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For anyone that has ever felt the slightest attachment to rock or hip-hop or jazz, or hell, anything...Check out this song.

"Smoke and Mirrors" by RJD2

This guy is a little-known DJ/artist/hip-hop producer. It's insane.

Also try "True Confessions" by RJD2.

Tell me what you think. I love this shit.

Ill Saint

RJD2 is very talented, but the one track I've heard of his new album, with the cheesy Mexican horn line, is hugely disappointing.
uhhhh if by "suck" you mean "not very exciting" then maybe. but he doesn't suck live...he spins a good set. however, don't expect fireworks or anything because he is a DJ. not exactly the most exciting thing to watch.


If RJD2 interests you check out artists on his label Def Jux, then check out artists on the label Anticon.
RJD2 is one of my favorite artists. He stuff is amazing, INCLUDING "Since We Last Spoke" with the exception of track 7 (I think that's the track). I thought SWLS was a huge disapointment, but after 10 listens or so, I fell in love with it. Not as good as Deadringer, but close...

Flynn said:
If RJD2 interests you check out artists on his label Def Jux, then check out artists on the label Anticon.

Hell yes. Def Jux and Anticon are 2 of my favorite labels as well.


teepo said:
just don't see him live because he really sucks live.

Really? He had his album release show here in Philly which I had totally planned to go to. Ended up passing on it, and regretting it sorely. What sucks about his live act? Four turntables sounded like some fun times.


smirkrevenge said:
uhhhh if by "suck" you mean "not very exciting" then maybe. but he doesn't suck live...he spins a good set. however, don't expect fireworks or anything because he is a DJ. not exactly the most exciting thing to watch.

People used to say the same thing about DJ Shadow's sets, then he and Cut Chemist did Brainfreeze. Sometimes it takes a while for DJs to come up with interesting ways to present their music.
A little more cohesive, and overall, more enjoyable listen for new comers would be RJD2's album "RJD2 Is a God".

It's more hip-hop and less genre-mixing instrumentals.

It's got some of his best stuff that didn't appear on either of his LPs, great versions of Can Ox's awesome F Word and El-P's Lazerfaces' Warning, and loads of collaborations (Mos Def, Murs, Copyright, Aesop, Diverse...)


Bad Art ™



i was addicted to "the proxy" for awhile. my play count for that song is ridiculous.

i ended up missing the philly show as well, but i heard it was a pretty good show.
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