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Im cancelling my XBL subscription...will I be able to recover my account later?

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Ok, my current XBL subscription will run out on August 1, 2004. I dont plan on renewing it just yet, so I will be cancelling it. I plan on renewing the account later on this year, sometime in November. My question is:

Will I be able to get my account back if I re suscribe in November? I dont want to do my buddy list all over again, and Id like to keep my name. I see a feature called "Recover Account", but I believe this is designed for people who accidentally deleted their XBL account off their Xbox.

If I cant do that, I'll have to renew my account now. I have a card that gives me a free year of XBL, and Im wondering if I can use that card towards another year with XBL on my current account. Can I? And if so, where do I go?


try calling them and ask them if they can suspend your account until november.

or just make up some BS excuse saying that you're taking a long 3 months vacation and you won't have time to play it.

I do this with my Broadband service all the time. :)


Junior Member
When I cancelled, the lame ass said I couldn't keep my name if I renew later in the year (there's no reason to have it now. WFH2). I'll see and if not, just will have to go thru the ridiculous process of entering friends again. Now that they have a website, you should be able to do that online instead of with that behemoth controller.
Apharmd Battler said:
You will lose your Gamertag..........

Don't you have any of the free 2 month subscription cards to float you for awhile?

You can only use the 2month cards for new accounts, they will not extend an existing one.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I dont have any 2 month XBL subscription cards, unfortunately.

Its pretty lame. Im sure it wouldnt be too hard for the system to save your buddy list to your Xbox even if you've cancelled your account. Ill probably renew my account then, though I might take Neptunez' advice and phone them up to explain "my" situation on Monday.

Thanks for all the replies.


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
I dont have any 2 month XBL subscription cards, unfortunately.

Its pretty lame. Im sure it wouldnt be too hard for the system to save your buddy list to your Xbox even if you've cancelled your account. Ill probably renew my account then, though I might take Neptunez' advice and phone them up to explain "my" situation on Monday.

Thanks for all the replies.

Hold on... you can and should use your code for the free year. Just go into your account management and go to the subscription area. There is a place to enter the code. You'll need your last 4 of your cc to verify it's you.

You can enter that now and it will carry out your subscription for one year from the date your original eneded. So if you put it in today, you would be covered until Aug. 1, 2005.

Other cheap options for those of you on the verge of expiration is to find older version kits. Retailers usually discount them to get rid of stock. I haven't seen any in a while, but it's worth a look. A lot of us did this last year to renew our accounts. Found a deal at KBToys... it cost me $35 for the kit and I got a new headset, game, and a year of XBL.
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