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IGN changing to a 10 point review scale

Bullet Club

Some exciting review news to start 2020.

Review score news > next gen news

Announcement: IGN's Review Scale Just Got Simpler

We're adopting a simplified new scale for a new decade of games, movies, TV, and comics reviews.

In the spirit of a new decade of games, movies, TV shows, and comics, we at IGN have a special announcement: we’re making a change to our scoring system and dropping the decimal from our traditional 100-point scale. That means there’ll be no more 7.1s or 8.9s – not even 6.5s. Just nice round numbers from 1 to 10 that clearly and decisively convey what we’re trying to say. After literally years of internal debate, we’ve come to a strong consensus that this system will improve the quality of our reviews and allow us to communicate with you better. It’s a big change, so let’s walk through some of the reasoning behind it.

IGN has used a 100-point scale for the vast majority of our 23-year history, and in most cases it’s served us well. A lot of people love the pinpoint accuracy of that system for the way it allows you to declare one thing slightly better or worse than another. Under the right circumstances, this allows you to create an ordered list of reviews that accurately reflects the very specific sequence in which they’re recommended, which is useful for at-a-glance comparisons. As a reviewer, it’s nice to be able to recognize improvement or decline in a series, however minor, with a slightly higher or lower score.


Please read the full IGN game review scale description here, but here's the short version:

10 - Masterpiece
9 - Amazing
8 - Great
7 - Good
6 - Okay
5 - Mediocre
4 - Bad
3 - Awful
2 - Painful
1 - Unbearable

So, why the change? In the experience of the current IGN reviews team over the past several years, the reality is that these direct comparisons between extremely diverse reviews often end up inadvertently miscommunicating our intent in practice. That’s especially true in the context of a large outlet like IGN, where many different critics with different specialties work together to cover a broad spectrum of the entertainment world.

Art criticism, whether you’re talking about games or movies or TV shows or comic books, isn’t a science. To use games as an example, while you can count the pixels on screen, the number of frames per second displayed, or even the number of hours of content available, none of these things mean a game is good; even if it’s technically bulletproof and runs at 4K and 144Hz it could still be terribly boring. Conversely, a game can run in 900p at 30 frames per second (with occasional dips into the 20s) and still be worthy of our highest rating: Masterpiece.

The fact is, while many have tried, you cannot objectively measure how good or fun a game or movie or TV show or comic book is in the same way you can quantify things like temperature or mass or speed. All of these mediums are art forms, and the goal of art is to inspire an emotional reaction in its audience. Therefore, what we’re doing in reviews is talking about how a given work affects us emotionally when we watch or read or play it – and the review is the inherently subjective perspective of an individual critic. When we then summarize that review into a score, we’re not doing any kind of calculation; there’s no “default” score that’s added to or subtracted from to arrive at the final number, and no qualities or features (or lack thereof) are worth a prescribed number of points. That’s because scores aren’t math – they’re code, with each number corresponding to a description on our scale. But especially because that description only exists on IGN.com and our scores are frequently shared around the internet without that context, the 100-point scale can sometimes give people the wrong idea about what we’re doing.

Additionally, we’ve found that those double-digit numbers aren’t all that meaningful. We’ve always had an answer to the question of the meaning of the number after the decimal: it’s a 10-point scale within a 10-point scale that allows a reviewer to indicate whether something is on the high or low end of a score category, loosely translating into informal categories such as “almost great” or “just barely okay.” However, when we’re asked to explain the meaning of the difference between a 6.5 and a 6.6, things get a lot fuzzier. Obviously a 6.6 is a better score, but what does incremental differentiation actually mean when comparing one game to another? The answer is... not much. And if a difference isn’t meaningful, it doesn’t serve a purpose.

On the 10-point scale, by contrast, each possible score says something very different and concrete. Rather than creating unnecessary debate and argument over the distinction between small increments and prompting readers to attempt to reverse-engineer the meaning of a single point difference, the round-number scores relate to a firm statement that’s clearly defined. While some games, movies, shows, and comics could certainly end up with an identical score even though an author might consider one marginally better than the other, that distinction between them is always made clear in the text rather than the number.

This doesn’t mean that going forward we’ll “round up” to the nearest whole number if we’re internally debating whether something is closer to a “Good” or a “Great.” If something would’ve gotten a 6.9 or 6.8 on the old scale, that meant we were calling it “Okay,” but short of “Good.” Rounding those scores would mean changing the author’s intent from “Okay” to “Good,” which is another illustration of why scores should not be treated as math.

As for why we settled on the 10-point scale as opposed to the multitude of other options, it has a lot to do with combining our current review philosophies with our long tradition and audience expectations. Our decades-long history means that scores like “10/10 - IGN” have become an iconic and instantly recognizable part of our brand for millions of people around the world. Plus, pretty much everybody understands the 10-point system intuitively, so there’s no issue with the clarity of what we’re trying to communicate. So even though you can argue logically that when you boil it down the bottom half of the 10-point scale is just different ways of calling something not worth your time, if we were to drop to a five-point scale we’d lose something important in the process.

The sense of IGN’s identity and our readers’ familiarity is also one of the main reasons why, in our internal debates, we’ve always opted to continue using a scoring system at all instead of dropping it entirely. While we know and accept that the concept of scoring art on a scale isn’t perfect, it’s something our community has vocally enjoyed and rallied around for decades. And just as many of you value our stamp of approval, we’re incredibly grateful to have that enthusiasm and support, and prefer to respect it in kind.

As for our enormous back-catalog of thousands of reviews, nothing will change. Reviews are snapshots in time, and it wouldn’t make sense to alter the authors’ original intent by retroactively changing their scores.

All that said, there is no perfect review score system. Every possible scale, including no scale at all, has its advantages and disadvantages. Everybody has a system they prefer over the rest for perfectly valid reasons. Like reviews themselves, they’re mostly subjective. It’s also not the first time we’ve changed our review scale in IGN’s 23-year existence. Notably, we went from 100 points down to 20 in 2010 and then reverted back to 100 in 2012. It’s likely that at some point we’ll want to revisit the topic in the future. But right now, for our staff, this change feels right.

Source: IGN


Who is honestly still basing their decision to play or not play a game on IGN or Polygon or Kotaku or GiantBomb anymore? Do you want a good reason why that is fucking stupid? Go to MetaCritic or even Rotten Tomatoes. Then look at user reviews. Hell I bet if you go on Amazon right now you can go to The Last Of Us and see a 1 star review of the game with the reasoning being "Game was damaged when I opened it!" or if you go look at the new Star Wars someone inevitably gave it a 1 star review because there were not enough (insert sexual preference) people in the movie to represent who they are. The shit is nonsense.

I have read reviews for games before where a game was absolutely brutalized for having bugs in it. Taglines effectively saying "Game would be amazing if not for bugs!" then Skyrim rolls around or Fallout 4 at the time and the plethora of bugs "just add to the charm of the game." I would much rather get a synopsis of their experience and leave it at that. The moment these clowns in gaming journalism add a scale or score to their review they feel empowered by it and they start taking their experience way too damn seriously.


I would like to hear how they quantify the difference between 3 'awful' and 4 'bad'

Using their system, I'd remove the numbers and go with:


Otherwise people are only going to look at a number and make up their own minds, nobody looks at ~20 review scores and visits each site to see what the numbers mean.


If IGN's writers were anywhere near credible anymore, this might matter.

Haha, was gonna say something similar. It was never their review scale that lost them credibility in a lot of people's eyes, it was the "journalists" responsible for the reviews and all the SJ bs they littered them with.


Gold Member
That's a dumb decision and a dumb reason. It's the equivalent of games participation trophies.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So, 1, 2, 3, and 4 all mean don't buy for any reason, so why do they exist separately?

Just tell people "must-have", "worth considering", "you might like it but it's flawed", "don't even think about it, shit's bad". Obviously all of it is relative, ie, the must-have might be a genre you don't even care to play etc.
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Kagey K

So with no decimals? That’s going to change their dynamic a lot. 2 different games with 8 as a score aren’t going to be the same.

With decimals it’s still basically the 100 point system, they are dammed if they do and damned if they don’t now.
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I‘d sooner trust a blind fortune-telling gypsy woman with telling me if games are gonna be good than trust IGN.

"Sit down child, take my hands, yes, free your mind, yeees, now I see, a red hat, yes a strong red colour, and green too, and a voice calls from faaar away, it calls 'it's-a-me', child you are going to be a plumber, yes, and I see, I see a number, yes, a nine. But wait! It could be a six, it fell in a green pipe, I can't tell, child there is danger too in the dark of that pipe... a lizard awaits, it's name, yes, its name is weak but I can see the symbols IGN, and he has devoured a princess. Child run!"

Joe T.

Why can't anyone be honest about these scores? They're an easy method of garnering attention and driving ultimately pointless debates over those scores. Just admit it, along with any bias, and stop taking readers for fools. That kind of honesty is what will "clearly and decisively convey what we’re trying to say," not a 10 point scale.


What's the point? People's tastes varies so much it would be much better if they gave as facts instead of their opinions. Like, measure input lag. Measure frame rate. Do a play through and tell us how long it took. Post a video so we can hear a sample of the music. Just give us facts, not opinions.


They should have 20 point scale with .5 increments, at least. There's a lot of room for middle ground between two points. For instance, there's many games I would like to rate higher than a 7, but not quite an 8. This reminds me of when GameSpot got rid of .5 increments as well (whom originally had .1 increments), and there was a lot of backlash over it.
I don't find IGN relevant. So they can do whatever they want.
As for the scoring system, I think it's still better to have a bigger pool of numbers. Having a 100 numbers instead of 10 seems more fair. But for this to work properly you need to have actual people who are not bribe-able and are capable of reviewing stuff. And IGN doesn't have that.
I generally avoided IGN reviews and after that copycat incident where the reviewer just blatantly copied some smaller yt review, I stopped visiting the site altogether.
And also IGN doesn't have videos in 4k, which seems lame. I'm not expecting 4k video from some smaller youtuber but this is a company we're talking about here.
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Who cares? It's just a number. If the text (ie argument) in favour or against is shit then that's the problem.

So would imagine party babyz get a 7 or an 8 these days? 🤔

*Insert Babyz vs Mafia II image here*

This is my issue with IGN and subsequently all gaming sites that don't have a specific focus (so, most of them). If you're casting a net that wide on GAMES then you're going to run into problems as your scores are meaningless for us, the readers.

Sites need to be more focused on their knowledge to have actual value. IGN has no USP except its SEO rank.
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The best review you can get is from yourself. Watching videos, gameplays or walkthroughs to see if the game is worth for you is the best answer. Also, take reviews from players also helps(the constructive and useful ones).

As for IGN I don't give a shit. Its not like it will make any difference for them.
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So, 1, 2, 3, and 4 all mean don't buy for any reason, so why do they exist separately?

Just tell people "must-have", "worth considering", "you might like it but it's flawed", "don't even think about it, shit's bad". Obviously all of it is relative, ie, the must-have might be a genre you don't even care to play etc.
they literally answer this in the OP

either read it before commenting or dont comment if you dont care enough to read it
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Deleted member 774430

Unconfirmed Member
I rate this review scale


Too much water.
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I like it.

7 is a good game.

5 and 6s are good games with flaws too. That's why review scales are garbage, you often take a college essays worth of text and slap a number on it which often doesn't match the text. For instance, look at most of the 10 reviews for God of War still openly shitting on it's flaws but you put a 10 on it...whaaaa?
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Can’t Git Gud
Is there a WOKE meter as well so we can be warned in advance of Gruff White Males?

If I am a white male... but fat instead of gruff. Am I redeemd or only 7/10 ?
It's better than their decimal scores... but 5 scale is still better.
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If 5 out of 10 is going to be mediocre then maybe they need to move to a 5 star rating?

5 - GOTY shoe-in (or very very strong contender)
4 - Excellent game but not quite the best of the best.
3 - Good game that you could play and enjoy.
2 - Mediocre. As in, not very good.
1 - Bad. Playable but rubbish.
0 - A legitimately unplayable game.

I think the youtube channel ACG has probably the best set up for review scores.
Buy it now.
Wait for sale.
Rent or borrow.
Skip entirely.

This at least gives you some way to prioritize your buying decisions and make sure you are playing great games and getting a good deal on games that are good but not great.
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