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IGN reviews Leisure Suit Larry




Closing comments:
IGN said:
"It's hard sometimes to get past your preconceptions about what a game ought to be, particularly a game that uses such a well-loved and unique brand. Sadly, fans of the Larry franchise will find that the actual gameplay in Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude is disappointing. The overall marketing also seems to suggest that gamers who aren't as familiar with the series may be disappointed to find that the game doesn't deliver the sticky sex-romps that they may have expected.

As an adventure or puzzle game, Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude falls short. It merely offers a jumble of the reaction-tests found in games like Space Channel 5, Tapper or Whack-a-Mole. The titillating moments certainly deserve some credit for helping maintain your interest here, but it's the game's humor that's the real star and, ultimately, the only reason to keep playing once the allure of polygonal boobies has worn thin. "

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I agree. It's really funny! Really!

See, I may be in the minority here, but I think LSL7 was more just plain crass than actually funny. Magna Cum Laude strikes a much better balance humor-wise. Among the LSLs Mr. Lowe participated in, I like 3 and 6 best.


I'd like to personally thank VU for leaving a big, steaming pile on a nice chunk of my childhood.

(As if Mask of Eternity wasn't enough of a kick to the nuts.)


fennec fox said:
I agree. It's really funny! Really!

See, I may be in the minority here, but I think LSL7 was more just plain crass than actually funny. Magna Cum Laude strikes a much better balance humor-wise. Among the LSLs Mr. Lowe participated in, I like 3 and 6 best.

1 (both the original and the remake), 5, and 7 for me. 3 is probably my least favorite. It felt more like a cheesy porno with bad humor, at least the others balanced the smut with off-the-wall comedy.


My dad bought 7 years ago. I should go play it on the old Mac Performa since the G4's Classic OS 9 systems aren't working anymore.


I have fond memories of the older titles myself... Based on the reviews of Magna Cum Loud though I think I will wait for it to hit $20


go eat paint
Buy condoms.

"Hey, this guy just bought large ribbed spearmint polka-dotted rubbers!" "What a pervert!"

Take off clothes.

Wear condom.

Fuck whore.


Get Up.

[forget to remove condom.]

Wear clothes.

Climb out window.

"Hey, you!"

[Get busted by cop for forgetting to remove condom. Oops.]

Assuming you actually got the rubbers at the store and didn't just screw the hooker bareback, which gave Larry a fatal case of the clap and sent him underground to be resurrected by Ken Williams.


xsarien said:
1 (both the original and the remake), 5, and 7 for me. 3 is probably my least favorite. It felt more like a cheesy porno with bad humor, at least the others balanced the smut with off-the-wall comedy.

Good man. I worked on both 5 & 7. I was lead programmer on LSL7. LSL5 was the first game I ever worked on at Sierra in 1991.


See, I may be in the minority here, but I think LSL7 was more just plain crass than actually funny.

I don't know how alone you are, but I definitely don't feel that way. Out of all the games I've played none made me laugh as hard as 7 did. That game had some of the best jokes and in game gags I've ever seen, Peggy the pirate nearly killed me with laughter and the narrator was just too much.

I loved all the Larry games,(even 2 which was a trial and error mess imo) but 1 and 7 are my all-time favorites.


hobbitx said:
Out of all the games I've played none made me laugh as hard as 7 did. That game had some of the best jokes and in game gags I've ever seen, Peggy the pirate nearly killed me with laughter and the narrator was just too much.

A little fact tidbit: The "drunken" trombone you hear playing behind the Peggy, the foul-mouthed deckhand scenes is me. My first 300K selling CD as a trombonist. :D
Al Lowe just loves the new game:
As you surely know, VU plans to release a new Leisure Suit Larry game this fall. Previews and demos are readily available on the Internet. While Leisure Suit Larry only plays a cameo role, they are billing it as a Leisure Suit Larry game even though the star is "Larry's nephew, Larry Lovage." It is most emphatically not Larry 8! It's not even an adventure game, at least that's what the previews emphasize.

Off and on over the past year, I was lead by various Sierra employees to think that the company wanted me involved in the game's development. Nothing even came of it. I have not had, and will not have, any part in Magna Cum Laude.


Superbone said:
A little fact tidbit: The "drunken" trombone you hear playing behind the Peggy, the foul-mouthed deckhand scenes is me. My first 300K selling CD as a trombonist. :D

Haha, that's so kickass to hear! So are you still in touch with Al and have you ever visited his forums? Man that place sure could use a kick of life from someone like you.


The fact that it's mostly reaction tests instead of classic graphic adventuring puzzle solving pisses me off the most. What the hell were they thinking when they made this?


hobbitx said:
Haha, that's so kickass to hear! So are you still in touch with Al and have you ever visited his forums? Man that place sure could use a kick of life from someone like you.

I haven't talked to Al for a while but I think I'll send him an e-mail now with this game coming out. I've been to his site but it's been a while. Haven't checked out the forums.

We share a love of jazz. Al plays a mean alto sax.
When I played the trombone in middle school, I had my teacher listen to the LSL6 theme and write down the notes for me. It was lots of fun. :)

I never played LSL7 though, and a friend even keeps insisting that it doesn't exist. If you have a minute, could you please send a mail to shukaido (at) yahoo.com and tell him he's wrong?


Pimpbaa said:
The fact that it's mostly reaction tests instead of classic graphic adventuring puzzle solving pisses me off the most. What the hell were they thinking when they made this?

They were thinking "we need fewer barriers between the consumer and the porn." Which is kind of cynical, but also possibly accurate.



I do like the small references to the past games (such as pics Larry's past conquests on the sorrority walls). Other than that, the mini-games get too damn repetitive, and I find the music/rhythm portions are just atrocious.


WarPig said:
They were thinking "we need fewer barriers between the consumer and the porn." Which is kind of cynical, but also possibly accurate.


Fewer barriers? I simply can't do the shit later in the game, cause the reaction test shit get so hard.
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