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If there's one 2005 Gamecube title that should be moved to Revolution its Geist

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Who's with me?

Geist has an interesting gameplay mechanic that could help distinguish it from the early bunch of FPS games that will be released on the next gen consoles. Its far too late for Geist to make any kind of a real impact on the Gamecube but as a mature title it could go along way towards helping to define the Revolution the same way Goldeneye helped to define the N64 and Halo helped to define the Xbox (okay, maybe thats pushing it). Besides, its not like there are a ton of people waiting to play it like Zelda. I doubt most people would even notice.
How about they move it to the PS3 where it'll be forgotten like so many other generic FPS/stealth titles instead of hyped by desperate fanboys determined to polish turds and pass them off as pearls.


bitwise said:
you are talking like its a great game or something.

what? you mean you wouldn't want to possess a bowl of dogfood IN HIGH QUALITY 60FPS?

Edit: WTF? GA just died for a sec?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
bitwise said:
you are talking like its a great game or something.

Please show me where I said it was a great game in its current state. I just said the concept was interesting. Given some TLC, it could turn into a solid launch title.


The best is that they actually bother to show footage of the 4-player split screen. They should have a caption on the bottom:

Warning: Nobody gives a shit.

I bet the game will be good, single-player at least. I just can't see myself seriously playing a game like thta split-screen anymore, though.
What I played was pretty fun, actually.

And considering that the Revolution is about two years off and Geist is probably really close to being done, this is not a great suggestion.
Drinky Crow said:
How about they move it to the PS3 where it'll be forgotten like so many other generic FPS/stealth titles instead of hyped by desperate fanboys determined to polish turds and pass them off as pearls.

I thought the MGS games sold like gold?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Kobun Heat said:
What I played was pretty fun, actually.

And considering that the Revolution is about two years off and Geist is probably really close to being done, this is not a great suggestion.

Geist is probably at least 10-12 months away from being released. We have no specifics as to when the Revolution will launch. It could be as early as the 2nd quarter of 2006 in Japan, 3rd quarter 2006 in America. That would only constitute a delay of approximately 1 year (which is totally worth it if that time is taken to improve the game)... and given the fact that new franchises often sell better when they are part of a system's launch I do not think its a bad idea at all.


It does need work. So i dont know. I am sure the right decision will be made.

Retro Studios should make a fps for Revolution.


I think that moving it to Revolution would be the best move. Geist looks like it needs a lot of work yet, and I don't think it will make a difference on the GameCube.

Nintendo has done this with the N64 (Starfox, Eternal Darkness) so I am sure they will move some games from GCN to Revolution as well.


Plus, they could make it online as it looks like the Revolution is going to atleast have Wi-Fi play.

I really don't care about this game either. If they put some next generation polish on it it'll do much better as a launch game. As it stands now I doubt it'd even manage to do 100k.
Isn't it meant to be looking a lot better now? There was new footage recently, I can't remember where... I'm sure when theres a new playable build it will have improved. I think they have a good chance of taking the novel idea and making a good game out of it. We'll see though I guess...

Starfox Armada is meant to be improved over the original Starfox 2 demo and footage, so I wouldn't doubt it in the slightest.

All that said, they could move it and I wouldn't really care. I've heard little to nothing on this game, and what I have heard wasn't exactly hype inducing..
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