things than a freakin franchise no matter how big it is.


There is zero chance he's happy with the creative direction Star Wars went.
He directed a shot in Solo. The scene where Han and Qi’ra are in Lando’s closet was his. In the script Han carefully hung up the cape, George was on the set all day and Ron asked him what Han would do and George directed Aiden to just toss the cape without caring where it went.

He liked Rogue One, Solo, and TLJ (because that one used his EPVII stuff).

Rogue One came from a Jon Knoll idea, one of his VFX guys. Solo was directed by his friend and apprentice Ron Howard (who he wanted to direct Phantom Menace) and it was George who asked Kasdan to write a young Solo movie before he sold the company.
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He directed a shot in Solo. The scene where Han and Qi’ra are in Lando’s closet was his. In the script Han carefully hung up the cape, George was on the set all day and Ron asked him what Han would do and George directed Aiden to just toss the cape without caring where it went.

He liked Rogue One, Solo, and TLJ (because that one used his EPVII stuff).

Rogue One came from a Jon Knoll idea, one of his VFX guys. Solo was directed by his friend and apprentice Ron Howard (who he wanted to direct Phantom Menace) and it was George who asked Kasdan to write a young Solo movie before he sold the company.

I actually liked Solo a lot. More than any of the other spin-offs apart from Andor.


He might be ultra happy with the huge amount of money, but no way he is not happy with the amount of catasthropic damage they did to the franchise. They are basically destroying his entire work/legacy and for what? A "problem" that never existed.
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Star Wars was a fluke that probably took Lucas by surprise as much as it did everyone else. He struggled with the follow-ups, and arguably the best film in the original trilogy was the one he didn't direct.

Everything he did to reignite the magic post-Star Wars came off as clumsy and ill-advised. The prequels, the endless reworking of scenes that should have been left alone, selling it to a company that was always going to destroy its rarity value.

Lucas is probably happy enough with the state of it now, because he had no better ideas about what to do when he owned it.


All they had to do was make the Thrawn Trilogy into Episodes 7,8 and 9 and follow the EU and they would have made billions. They wanted to do their own stories though and not pay royalties, so instead we get Disney garbage. As far as I'm concerned all Star Wars content ceased production when Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012.
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