The bear of bad news
ID software must do this my friends Rage has goord potential
where is the series now?Rage 2 was fucking terrible and the series is where it belongs now.
dead and forgotten (until this thread was made)where is the series now?
I feel like even an indie dev would make a better game than 343i at this point. It feels the only talented ppl somehow managed to get put on MCC duty, because that game gets new content and modes to this day while 343 managed to kill halo in 3 should be making Halo. They can put 343i on a kart game, or some mobile shit.
They did, together with Avalanche.ID did not make RAGE 2
Looking at the credits, the overwhelming majority of the staff were Avalanche. id Software advising, but since it wasn’t id Tech, none of the major work was done by id.They did, together with Avalanche.
Looking at the credits, the overwhelming majority of the staff were Avalanche. id Software advising, but since it wasn’t id Tech, none of the major work was done by id.
Rage was *fine*. Some cool animations and the megatexture tech was interesting for a short time, but it suffered from dull art direction and the level design was borderline awful. Combat encounters were pretty good, and the weapons and weapon modules were solid, something they built on on Doom 2016. The shotguns were weak but most of the roster was pretty good, particularly the Nailgun with the Rebar module from The Scorchers DLC. It just didn’t have that id Software feel and while I enjoyed my time with it… outside of the car combat… it isn’t a world I want to revisit any time soon, especially if it means passing on a Quake or Doom game.
Rage 2 was dogshit. Combat once you had levelled up a bunch was ok, but it was a janky, ugly, soulless game with a dreadful plot, dreadful enemies, and horrendous art direction. Doom 2016 was a better game in every way and I would rather id distances themselves from the Rage series altogether after Rage 2. The world is uninspired and outside of a complete reboot I don’t know where they would take it. Like Quake 4, the game is nowhere near the id Software pedigree. I’d take countless Doom sequels over tripe like Rage 2.
Tomorrow we will get the Quake 2 remaster and I’m praying for a Quake reboot announcement. I want Quake 1 gameplay and level design, Quake 3 Team Arena multiplayer, none of the bullshit bloat from Doom Eternal, a blend of Eldritch horror, and mainly medieval horror worlds, no fucking Strogg, and it needs to support modding. If it’s Machine Games leading it, that’s fine. Dimension of the Past and Dimension of the Machine are both outstanding. Hire everybody involved with Arcane Dimensions and give them a suitable budget to make a current gen classic using id Tech. Easy fucking money.
That job should go to Certain Affinity or some Activision should be making Halo. They can put 343i on a kart game, or some mobile shit.
Halo should go to The Coalition.That job should go to Certain Affinity or some Activision studio.
It's not like Rage 1 was any good. No not even the graphics.Rage 2 was fucking terrible and the series is where it belongs now.
In da traesh.where is the series now?
That actually looks pretty cool. I just got very turned off by the Fortnite neon pink haired characters that they added to the world.I like both Rage games a lot.
Rage 1 has stunning artwork-like visual style that has never really been matched. Great atmosphere and fun gameplay. Probably my favourite id game, in fact.
Rage 2 has less unique visuals, but its gunplay and gameplay was fuck as fuck. Enjoyed it enouh to finish it and even do all the shitty sidecontent, which was rendered non-shitty due to sheer fun of tearing fools's asses.
Few of my shots from Rage 2, looking at them again makes me kinda wanna replay
this is one of my favourite fps levels ever
I like both Rage games a lot.
Rage 1 has stunning artwork-like visual style that has never really been matched. Great atmosphere and fun gameplay. Probably my favourite id game, in fact.
Rage 2 has less unique visuals, but its gunplay and gameplay was fuck as fuck. Enjoyed it enouh to finish it and even do all the shitty sidecontent, which was rendered non-shitty due to sheer fun of tearing fools's asses.
Few of my shots from Rage 2, looking at them again makes me kinda wanna replay
Rage 1 still looks gorgeous, seriously like a moving artwork. As long as you don't inspect textures from too close.
Such a distinct look and atmosphere.