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Why are you a fanboy? (if you are)

I was fanboy at one point in my life , its the same as rooting for your favorite team , or my religion is better than yours , its very much a cult mentality!


Used to be a huge PS, Rockstar, and Valve fanboy growing up in the late 90s and 00s but now I don't really like any of them.

Now I just go with whatever's good at the time and if it starts sucking I'll move onto something else.
Honest answer? I used to be a Playstation fanboy… but only because I could not afford all platforms. Once I had the money, I didn’t care because I could just buy all games I was interested in.


PC and Ps1, PS2, Xbox, GameCube. I stopped being a fanboy when I've started realizing the existence of exclusive games.


Gold Member
I think it's something teenagers go through. It's normal, and the marketing by big brands is very clever in exploiting this. But once you're 25+, you should have realized that every big brand/corporation is just in it to make money and doesn't give a shit about anything else. Doesn't matter if you are a fan or an employee or a customer: No company deserves loyalty.


I understand having a preferred platform, I used to love PS1/2 when they were a thing and didn't care for others. Then I moved to PC where I still like to game the most, though I owned X360, 3 PS3s and a PS4 for a little in-between.
Never ever did I feel like belonging to a group, never did I feel superior or inferior to other gamers, even rn when I literally run a 1030, waiting for new GPUs etc, I don't feel small or inferior to people with a 5090 or whatever. Wouldn't that be idiotic? Most importantly, I never felt bad or like loosing when I couldn't play a game on my preferred platform, or jealous PS5 owners get to play GT7 for example (series I love so much) and I can't. I can't yet it doesn't even cross my mind to buy a PS5 for it, it's what it is. Now what is it about the fact that I or someone else can't play GT7 or DeS remake on PC, Xbox or whatever, that makes you happy, and how is that not childish, immature and absurd? If Age of Mythology came out on PS5 or Switch tommorow, am I to throw fits online, crazy? Also isn't it a lot smarter for us to stand neutral in this context, and critically pick whatever suits us best, i.e today I may get Nvidia, tommorrow AMD, then Intel or Sony if that's the best choice for me as a buyer or user? Why the hell would I pick sides for someone who doesn't give a damn for me anyhow? In the end, use what you like to use to game on, why waste time on pointless dickwaving, bashing, derriding others when it's supposed to be about enjoying games primarily? I'd rather we all be gamers first and foremost, and collectivelly demand quality games and products, instead of eating shit, thank you!
You're not, you've just made others reacting to their former self, that's it.


Because people are stupid. I would use another choice word, but we're in 2025 and words hurt a lot on the internet or something.

But spot on, OP. People are just fuckin' goofy, lmao


Gold Member
fanboy mega fan GIF by Nashville on CMT


Gold Member
This is the most rational take I've seen on here

Play what you like, let others do the same, and demand quality over pointless brand loyalty 👏

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
While I sit upon a ivory throne atop the great mountain of all things video games it will shock no one that I am mark ass mark for Nintendo.

I may not main their consoles now, but it will be a cold, dead day in this industry when I don’t own a console release from them (obviously I will be cold and dead but…you’geddit).

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Gold Member
I don’t see myself as a fanboy (unless talking about Commodore)
Commodore 64 > Atari 800 > Sinclair Spectrum
Commodore Amiga > Atari St

That was back in the day.. now I have them all.. have about 6 c64s, plus 4, c16 , Amiga, Atari 400's, 3 Atari 800xls , ti99/A's

Guess you could call me an 8 bit fanboy.

Mainly I just repair them and then don't want to part with them
I understand having a preferred platform, I used to love PS1/2 when they were a thing and didn't care for others. Then I moved to PC where I still like to game the most, though I owned X360, 3 PS3s and a PS4 for a little in-between.
Never ever did I feel like belonging to a group,
There's nothing wrong with a preferred platform. I have Playstation 5 and Switch right now - but if all other things are the same, I prefer to get the game on Switch. It would be my "preferred platform". It doesn't mean you belong to "a group". Up until the Ps4 generation, I owned all the consoles on the market at any given time.


Gold Member
I don’t support any company because that is pathetic and cringe. I buy what I like and think is good value whether that be Sony, Microsoft, intel, amd, valve, nvidia.

They don’t care about you except for how much money they can get off you. Loyalty doesn’t mean much to them. If people are loyal then they just see them as suckers and fools.


I'm a 100% disloyal cunt when it comes to brands, I buy whatever total package convinces me the most. People need to learn that those companies are not their friends, all they want is their money. When it comes to gaming i'm atm Pc and a huge fan of it, but will get a Switch 2 day1 and could even imagine maining a console or streaming at some point. But not right now and so others may think i'm a pc fanboy, but my pc makes me just better than them and those plebs should learn how to kneels down!
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I believe just calling someone a “Fan” suffices, since it’s short for “Fanatic”. For instance, we don’t call Yankee/Cowboy fans, fanbois…even though they’re just as insufferable as any gamer.
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Im a fanboy of great games/franchises, and it so happened sony and their playstation consoles had a lot of those exclusive to their platform, so by proxy i got to be sony fanboy but again- its only by proxy, i played and still play many amazing games on pc, i had dreamcast borrowed from my buddy for summer vacation to play all/most of its amazing games back in the early 2000s, and hardcore did, i bought og xbox too(pretty sure i was only one having it in my smalltown), the one with big hands duke controler, simply coz i wanted to play its high quality exclusives :)


I was into all the consoles, retro included, up until 2007 when Halo 3 came out for the Xbox 360. Then I was mainly an Xbox guy up until 2015 or so. Nowadays I just do whatever on whichever platform I feel like playing.

I've seen fanboys on each side tear their own preferred brand to shreds with toxic positivity and delusion. Never understood it.


not tag worthy
I used to be a massive fanboy but as I got older I just have a preference due to lack of time and money.
It's fun to be on a team and discuss the topic, whether it's video games, basketball, etc... as long as it doesn't involve insults, there's no problem.


Console wars are fun as long as you don't take it too seriously. And the people that do take it seriously it's extremely fun to watch them meltdown. Who didn't enjoy the great Xbot slaying these past few years?


Gold Member
I'm a full-throttle PC fanboy, just look at the NSFW-tagged mods on Nexus. Need I say more? That said, I own every console, but out of the three, my PS5 gathers the most dust. The teens mostly game on the Switch and Xbox Series X when they're not on their own PCs. The PS5 (I've nicknamed pigpen) only sees action when an exclusive I can't ignore (like GTA 6) drops.

Edit: Never mind the NSFW Nexus comment, forgot they've grown soft. :messenger_winking_tongue:
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I'm a fanboy of common sense.

And my common sense tells me, that I need a personal calculator for calculations and game console for games.


Fanboy? I'm not a fanboy at all. It's not my fault my shit is elite and your shit sucks. I just do better research.

j/k, lol

Anyway, really, it is human nature to defend our own decisions and prevent cognitive dissonance. What's actually strange is why many people pretend not to be fanboys. It's actually virtue signaling to not be a fanboy. We know that secretly, you actually are.


Commodore 64 > Atari 800 > Sinclair Spectrum
Commodore Amiga > Atari St

That was back in the day.. now I have them all.. have about 6 c64s, plus 4, c16 , Amiga, Atari 400's, 3 Atari 800xls , ti99/A's

Guess you could call me an 8 bit fanboy.

Mainly I just repair them and then don't want to part with them
That’s a nice turn around!
I haven’t got there yet, still no experience in Atari computers or even their older consoles. But I have a bunch of Commodore computers, an Amiga 1200 still plugged in, hundreds of floppies and the most important ones are ripped now with a Kryoflux for easier access. And a The64 full size is there too.

Very excited about a last ninja collection that System 3 are putting together right now from a Kickstarter project! One of my all time favorite game series, definitely for the nostalgia in many ways but that’s how it is with much of this, it’s like a time machine back to the childhood 🤓👌


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I’m a Nintendo fanboy because I enjoy playing games on bare minimum power level and with archaic online options!

I am a Sony fanboy because I love the fact they take advantage of their users at every opportunity!

I am XBOX fanboy because I love investing in a directionless company!

I am PC fanboy because I enjoy the excitement of hoping a game will work and jumping through the numerous hoops!

I am a VR fanboy because there is nothing quite like feeling like you have been out in rough seas after playing for 45 minutes!
Most real post here.
I used to be, but as I have grown older I just don't see the point. There are things I enjoy, but devouted worship is kind of weird. There are more important things to care about like family and friends.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
80s/90s SEGA fanboy but the Sega I loved is dead and gone since the death of Segata Sanshiro. (I didn't like the dreamcast)

Sony vs Microsoft? I have no dog in that race I support whoever puts out what I like and lately neither does so fuck em'


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I'm not anymore for quite a while, but I used to be a Sega fanboy. From the heyday of Genesis all the way through the end of Dreamcast. When they shut the door on the Dreamcast I decided I didn't want to suffer anymore, so I quit being a fanboy forever.


Because I loved the 90s era and appeal of Japanese video games and don't want to see that fade away, having Playstation and Nintendo as the dominant platforms helps to keep that alive. I could care less about the companies themselves.


There was this kid in my class 23 years ago who got an Xbox and said it was better than my Ps2.

I hated that kid. Never stopped hated Xbox ever since
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I fanboy on franchises and publishers.
But why. The higher you invest in something independent of the outcome there is more joy and sorrow when that something lose or win.

The other part when I fanboy i obviously fanboy things I want more of
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