Man, you Americans are fucking obsessed with race. Should've taken Morgan Freeman's advice on the matter when you had the opportunity.
Man, you Americans are fucking obsessed with race. Should've taken Morgan Freeman's advice on the matter when you had the opportunity.
We’re getting a glimpse of the multipolar reorder already and you know what? It looks like a nightmare.As an East Asian, I'm not surprised. A quick glance at the politics of Global North countries, especially the US, reveals why Anglo-Saxon governments, particularly the US, have historically been discriminatory towards people of color.
Everything must align with US interests.
Anything international or global must conform to the preferences of the G7, especially the US, and so on.
A multipolar world order cannot arrive soon enough.
The time for the world to be led by the US world order is coming to an end soon.
This is something people from the Anglo-Saxon sphere fail to understand. Even though in the rest of the world there's xenophobia and hatred toward foreigners for a variety of reasons, race obsession is not a thing, and most people won't give a damn about it. Politicians have tried hard to inject that brain worm but it's not happening because we don't look through race-tainted lenses.
Believing that Koreans view the world as an American leftie is delusional. Fun fact, it's also racist, because it disregards their values and cultural background.
We’re getting a glimpse of the multipolar reorder already and you know what? It looks like a nightmare.
Be careful what you wish for.
It is self censorship which is a form of censorship. Doesn’t have to involve any activists
There's really no need to redefine the meaning of censorship here to avoid calling what's happening here a censorship. What's happening here is no different from the other Tomb Raider thread with the 'censored' in the thread title.
It is censorship but it has nothing to do with the case of Tomb Raider. Two main differences.
- It is Sony (publisher) who censors, not devs.
- It's "traditional" after-the-fact censorship meaning that devs had total creative freedom and something was removed afterward. In Tomb Raider censorship happened during the creative process. This is "modern audiences" censorship, infinitely worse.
42 years old
Never heard of HARD R in my life
It's fucking cute that woke Americans journalists really believe the fucking world revolves around them. Why would HARD R be anywhere else in the world? I'm trying to compute how a Korean artist would even know this. It's so specific. I know American culture bleeds worldwide but again, I consume it every night, never heard of this. It's really out of nowhere for me and I'm a Northern neighbor in Canada.
edit - CRIME R now? Oh FFS
I’m black as well and had to scroll through the comments to actually see what was “racist” about that screenshot…Yep, I'm a black dude and didn't notice what was the problem until somebody said it. That's reeaally reaching there. My first thought was "Hard Rock" but I guess the other one works too.
Still, I can't help but think if it were in any other game, no one would have said anything about it. Journalists have a hateboner for that game and look for reasons to put it down.
Only racists who think racist thoughts would think it's racist. I don't see anything hereWhats racist about it? I don't see/get it. Can anyone explain?
If i say to someone to "try Harder" does that now make me a racist in 2024 society ?
Watch it... lol, even posting the link has a word that got pappa john fired from pappa johns for uttering in a definition. Well i joke, but if this was somewhere else, the censors and pearl clutchers would be out in force, sadly.In the game's context, it fits:
Urban Dictionary: hard R
A phrase referring to the words "nigga" and "nigger," the latter being referred to as "the hard R."
One of the definitions.
In the game's context, it fits:
Urban Dictionary: hard R
A phrase referring to the words "nigga" and "nigger," the latter being referred to as "the hard R."
One of the definitions.
Man, you Americans are fucking obsessed with race. Should've taken Morgan Freeman's advice on the matter when you had the opportunity.
More censorship
Checked a stream of the game and it looks incredible. Just like the trailers few years back.
Artstyle like gears of war 1 with all the grand monuments and angelic style.
Creative characters and environments
Amazing costumes.
Asstastic I suppose!Hows it going to stand next to Forspoken
That's the real question
no u need to point out that RIf i say to someone to "try HardeR" does that now make me a racist in 2024 society ?
From follow up tweet:
"Again, take it with a grain of salt. People still saying this will be an NG+ outfit."
Unfortunately this isn't looking to be the case either:
So yeah, Sony made them censor it.
It isn't "self censorship" because it isn't changing intentional speech or expression. No message was changed here. That is like calling fixing a typo "self censorship".
It matters not if it’s intentional speech or expression. It is altered to not get people unhappy.
Tbh it’s nothing wrong to call it censorship. No need to treat it as a dirty word here.
Not so sure about that, but we will know soon enough when more folks are playing the game.
Further in the reddit.....guy says this is the NG+ version.
Also, that bunny outfit was "censored" but these were allowed?
The devs should've made the game for the Switch 2 and PC.