First off, would love to get this personally, for those that don't know (probably most reading!) X68000 is essentially one of those holy Grail Japanese machines which never saw close to the light of day in the States - more than any other console of its day, it probably had the most/closest arcade-perfect ports, I believe Capcom (and perhaps others?) actually used it for a development kit for some of their 16-bit arcade games. The fact that they actually came out with a mini of this unit is pretty mind-blowing, but it also looks like unless you are an enthusiast's enthusiast, it is kind of a pain to actually get working in the way one would want. At least, last I checked. Still, I have to give insane respect to the fact that a mini of this crazy hardware exists, it even has it's own mini mouse and keyboard (and monitor!) Check out this review of the mini
and have a look at the Game Sack review of the original device to get your head around the meat of the actual machine from back in the day
Oh and OP, as for your SNES mini - yeah, what can I say that hasn't been said already? If it is just clutter and you've seen all that you care to of it, at this point - I say, put it back into the world in one way or another. I know what I say won't make a dent in most people's opinions, but I don't support the instinct to just "collect, collect, collect" (especially in the case of gaming) if it's something that is only going to gather dust. Particularly for an item like that, which has some cachet and could bring someone else joy. Although odds are if you do sell it, it will very possibly end up in the back of someone else's closet instead. I guess it just comes down to how much is a few extra bucks worth to you, plus the time & energy of bundling it up and shipping.
My best recommendation would ultimately be to create a topic like this on gaf (ideally) and just see if there is someone who genuinely wants it that would derive real enjoyment from it, and sell to them for a decent price (or just send as a gift) - although I don't think anyone will blame you if you don't wanna do that.