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Import PS2, Xbox games on unmodded consoles?


Currently I've got my Gamecube with an Action Replay so I can play import games. Are there similar products out for the PS2 and Xbox? I haven't been able to find an answer on any Datel site other than playing all region DVDs on PS2, but can't find any other information.

I'd like to start importing, what with the cheaper prices for some games over at DVDBO and Lik-Sang in comparison to the Australian prices.

Any help?


Well, you can use a slidecard/fliptop on PS2 and swap, and you can softmod on the Xbox. That's about it.


does the new PSTwo make the flip top thing easier? I have a bunch of JPN/US games on my modded playstation, but the chip has gone wrong, so it only plays Japanese games now. Anyway to play those if I buy a UK PSTwo and a flip top?
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