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IGN Alien Hominid review


kaching said:
Too bad he went to the trouble of answering a question I didn't ask. The inadequacies of Ivan's writing weren't in dispute. The question was, why is this particular piece drawing more fire for it, esp. given that the same complaints are levelled at IGN prose in general?

Probably because this one got posted, and its conclusion is so utterly awful. I think the Mario Power Tennis review in EGM is worse, but they're both terrible.


Soul4ger said:
Because of you, these reviewers, who are being paid, can think that what they do isn't all that important.

I think what I do isn't important without anyone else's help, thank you very much.



WarPig said:
I think what I do isn't important without anyone else's help, thank you very much.


I don't know if you're serious or not, I presume you are :)P), but, and this is no slight against you, don't you think it would be better to have people work on something if they think what they're doing is important? And don't you think it's better if others regard their work as important, thus they can in fact get some satisfaction by putting a lot of time and effort into it? I don't know, maybe it sounds like I'm too caught up on what other people think -- that's not what I mean at all. I just think, caring about what you're doing, realizing it could affect peoples' opinions, doing it affectively... That's what it should be all about. I'm going to school for a subject, not because I think it might be lucrative but because I think I should be able to efficiently do any job I get, enjoy that job, and help other people either understand it better or enjoy it better, as a result. Maybe I sound too idealistic, too....


it's possible to enjoy your job, do it well, and still think of it as unimportant in The Grand Scheme of Things.


hey people. let's not turn this thread into a festering fuck pit of game journo jealousy and focus on the matter at hand: ivan suckit and IGN's awful reviews.


skip said:
it's possible to enjoy your job, do it well, and still think of it as unimportant in The Grand Scheme of Things.

It could be argued that everything is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But if you're doing it because you enjoy it and it means something, than it is important, even if it's important only to you.


skip said:
it's possible to enjoy your job, do it well, and still think of it as unimportant in The Grand Scheme of Things.

My revenue stream is really fucking important in the grand scheme of things, thank you very much.

As for the supposed matter at hand, I have a tough time getting worked up over badly-written IGN reviews when I was responsible for so many of them. Having been there, I'm not going to be too hard on anything written during the month of November.



personal importance is of course...er, important. I was thinking more along the lines of doctor/cop/garbageman...the vital-to-society type of importance.


I think what people do in the gaming media is important in that it makes a voice for the industry and hobby. Of course, many don't take that responsibility too seriously.
So are we going to get a newly edited PS2 review of Alien Hominid? Cuz personally I'd like to know which version has "better everything".
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