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if you have the power to choose (Zelda 2005)

Mr Gump

Would it make a shit of difference to the player in terms of gameplay? Probably not. It just means that you will get to play it later, and with much less money in your wallet.

Damn ign'ers bringing their ign topics with them.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Is there some kind of "let's recycle the same nintendo topics 15 times - in a week!" contest going on at the moment?


GAF's Bob Woodward
the thread title didn't scream "oh, will Zelda be on Revolution? Has your opinion changed since 2 hours ago?!1" :lol

I'm sorry, I'm cranky. But we've raked over this turf at least once in the past week.


gofreak said:
Is there some kind of "let's recycle the same nintendo topics 15 times - in a week!" contest going on at the moment?

Every fucking week I swear. Why are people so obsessed with it? Nintendo don't listen to this crap and release the game for gamecube.


gofreak said:
I'm sorry, I'm cranky. But we've raked over this turf at least once in the past week.
And every week for the past 3 months.

What is this fascination with where the new Zelda is going or who will do the music to the new Zelda or if Link will somehow transmogrify into teh Mistar Chief and mow down Gannon with his rocket launcher and dual-wielded shotguns? Give it up people, seriously.

A) It will be on Gamecube. We've already seen it, they have probably finalized content and are in the process of making it happen. Revolution will have it's own Zelda, it's not like this is the last game or anything. Sheesh.
B) As long as it's good... who cares?
C) No. And Zelda won't ever play that huge a part in the game bearing her namesake. That's just not the way it goes.
Do I get to say it?

"Every fuckin week, I swear"

edit: seems Santacruzer beat me to it.

Seriously, this whole Zelda for Revolution launch thing is the most ridiculous topic of the last couple years.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Mario 128 at launch is good enough from Nintendo.

I doubt were gonna see Zelda on Revolution untill Holiday 2008.


Stupid idea, why would anyone want EADs finest to work an extra year and gamers to wait that year? Just for graphics? If there was a radical input device change on Revolution then EAD would want to use it for such a standout game. They'd throw away a lot of the work done on the GC version. Could be wishful thinking it could even meet a hardware launch date. Eternal Darkness and Starfox Adventures sure didn't meet the GC's arrival despite being N64 games. Finish Zelda for GC and then you can have the next epic Zelda title a year earlier.


Another silly idea largely based on the worries of people who are too concerned about Nintendo's place in the console realm. If Nintendo really doesn't want to sqaush their chances for success with the next console, they will not move Zelda. There's no point in releasing it a year or two later for a graphical update, especially since it looks really nice right now and that Nintendo's support of the GC late in this generation WILL affect them during the next generation. The failures of the N64 hurt the GC almost as much as the choices made this generation.

Ranger X

My god. Why people is THAT exited? My Gamecube is still not even worth the money i invested in. You sound like people who just buy GC games. Common, the GC NEED this game to make it worth more outta your $$$.
And what's the rush to next gen and what will it really gives you more for that Zelda game? First titles of next gen will follow the same trend as ever gen before: "last gen gameplay + next gen graphics". The first titles never really exploit the new systems.
Revolution isn't there before 2006 and that's perfect find to me. Let my Gamecube receive good games until then.

Deku Tree

I want Zelda Reborn for gamecube. Nintendo needs a big title for xmas 2005 to combat the xbox 2 hype. Zelda Reborn will satisfy that need.


No. Zelda games should never be launch titles. Mario is traditionally the launch title that innovates and shows the potential of that generation. Zelda show be Nintendo's jewel that crowns their effort that generation. The N64, despite all its failures, had that and Mario 64 and Oot made it a memorable console. GC hasn't had any of that so far, lets hope the 2005 Zelda will be Nintendo's last effort to have a true classic on GC.
I don't think Nintendo will move it. They're stubborn like that. Honestly I'm pretty much Zelda-ed out at the moment, so I really don't care personally one way or the other.

The launch lineup for Revolution will have to be better than either the N64 or GCN though or the Revolution will probably be over before it starts. The competition is going to be intense between Sony and MS right out of the gate this time.

You can't really gauge what a "good launch" is from Nintendo fans either. They were going crazy over Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion at E3 2001, and neither had serious market impact.

Say what you want, but Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day would have helped the GC launch out tremendously instead of doing relatively nothing on the N64. Zelda being on the GC is not going to catapult the system from being a relative dissapointment to a smashing success ... no game that late in the game can have that sort of impact.

I wouldn't be surprised if it actually sells less than Zelda: The Wind Waker, simply because much of their audience will have moved on (also look at the sales drop between Zelda: OoT and Zelda: MM).
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