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If you fully pre-pay for a game, why doesn't EB hold onto it past 48 hours?


...especially with niche titles like Gradius V and Katamari Damacy? Honestly, I know that space = money, but when there is open space available and an already-paid-tab, I don't see why the policy is in place.

48 hours? Kiss my ass.
Matlock said:
...especially with niche titles like Gradius V and Katamari Damacy? Honestly, I know that space = money, but when there is open space available and an already-paid-tab, I don't see why the policy is in place.

48 hours? Kiss my ass.

If 48 hours will be cutting it close, just ask if the manager will hold it longer. In my experience they are pretty understanding about that sort of thing.


BuddyChrist83 said:
If you call and explain your situation to them, they'll likely hold Katamari indefinitely for you.

Already did, they said it was 48 hours, no ifs ands or buts.

Which is really nice, because now my mom feels obligated to get it right after going to get her yearly cancer checkup. :p


Now you tell me. ;)

Funny note: last time I was down there (a little over two weeks ago, last time I was home), they were just getting Steel Batallion in. What the hell?


I dunno.

One of the EBs back home has a bunch of SB sitting in the backroom, so maybe they sold a copy and got hit with a few in gratitude.

Nothing was greater than finally selling the game that just sat on the shelf for ages, only to get three copies in the next shipment.


Junior Member
BuddyChrist83 said:
I dunno.
Nothing was greater than finally selling the game that just sat on the shelf for ages, only to get three copies in the next shipment.

LOL, My Gamestop hates when I come in and by all the PS2 rally games...living here in NASCAR land. I always here them under their breath, "Damn it, now we are going to get 3 more of these"
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