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I'm a Daddy take two!

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The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The missus informed me last night when we were talking about the car problems I'm having that she's pregnant!

I'm to say the least still a bit stunned... happy but stunned. I'm 34 and she's 38 so it's not a question of being ready or any of that... just definitely unexpected.


DarienA said:
The missus informed me last night when we were talking about the car problems I'm having that she's pregnant!

"Fuck your car problems - there's something growing inside me!"

Seriously, congrats!



lol, how exactly did she drop that little bomb?

"Yeah, the brakes are making a funny noise now whenever I stop at a red light."

"Oh yeah? Well I'll be making a funny noise when I have to squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of my uterus in 9 months."



Was this something you were both trying for or was it a surprise? Regardless, I will send you a fresh infant sized Lakers jersey to make sure your kid turns out alright.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Society said:

...Did she wreck the car?

lol... no I have a 98 Accord with 119,000 miles on it and we might be looking at some serious transmission problems. My mechanic is surprised because he said they usually last alot longer than that but he's going to take a look at it today.

When you first start the car it's fine but about 10 min or so into driving it, it starts to have trouble shifting gears(over-revving, etc.).


lol no bionic we weren't really planning it... but... well... she's wanted to have a child for awhile now but she told me last night she's never been with someone she was in love with AND wanted to have a child with... so that made me feel good.


Tritroid said:
lol, how exactly did she drop that little bomb?

"Yeah, the breaks are making a funny noise now whenever I stop at a red light."

"Oh yeah? Well I'll be making a funny noise when I have to squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of my uterus in 9 months."




Junior Member
But you post like a cranky old grandpa. Speaking of old, did she knock over your milk bottle when she went to rob the cradle?




The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tritroid said:
lol, how exactly did she drop that little bomb?

"Yeah, the brakes are making a funny noise now whenever I stop at a red light."

"Oh yeah? Well I'll be making a funny noise when I have to squeeze something the size of a watermelon out of my uterus in 9 months."

The conversation went like this:

<after talking about the car problems>

Her: Yeah things like that can just come up and throw a monkey wrench in your plans...

Me: yeah...

Her: well I have a gorilla sized wrench...

Me<clueless>: What?

Her: I'm pregnant!

Me: <speechless>


DarienA said:
The conversation went like this:

<after talking about the car problems>

Her: Yeah things like that can just come up and throw a monkey wrench in your plans...

Me: yeah...

Her: well I have a gorilla sized wrench...

Me<clueless>: What?

Her: I'm pregnant!

Me: <speechless>

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
DarienA said:
The conversation went like this:

<after talking about the car problems>

Her: Yeah things like that can just come up and throw a monkey wrench in your plans...

Me: yeah...

Her: well I have a gorilla sized wrench.

Me: <speechless>

Sigh...if only it had gone like that.

Congrats though in all seriousness.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Mama Smurf said:
Sigh...if only it had gone like that.

Congrats though in all seriousness.

No lie that is exactly how the conversation went....

Thanks for all the congrats folks... as I said I'm still heavily stunned....


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Mama Smurf said:
I took out some of the convo...

So are you hoping for a son or daughter? Or don't you mind?

Yeah I just realized. ;)

I'd like a son, but mostly I just want a healthy child. ;)



Time to get that shiny new station wagon!



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Tenguman said:

Time to get that shiny new station wagon!


:lol we were talking about that this morning!

In our townhome complex this morning I noted there were a shitload of mini-vans parked next to each other... and she said to me... so we getting a mini-van(jokingly)? I said hell no. She was like that's right we'll be putting that baby seat in the SUV!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DarienA said:
The conversation went like this:

<after talking about the car problems>

Her: Yeah things like that can just come up and throw a monkey wrench in your plans...

Me: yeah...

Her: well I have a gorilla sized wrench...

Me<clueless>: What?

Her: I'm pregnant!

Me: goes to log onto GA

congratulations of course


DarienA said:
The conversation went like this:

<after talking about the car problems>

Her: Yeah things like that can just come up and throw a monkey wrench in your plans...

Me: yeah...

Her: well I have a gorilla sized wrench...

Me<clueless>: What?

Her: I'm pregnant!

Me: <speechless>

Congratulations, man.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
RedDwarf said:
Congrats! We have number 2 on the way as well. :p

Congrats to you!

Willco said:
Congrats, but just remember, that little tyke could grow up into OLIMARIO.

There will be no Nintendo gameplaying under MY roof!

Goreomedy said:
Way to go, Darien. Any more "planned"?

I hate the thought of a child growing up as a single child... so... we'll see.

Ninja Scooter said:
I'll give you $1000 if you name it Pedro.


As an aside I read to her earlier some of the posts you guys put here.. she got a good laugh out of most of them... skinny's made her really laugh because she kids about our age difference from time to time. I pointed out to her that when she graduated from high school I was 12 the other night... that shut her up. ;)


Guys, this is codespeak...The first one he gave to EA, the second to Take 2. Excpect the next thread to have Midway in the title.

Argh, congratulations for fertilizing your woman.


DarienA said:
skinny's made her really laugh because she kids about our age difference from time to time. I pointed out to her that when she graduated from high school I was 12 the other night... that shut her up. ;)

Haha, my sister and her husband do that. She's 26 and he's 31. Best part is that they kinda knew each other back when she was in middle school and he was a senior in high school, then years later met each other again.

He said when he saw her the first time, he thought she was 17-18 years old. R Kelly'd!


+1000 Darien, +1000 this thread

It's nice to see someone react positively to this news, and not have a bunch of people like "AH BALL AND CHAIN" or whatever. Congrats to you and your lady, sir. :)


Hollywood Square
What do you take us for, bjork? NEANDERTHALS?

I believe I speak for all upright, well-spoken denizens of this fine message board when I say, "Suck it."


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Big DA your a great guy!! Glad this is happening to you!!! You have to have another one like you said... Also play as many games as you can in the next couple of years... =)

PS How come I feel like I'm signing a Year book?

PSS Kevin is the best name you can give a boy!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
You know what this means though right?


I'm going to have to be less ornery now...

<shakes head sadly>
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