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"If I were asked to do Pikmin 3, I could do a BETTER job than Nintendo"

Warm Machine said:
This guy has got to realize one thing...to come up with the idea in the first place is a hell of a lot harder than to improve on something that already exists.

This needed to be said again. If there is one thing Nintendo is really good at, it's pulling off a good game and making it look easy.

I don't care that he said this really. He just needs to put his money where his mouth is now. Since he hasn't even made a title that is as good (IMO) as Pikmin 2 yet, he better get to the drawing board stat.


JasoNsider said:
I don't care that he said this really. He just needs to put his money where his mouth is now. Since he hasn't even made a title that is as good (IMO) as Pikmin 2 yet, he better get to the drawing board stat.

Or what, you'll boycott his games? :p
Tellaerin said:
Or what, you'll boycott his games? :p

I see no reason to boycott his games. The only game I've really enjoyed from Team Ninja in the last long while was Ninja Gaiden. I really like the game. However, it's nowhere near the level of polish of Pikmin 2 IMO.

All I'm saying is that it's no big deal that he said this....so long as he actually puts his money where his mouth is. Otherwise he's just making an ass of himself.


Chili Con Carnage!
I could do Pikmin 3 better than Miyamoto too, no more space men and plants, say hello to pirates and ninjas and swords...oh my.
JasoNsider said:
All I'm saying is that it's no big deal that he said this....so long as he actually puts his money where his mouth is. Otherwise he's just making an ass of himself.

Doesn't sounds like he's promising anything... He's a self-admitted fan of the games. He says that if given the option, he can make a better sequel than he thinks Nintendo would. With his statement he's making an ass of himself? How?


MightyHedgehog said:
He says that if given the option, he can make a better sequel than he thinks Nintendo would.

No, not "thinks". He says he CAN make a better sequel.


MightyHedgehog said:
Correction. He said can. But to say that, you have to think that. :)

Well, it appears to me as if he's not "thinking" as in "could be". He bluntly says that he can. That's my point with him being so...so...tactless. :p
Well, this is really a question of interpretation. Since I don't take statements made by people who are speaking (not typing) so literally. Lots of semantics.
Warm Machine said:
This guy has got to realize one thing...to come up with the idea in the first place is a hell of a lot harder than to improve on something that already exists.

Well that's basically been Itagaki's thing, he doesn't actually like coming up with game idea. Just taking other peoples and doing stuff with them. :p


MightyHedgehog said:
Well, this is really a question of interpretation. Since I don't take statements made by people who are speaking (not typing) so literally. Lots of semantics.

I can agree with this. :)
Great. I didn't intend to defend Itagaki (he can do that if he feels it necessary), but really, all the hate and extreme reactionism is ridiculous.


MightyHedgehog said:
Well, this is really a question of interpretation. Since I don't take statements made by people who are speaking (not typing) so literally. Lots of semantics.
I'd actually like to see why he said "Again". If he had actually said the same thing before, you don't have a leg to stand on, my friend. ;)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Heh, I can't hate the guy. He's insane, I can't deny that...but he IS an interesting fellow.


Ninja Scooter said:

"And if i were asked to make a Dead or Alive 4...i'd say no after i stopped laughing bitches!"
Hahah, brilliant.
Socreges said:
I'd actually like to see why he said "Again". If he had actually said the same thing before, you don't have a leg to stand on, my friend. ;)

Heh. Yeah, that is an interesting thing to point out. Perhaps he mentions it earlier in the interview...maybe he's obsessed with Pikmin and believes that he has some ideas that he feels only he can bring to fruition if he had control over P3. Ah, who knows?
MightyHedgehog said:
Heh. Yeah, that is an interesting thing to point out. Perhaps he mentions it earlier in the interview...maybe he's obsessed with Pikmin and believes that he has some ideas that he feels only he can bring to fruition if he had control over P3. Ah, who knows?

If he feels that way, why not just make it then? It's not like he needs Pikmins name to go out and make a game like it. If he really thinks he can, he can show it if he wants.
Yeah, but obviously he is overseeing several on-going Team Ninja projects, in addition to managing Tecmo's development staff...probably pretty hectic if they are currently working on next-gen consoles about now. He can't just up and decide to do this on demand for those who find his statement to be dropped gauntlet of sorts. 'Sides, I don't want to see Code Chronus, Ninja Gaiden 2, and DOA4 delayed any more than they have to be.
Yeah, I don't understand the hate for this comment either. Sure it's a bit tactless, but I honestly believe that if someone thinks they can do something better then they should just do it. As I said, the only problem here is that, IMO, he hasn't made anything of Pikmin 2 caliber in the past. So I have no problem with him saying he can do something better so long as he starts delivering titles that reflect his degree of confidence.

Ninja Gaiden is a great game, but has one or two pitfalls that Nintendo has been avoiding for years. They are definitely a talented bunch when they put their mind to something though. Even forgetting graphics for a moment (both Pikmin 2 and Ninja Gaiden are nice looking games), the gameplay in Ninja Gaiden was fairly solid.

Here's hoping he follows through and delivers a DS title.


This guy has got to realize one thing...to come up with the idea in the first place is a hell of a lot harder than to improve on something that already exists.

Boy did you nail it. Let's hope Itagi has some "original" games in the work.
I actually didn't find the Pikmin comment as arrogant as, "Because I know I could do a better job of making any game that is out there."

If you don't find that a bit arrogant, I must wonder if you know what the word means.
Socreges said:
Of course I can bench 250lbs. I just don't want to.

EXACTLY. Well said. Itagaki is just a little annoying from some of the things he says. I mean come on. In another inerview, he said that he is working on the "Best handheld game" of all time. What kind of statement is that?
ToyMachine228 said:
EXACTLY. Well said. Itagaki is just a little annoying from some of the things he says. I mean come on. In another inerview, he said that he is working on the "Best handheld game" of all time. What kind of statement is that?

He said this? Was he referring to the PSP or DS game?

To be fair, if Ninja Gaiden had been just a tad more polished I would honestly consider it one of the best action games of all time. If he's saying things like that he had best hope that he has something just as impressive to show for the handheld platform.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hey Jason, what aspects did you feel were unpolished? While I certainly don't believe NG was for everyone, I did find it to be one of the most polished games we've seen in a while and stands up there with MGS2 and Metroid Prime in that regard...

The camera system was the only thing that I could see people complaining about (though it didn't bother me), but that is fixed in the new add-on.

BTW, did you ever catch that massive PoP2 preview from E3? I only watched it recently and was very happy to see a large level with plenty of platforming in it. The pirate ship was mostly combat, but the other scenes were more like the original game and looked very nice!


After Ninja Gaiden, he can say whatever he wants, he doesnt have to prove anything (one of the best action game ever). Whats all this "unpolished" nonesense, NG was extremly polished


Prine said:
After Ninja Gaiden, he can say whatever he wants, he doesnt have to prove anything (one of the best action game ever). Whats all this "unpolished" nonesense, NG was extremly polished

So just because he's made a good action game, he's supreme in all other genres as well? Yey!
dark10x said:
Hey Jason, what aspects did you feel were unpolished? While I certainly don't believe NG was for everyone, I did find it to be one of the most polished games we've seen in a while and stands up there with MGS2 and Metroid Prime in that regard...

The camera system was the only thing that I could see people complaining about (though it didn't bother me), but that is fixed in the new add-on.

BTW, did you ever catch that massive PoP2 preview from E3? I only watched it recently and was very happy to see a large level with plenty of platforming in it. The pirate ship was mostly combat, but the other scenes were more like the original game and looked very nice!

Yeah, having one of the worst cameras I can remember (for a game of this magnitude) was a big problem. I also had a couple problems with some of the character designs (the "monster" type enemies) and controls for things like wire hanging, but those are pretty minor issues when looking at the big picture. I agree that the game is excellent, but it's not quite the same amount of polish as Pikmin 2, MGS2, or Metroid Prime. In fact, the glaring camera problems were confusing, as the rest of the game was bloody brilliant in my eyes. The fact that the camera almost broke the game was dissapointing.

Hurricane Pack does not count in my eyes. I'm really happy about it, but I can't count patches here. Even Nintendo would be able to say "Remember how long it took you to do that Triforce fetch-quest? Download the patch and skip it!"

Regarding PoP2: I know what you mean! I saw the E3 preview recently and was very impressed to see some of the platforming coming back. They even found a way to blend the fighting and platforming instead of having those jarring "sections" that were exclusively one or the other.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The fact that the camera almost broke the game was dissapointing.

I guess it just varies per person, but I actually had no problems with the camera system (outside of the horse battles) and found it to be one of the best solutions they could have come up with for a game of this speed. Even with the new camera system in place, I rarely use it during combat. A lot of people seem to have trouble with it for some reason, but it just never bothered me. Of course, camera complaints are USUALLY lost on me anyways, as it is something I've always been able to overcome.

The ONLY recent game, where I can truly say the camera ruined the game, is Dino Crisis 3. THAT camera is useless...
Many times I had the camera looking straight at Ryu's ass, or sometimes on bosses the camera would hang on something and I could not see a single thing. A lot of the "screen real estate" is Ryu's figure, which makes no sense as he is the last thing you need to be watching the movements of. Instead, I would rather be looking at the deadly enemies that are approaching directly in front of him. It's a fundamental flaw that they made which confuses me to no end as it's pretty obvious and they even added the features in a patch later. The optimized camera features should have been on the disc from day one.

That being said, I tried my hardest to enjoy the game and ignore the camera problems as best I could. It's a really fun game.
He said the handheld thing, and he also said something comparing the Nintendo DS. He said something alone the lines of...My goal right now is to make the best handheld game. When I asked myself which would be better, the Nintendo DS, or the PSP, I came to my answer. The Nintendo DS. There will be no other way.
And yeah, I'm a big fan of action games, but...I just couldn't get into Ninja Gaiden. I had just come off of Devil May Cry, and I just couldn't get into it. I played through the first couple levels, and was like yeah this is really cool. But then I just got bored, though I did continue through the game.
ToyMachine228 said:
He said the handheld thing, and he also said something comparing the Nintendo DS. He said something alone the lines of...My goal right now is to make the best handheld game. When I asked myself which would be better, the Nintendo DS, or the PSP, I came to my answer. The Nintendo DS. There will be no other way.

Interesting. I thought I read a while ago about Team Ninja making both a PSP and a DS game. Though he said something about a game that can be played by kids going to the DS.

User 406

The thing is, I know I'm smarter than everyone who loves Itagaki for being an arrogant tactless egomaniac. I can do anything better than they can. This is why they will worship me for speaking my mind so honestly and frankly.

Love and kisses,

Derek Smart


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Then why doesn't he do his own take on Pikmin. Less talk, more action.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
This is proof that Team Ninja is going R. exclusive next gen. Its official.
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