Cauliflower of Love
Unless you get some dirty dirty X you should be fine one time. Most people that die with x is cause they're eating garbage.
DCharlie said:Because ,quite frankly, given the extent of E use in the UK in the late 90s we should have had thousands up on thousands of people dead.
I had a friend once who took some ecstacy. He tried to marry me and everyone in the room. He was sorta loving, kinda caring, kinda tried to fuck my lazy-boy. It got a bit messy all over the curtains, armchair covers, throw pillows and carpet.Hitman said:I want to try ecstacy... I was wondering what the effects were. Will doing it once fuck you up in any way or is it relativly safe.
small risk of death. Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death. (rare)
Tim said:A lot of people here are prejudiced against things they know nothing about. Please don't give the guy advice if you yourself should be the one receiving it.
Why are you even doing drugs in the first place? Go play some games or rape a tree or something if you need to "release."
WTF? Yeah. It's a "given".
Cubsfan23 said:You're a fucking idiot for even doing it once. I don't care what the defenders say about it.
Tim said:A lot of people here are prejudiced against things they know nothing about. Please don't give the guy advice if you yourself should be the one receiving it.
As for the original question - it's relatively safe. Just don't take too much the first time. I've tried it once (I have an older brother who looks after me and is way more experienced), and as long as you stick to one pill (half a pill then hour and a half later another half), you'll be fine trust me. Just don't drink alcohol with it, especially not the first time. And, like said, be sure to drink enough water.
The effect is most excellent imo. But like I said I've only tried it once and will never do it unless there's some kind of special festival or party. Don't try it on a regular night out, you might become addicted more easily if you do. But as far as addiction goes, I dn't know much when it comes to xtc.
It helps a lot if you have friends whom you can trust that can help you with it. But the most important things to keep in mind is that you shouldn't take more than one pill (even when you have the feeling it's not working) and that you should drink enough water.
DCharlie said:But you can say that about drinking/smoking.
Give me one good reason? (rhetorical) - it`s enjoyable.
People know the massive health risks with drinking and smoking, yet they still do it. People take E knowing the risks and enjoy that too.
DCharlie said:i`ve had 1 hours sleep and i`ve got to be at work at 7:30 ish...
BobbyRobby said:There's a good chance you'll become very "open". You may say a lot of shit you'll wish you hadn't said. I'd suggest against calling up any girls you have any sort of feelings for. They might get wierded out.
I, uh, read that on the internet. Sounds like good advice though.
(coke and sex do not mix)
Camillemurs said:Do you mind slight death or brain damage?
Camillemurs said:Do you mind slight death or brain damage?
you mean they may want to try it right?Zaptruder said:1 in 50,000 eh?
Well... my sage advice is, if you've ever bought a lottery ticket... you might not want to try ecstasy.
Mr Gump said:you mean they may want to try it right?
chocoholic said:I still dont get why people want to take drugs. Sure, it might be one of the best feelings at the time but it could screw up the rest of your life.
Cubsfan23 said:You're a fucking idiot for even doing it once. I don't care what the defenders say about it.
Pimpwerx said:Any drug can be done in moderation. Yes, even herione, although I find that just ridiculous to think about.
White Man said:There are many people (ie. everyone in the 1970s) that would disagree with you. It's the only reason I did the garbage more than once. Grrrrr, I hate amphetamines. I'm a spaz and they tend to accentuate that.
Mushrooms. . .mmmmm, psychadelics are the only thing I'll likely ever do again. Psychadelics and painkillers. I have drug interactions to worry about now. That's why I've sort of stopped drinking.