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Impressions of King Of Colloseum 2 after a few weeks of play


Recently, I'vebeen playing allot more of KOC2. I sort of overdosed on it when it first came out. I breezed through the survival roads so I could unlock wrestlers, but after I unlocked them all I was tired of the game. Not until recently did I pick it up and just play it for the fun of it. Because of that, I've really begun to enjoy the game allot more.

KOC2 is the most rewarding wrestling game I've ever played. I was dissapointed when I first got it, because the roster wasn't as upgraded as I want. Since then, I've realized that although the roster hasn't changed by leaps and bounds, the game itself is that much better.

I've mostly been playing Kobashi VS Williams, Hase VS Akiyama, Tanka VS Awesome, and various jr matches using guys like El Samurai, Lyger, Kanemoto, Tigermask, and DK. There's a real difference in these type of matches. Kobashi vs Williams is a head dropping affair just like their classic match. Jr matches just feel better. They are faster, quicker, and more exciting then the big man matches imo.

The overall flow and ring psychology of the match feels allot better. I think its mostly do to speed and control tweaks, and also to better use of submissions. Its pretty cool to have a series of devastating head drops and then lock on a long holding submission late in the match in the hopes of taking your opponent out, only for him to battle back, get out, and land a few head drops of his own. This is so much better then locking on quick subs last year that either ended it or went off after a second or two late in the match.

I'm still having trouble nailing certain clutches. Namely the suplex and backdrop. Everything else I can handle pretty easily.

That's really all the new things I can think of right now. In previous posts I've mentioned the better use of camera angles that really bring you into the action, the better mma mode, and the huge amount of moves. KOC2 is a hell of a game.
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