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Im so tired of timed-instalose missions.

I hate that crap. Almost as bad as escort missions. I hate being able to know in advance that I will lose because I cannot push the limits beyond whats required to meet the time limit. I also hate how ships or anything I have to escort has the mental capacity of a grapefruit and if I dont have to die defending said stupid shit, I have to watch it die and ruin my game score. Fuck!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Timed missions are dumb because most of the time it's completely illogical as to why it would mean you failed, especially in GTA games. But escort missions are still the worst, they single-handedly ruined the Colony Wars series for me.

Announcer: "Protect the moron, we won't bother showing you what ship he is in or where it is"
Me: "Uhhh... ok"
Moron: "Hey, I could use some help here!"
Me: "Where are you? why is the map useless?"
Enemy: "Take this, beeeyooch!" *fires*
Me: "Hey! You're gonna pay for for tha--
Enemy: "See ya!" *flies away"
Me: "Hey, come back here!" *chases him*
Moron: "Help! I'm taking damage!"
Me: "Where are you?"
Moron: "Oh my crap, I'm going to dieeee, save me!"
Me: "I see a big carrier ship, where are you?"
Me: "There aren't any enemies around, lay off the crack dude"
Moron: "I'M BLOWING UP! AHH!! I WILL FLY TO YOU SO YOU CAN WATCH ME DIE!" *flies right in the way as he gets shot and explodes*
Announcer: "Mission failed"
Me: "WTF????"


Unconfirmed Member
You want to know which particular timed-instalose missions I really hate?

FPS's "Underwater" sections. The use of flooded subterrainian levels, sewers and hydro-dams etc. ARGHGH!

Yes, it's of course entirely reasonable that having failed to gain entry to a facility by other less clandestine means our "hero" will summon up the necessary beyond-human breath-holding skills and swim to the bottom of a dam's lake, turn off underwater valves and find his way in through pipes carrying water into the facility. - No, it's not! - Not under any circumstances!

It's just a thinly disguised 'timed insta-lose mission' - You know it, I know it, and I don't appreciate it, at ALL.

I can suspend my disbelief long enough to handle the idea that my "hero" has mastered every weapon under the sun (and other suns too.)

I can believe that one man can save humanity, and enjoy it, whilst holding on to the suspension of disbelief.

However, if you goddamned ask me to accept that my manly, testosterone-pumped hero not only has the knowledge of how to reduce a hydropower station to the usefulness of a dead battery with the turn of 2 publicly available, although submerged, cutoff valves but also do it on one lungful of air I will likely hunt you down and shoot you in the face, repeatedly, with a .22 air pistol, until "Pizza face" is something that you wished someone would call you.

And yes, that goes for you too Valve.

(Guess whos playing thru HL before the HL2 fun starts :p)


Lol. I hate those instalose ones...because for a fact that you don't know that you're supposed to lose and that you're goin to will fuck you up. I remember when I was playing a game for the N64( I think Mission Impossible) and I was supposed to lose a mission, but I didn't know and I kept losing and turning off the system. Plus those bastards even went to the lengths to give you mission failed screen which had to be the most taunting pieces of shit game over screens I've seen in any videogame. Then when I finally let the damn mission failed screen stay on the screen for 5 seconds....the game went on...and I'm like WTF. It was funny, but annoyingly irritating at the same time.
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