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If you work at a vidoegame store/retail can you please answer the 2k5/Madden question


Which one is selling better now that both are out?

Here is my report:

On XBox, 2k5 is running circles around Madden.

On PS2, 2k5 is doing better, just not by as significant a margin, but Madden had a pretty strong week last week, and people are still coming in to pick it up.

On Gamecube, Madden wins handown, 4 copies vs. 0.
Ok, here's the rundown.

We got 2K5 in about 4 weeks ago. Initially, we got about 10 copies for each system. They sold out, IMMEDIATELY.

About 5-6 days later, we got another shipment, about 30 copies combined for each system. Sold all of the PS2 copies in about a week's time, and the X-Box copies are also selling respectfully. The very day Madden was released, we got another 30 copies of the game. What's even more funny, the first day Madden was available, we actually sold more copies of 2k5 than Madden itself!

However, of our initial shipments of Madden for PS2(we got about 30 copies), we've sold over half of them since then. On the otherhand, Madden on X-Box is not selling as well. I think I've sold maybe 7 copies of it. Still OK, but it is being outsold by 2k5 by a wide margin.

So, in all, I've sold about 30 copies of 2k5 on PS2, and about 25 copies on X-Box.

Since Madden came out about a week ago, I've sold about 18 copies on PS2, and about 7 copies on X-Box.

Madden's still going very strong, especially on PS2, but I can see 2K5 taking a large chunk out of EA's marketshare.


We sold out about four shipments of 2k5 on xbox (including one whole shipment on madden launch day), and about three on PS2. But, madden has sold at least double that on both the Xbox and the PS2. On the Gamecube, well we might of sold three or four copies.


damn, I just checked our Madden totals, and it looks like we may have sold about 150 on PS2, although I certainly wasn't there for most of them, in a way I guess I'm not surprised since I didn't work Wed. on last week, probably Madden's strongest day.

my guess is we've sold a good 60-80 copies of 2k5 on PS2 since it's launch, and probably a bit more for XBox...

it's weird, but maybe I miscalculated, either way, 2k5 is definitely popular and going to take a bite out of Madden's marketshare, even if Madden sales 5 million...

we'll be able to tell a lot better when September comes around...


I doubt 2K5 will bite deeply into Madden's sales, if it bites at all. With it's $20 price point, I'm sure more people will likely pick up ESPN along with Madden, but I'd be shocked if Madden didn't decimate it in the long run, in terms of sales.
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