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In Ear Headphones

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I'm about to purchase online, the Shure E2c in ear monitors off of the Shure website. I had the Sony Nude EX70's for a while until the left earphone shorted out on me. I recently went to Best Buy and purchased another pair, however I've since come up with another $50 toward the Shure E2c in ear monitors so I went to Best Buy again and got a full refund on my EX70's which I've been using for about a week.


Those are the Sony phones. I'd first just like to point out that I believe they plan on restocking this item which has been planted in my ears for several hours a day for the past 7 days. That's not at all important to the questions I plan to ask I just wonder if they would actually restock earbuds. That's kind of gross, though I have very clean ears.

Anyways, so I plan on buying the Shure E2c in ear monitors and have looked up several reviews on them, most of which were raving. Still there are some things that the reviews don't really touch base on, especially when it comes to compairing the E2s to other headphones. I know it's a long shot that any of you have these headphones but I might as well ask anyway. How is the noise isolation in the E2's compaired with the Sony Nude EX70s? I loved my EX70's but I never found them up to snuff in the noise isolation department, how are the E2's different?

I wear headphones A LOT, including when I'm in bed with my head on the pillow. Are the headphones comfortable? Not so much the part that goes in your ear but the plastic case that sits outside of your ear. I had a pair of Koss foamy like headphones that messed my outer ear after a while of wearing them, laying down or not.


So yeah, what do you guys think about the Shure E2c's? Worth the $50 over the Sony EX70s?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
The E2Cs are better than the EXs in all categories, including isolation. I wouldn't lay down on them, but they're good. Definitely worth the extra money.

Personally, I like Etymotics better. The ER6s have unbelievable isolation quality for a similar price.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
I've been using Shure e2Cs with my iRiver H140 for going on a year now, great investment.

The isolation is superior to the EX71SL, the treble is more defined, the bass tighter and nowhere near as overly muddy as the EX71SL which are famed for their overly bassy sound.

And $50 more than the EX71SL? I'm from the UK where everything is stupidly expensive in comparison, but I'm pretty sure the e2Cs are available over there for the $65 mark.

Take a look around. The e2Cs should be a nice upgrade to your old 'phones. Also, I'd advise immediately purchasing a pair of the Ultra-Soft Flex Sleeves from Shure as they're a lot more comfortable than the sleeves that come provided (flex sleeves and foamies).

Anyway, hope that helps. I'm gonna be upgrading to the newly released e4Cs soon as I recently purchased a portable headphone amp (mainly to use with my Grados) but I'm guessing e4Cs will sound pretty good amplified.
Great King Bowser said:
I've been using Shure e2Cs with my iRiver H140 for going on a year now, great investment.

The isolation is superior to the EX71SL, the treble is more defined, the bass tighter and nowhere near as overly muddy as the EX71SL which are famed for their overly bassy sound.

And $50 more than the EX71SL? I'm from the UK where everything is stupidly expensive in comparison, but I'm pretty sure the e2Cs are available over there for the $65 mark.

Take a look around. The e2Cs should be a nice upgrade to your old 'phones. Also, I'd advise immediately purchasing a pair of the Ultra-Soft Flex Sleeves from Shure as they're a lot more comfortable than the sleeves that come provided (flex sleeves and foamies).

Anyway, hope that helps. I'm gonna be upgrading to the newly released e4Cs soon as I recently purchased a portable headphone amp (mainly to use with my Grados) but I'm guessing e4Cs will sound pretty good amplified.

They're listed on Shure.com for $100 ;_; I WISH they were $65

How much are the UltraSoft Flex sleeves?
Is Buy.com a trustworthy place to buy things online?

I have to convince my mom to buy online, and she's paranoid to buy things online...
Also, why would they be marked down that much from what the price on the actual Shure website lists them as? That seems a bit fishy to me...

Jesus Carbomb

From Water into Guinness
Idealsound has the E2c for $69 total, after shipping. I havn't had first hand experience with them, but they seem to be a very reputable dealer from what I've read at head-fi.org.


I use the Etymotic 6is and have loved every bit of them... particularly the fact that I can lie down and not worry about getting hurt.

The only 2 downsides to In Ears are the fact that:

1. Because they get dirty, you cannot share music with someone else. Occassionly a funny song will pop up from my auto-shuffle and I want someone to here it... etc. I dun want them to see my ear wax (cleaning your ears is not enough, apparently).

1a. I do clean them often... which really isn't that big of a deal... just more maintenance over normal earbuds and headphones is all.

2. I can't hear outside traffic. This is imperative for me and generally anyone in a city area that walks... being able to hear the traffic around can really help you... well... not get hurt. Truth is... I almost got hit by a car ONCE with these headphones in... and that never happens to me. Granted... the fuck sped up to try and hit me... but I just stopped using them on long walking trips into town. Yah... they block out that much :)

Other than that... I've loved them. I could use a little more base... but these babies get loud and it's all you hear. Really worked wonders on my 32 hour trip back from Greece. Awesome for annoying, screaming kids on airplanes/buses etc.

Oh yeah.. and the 6is match my iPod.

Edit: $150 tho :(

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Buying from the manufacturer is always going to be more expensive, hell they're selling it at their own RRP. Buy.com are a reputable source.
Etymotic 6is Vs. Shure E2c


Due to this thread, I am now torn between the two.

looking at Buy.com I see Etymotic 6ip but not Etymotic 6is. Is there a difference between the two?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Lemurnator said:
What model etymotics do you use and how much were they?
ER6, same as Apple Jax. If you have an iPod (or just want white headphones), the ER6i are specifically designed for them and come in white. Not much price difference between the two. They're pretty cheap at either Earphone Solutions or Discount Headphones. Both sites are trustworthy.
I use an iRiver H320. I just now want to know the tossup between the E2c and the Etymotic 6's now.

Which are better? And just to clarify the low prices at Buy.com are for real? o.o I'm just shocked that something that's $150 at Etymotic.com can be $80 something here.
There's a more than a price and color difference between the ER-6's and ER-6i's, make sure you're clear on that. The ER-6i's sound "warmer" and are a more efficient headphone spec wise. Also the flanges themselves are different the 6's use a 2 tier flange while the 6i's use a 3 tier flange (they're not interchangeable between models).

I picked up a pair of ER-6i's myself a couple months back to replace a pair of Bose Triports and am pretty happy with them. I totally agree with everything that Apple Jax said. The whole "cleanliness" side of it leaves much to be desired. I clean the flanges on mine every 2-3 days or so with alcohol first then soap and water so it's not that bad, although the flanges have gone from white to an off white color so they still "look" dirty lol.

The ER-6i's were the first in ear canal phones i've ever owned and they took alot of getting used to. Lol, the first time i put them in like ear buds and didn't get a proper seal and was like wtf these sound like shit. Learning how to put them in properly took some getting used to but i can pop them in and out (literally pop since it's sealed to your ear canal) now and the noise cancelling is really something else it can't be overexaggerated. At a decent volume (read: not ear blasting) you can have someone standing behind you talking and you wouldn't know it heh, can't tell you how many times i've missed my cel, the home phone or the door because of them lol..

I have come across 2 small problems though.

1.) They're not "loud" headphones, although since they're ear canal phones they don't really need to be. Don't get me wrong they get loud but if you want them really loud whatever you're listening to them on will have to push them. For example when i use them with my PC at half volume they get ear blasting loud no problem, when i use them with say my iPod or PSP i have to go damn near full volume to get the same "loudness". Hope that makes sense.

2.) The cords make noise. It's not static or anything but since they phones are totally in your ear anytime the cord hits up against your ear or say your shirt you'll hear it. It's not distracting per se but it takes some getting used to.

BTW, i picked mine up NIB off of Ebay shipped for $120 but you can find the Er-6i's at headphone.com http://www.headphone.com/products/headphones/all-headphones/etymotic-er6i.php for about $136 shipped.
Lemurnator said:
They're $80 at Buy.com

Well there you go. No clue what it means but those are the second model of the ER-6i i've seen that are less than $100. Those are ER6I-P, there are also ER6I-C.

What the fuck is the difference? there's nothing on their website.

Jesus Christ, why does every company have to give their products the most confusing names possible?

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume aesthetic differences if they're the same price.

Shure's line are available similarly, with the "C" supposedly meaning "Consumer", "Consumer" meaning "iPod white". Yuk. For instance, you can get the e4 in black rather than the standard white (e4C). :lol


Whoa since when are there different versions of the 6i's?

Anyway I switched from my stock Sony earphones to Etys about 2 months ago, and they're great for me, at least while school was still on, especially on the bus. The isolation is incredible, though yeah as mentioned above, I wouldn't recommend isolating headphones in general if you're going to be walking around heavy traffic, etc..

Still, on the bus with the music not very loud (for sure not as loud as you listen to it with your current earphones) you can't hear anything but the music.

In ear headphones can cause discomfort though. You do get used to them, and I believe (from natural experience) that listening to music, or maybe it's just closing off your ear canals, results in your cells secreting more ear wax. This sort of coats the part of the earphone that you insert into your ear. Sorta icky I guess, but it helps with the pain as there's less discomfort.

When I first got my 6i's, it hurt like a bitch, but the next day even I was used to them and the pain subsided. It was totally worth it though.

I don't know much about the Shures, sorry. You can find Etys for a good price if you look online regardless.

In the end, I believe if you use your earphones on a regular basis, you might as well get the most out of whatever portable media device you use, so invest in a good set of earphones, rather than getting ripped off by Sony :lol

BTW if you're shipping from States -> Canada, don't use UPS, as you'll get raped on brokerage fees.


Ah yeah I forgot to mention that - these higher end earphones provide a much more flat response than typical earphones. So no more huge bass, but a much more clear, precise, and balanced response. You'll get used to it and will appreciate it (I hope!). I used to love loads of bass, :lol, but I think I prefer the flat response.

And if you go for 6i's, don't let the increased bass response fool you, that's a load of BS. Sure it's more than traditional ER-6, but Etymotics even claims you won't need to use your EQ, what fuckers...
Thanks for this thread. I've been looking for a new pair of headphones other than the stock apple ones for my ipod.

I'm no headphone junkie, so I'm not too familiar with different brands and models but it seems like the ER-6i is a good buy. Would you guys reccommend these for working out (running on a treadmill/exercise bike)? They look a lil uncomfortable and I don't want to buy something I can go to the gym with, but I need something better than what I'm currently using.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
You can't go wrong with a pair of Etymotics E6/i, but what I like about the Shure series of headphones is their over the ear, behind the back style.

It keeps the cable out of your way, which is actually quite useful when you're at the gym. But they're gonna get sweaty. :lol

Shure e4Cs here I come though.

Thread at Head-Fi on Shure e4Cs


There's something about "In Ear" headphones that I don't like. Too close to your fuckin' ear drum for comfort, maybe? :D
from Firingsquad.com/deals

Buy.com - Etymotic Research ER6i Isolator Earphones (White Pillow Pack) for Only $79.99 with FREE Shipping!
GREAT buy on some white high end headphones that are perfect for you iPod bigots (and you posers too)! Super popular and designed specifically for you MP3 wearing folks, you can now pick these babies up for just $79.99 with free shipping! New customer? Click on the coupon and get an additional $5 off!

* Click here if you`re a new customer and want to get an extra $5 off! $5 OFF $50 COUPON


I'm considering getting these, but I am getting some type of earphones with my import of Electroplankton. I'm sure they won't be as good as these.


I forgot to mention, Shure comes with a 2yr warranty and apparently they're real good with replacements if they ever break. That was partly what persuaded me to go with Shure over Etymotic.


Don't worry about them being too deep in the ear, they don't go as deep as earplugs. As for comfort, I never had a problem w/the foam or soft tips. Depends on your taste/isolation needs.

From what I read, the Shures kill Etys when internal noise is a concern, ie. from walking, bumping the wire, etc.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
The two above posters make good points.

I had to get my e2Cs repaired a month ago after a year of use, the wire insulation finally split, but Shure were easy to deal with. I gave them a call, explained the situation, they gave me a customer repair number to pack in with the headphones when sending back.

Got a brand new retail pack back a week later couriered, so now I have doubles of all the accessories. It did mean I had to break them in again, but hearing the gradual improvement in sound is always nice.

Also, internal sounds are indeed dampened. As I explained earlier it's the over the ear, down the back style in which you wear them. Having them draped over the top of your ears automatically means much of the cable noises/footsteps etc. you're bound to pick up are dampened and not passed up the cable to your ear. It works pretty well actually in a basic way.

As you can all tell, I'm a pretty big Shure fan. :lol

Can't wait to upgrade them though, as amplifying with my recently purchased Super Mini Moy really does bring out the limitations in the e2Cs. Ah well, there goes my wallet.


Are you sure the break-in wasn't mental? I don't think this Shure line has the type moving parts that you'd have to break in like a floor speaker or headcans.

Another note about the e3c - it's smaller and lighter than the e2c so comfort should be easier to find.


Definitely the worst thing on Ety's part is the internal noise. 20 years of research, and those fuckers didn't even notice? Suck my dick! When you're making a highend product, for it to be somewhat ruined by a simple problem that's very easy to fix, it's just pathetic.

Also Ety's (dunno about Shure's) adopt the Y-style cord (the one where the length of wire to each earphone is the same = no hanging over the shoulder). This is why you get so much internal noise, because there aren't any nodes along the wire except for that splitting the cord. Therefore, there's a lot of free wire that will propagate vibrations to your ears.


But whatever, I really don't notice too much. But once you think about it, it is frustrating :lol
Fuck. I just bought the Etys and now I'm wondering if I'll regret it.

I use my ipod mainly when studying or working out, but it sounds like they're not the greatest for the gym because of all the "noise" you get. Well, I can use my stock earplugs for working out if it's too bad, but I'm hoping I'll enjoy my purchase otherwise.


:lol no seriously, you're worrying too much. It's just a huge pet peeve for me, because it's an easily solved solution. You won't notice the noise that much, and will forget about it.

In fact, I'm willing to bet if you never read about it, you'd never have noticed, it's that subtle.

I just purchased on buy.com a pair of Etymotic ER 6i Isolator Earphones. The first real high fidelity earphones I've ever purchased. I picked these out of a pool of Shure E2c, and Etymotic 6 Isolator Earphones (the double flanged ones). I tried to do as much research as possible but hit a dead end when it came to comparisons between the three. I choose the ER6i's in the end because of the triple flanged earbuds. I dunno though, I hope I made the right choice. The white color sure isn't going to go well with my black iRiver.
Looks like Etymotic owes Gaf a big "Thank You". Both Lemur and I bought the same earphones.

Honestly, I've made a decent amount of purchases all based on the opinions of the more-informed posters here and have rarely been disappointed.

Thank you GAF!

Not only this forum, but the head-fi forums have also ensured me that I made the right purchase for my money.

However, not to gross anyone out....

I RARELY EVER get ANY zits, ANYWHERE on my body or my face.


I can't wear ANY headphones, because this shit HURTS. Hopefully it will have gone away by the time the phones ship.
You guys should be very happy with your 6i's, once you learn to put them in correctly and get used to the way they feel when in lol. As much of a guarantee as a random guy on a message board can give you, you won't be disappointed. Let us know what you think when you get them.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
You can't go wrong with the etymotics, good choice. Hope you like them.

P.s. Triple flange sleeves are available for Shure canal phones. Fine, I'll stop plugging Shure's now. :lol


Lemurnator said:

Not only this forum, but the head-fi forums have also ensured me that I made the right purchase for my money.

However, not to gross anyone out....

I RARELY EVER get ANY zits, ANYWHERE on my body or my face.

If you werent jailbait, id say prove it.... OMGHI2U!!!!!!!

You should download a song called Mindcircus by Way Out West. Nothing better than listening to a song about wanting silence as loud as possible in your ear canal.


It's probably already been mentioned, but do any of these headphones have volume controls on the headphones? If not, can you recommend any that do?


A word about the 6is from a 6i user:

Do not be sheepish to, literally, drown the earbuds into your ear. This is normal. It may feel weird at first... but once you get used to it... that's it. It has been said in this thread before, but, please, make sure you put them in properly. If you do not, you will not be getting the full "usage" out of your headphones and you may not like them... but I assure you... when used properly... they are wonderful.

Also... once they are in... you won't hear anything on the outside (this is a good sign that you have them in properly). Not only will you not hear anything on the outside, but when music is playing... seriously... that's all you'll hear... and that's what you want.

NOTE: Upon removing... DO NOT PULL! Twist AND Pull. Pull could damage your ears... and if the seal has been made properly... you may feel pressure and get a slight pop. Twist will break the seal by allowing air back into the ear canal. I pull a few times... it wasn't cool.

If the earbuds do not fit... FRET NOT. Firstly, the 6is come with alternate buds... I've never tried them because the stock ones were fine... but, who knows, you may have to. But, most importantly, if NIETHER fit... go to Ety's website and take a look at the different types of buds that they offer. I think they offer a good 6 different types... in other words... the buds that are offered are not the end all be all of your listening enjoyment with these 'phones. You paid good money on these... might as well get the most of them.

The earphones actually come with a removable clip. I kept mine on and find it works nicely when trying to situate the earphone placement on you attire. The wires are a tad longer than what I've normally used... so... the clip really helped me make a wire adjustment. (But again, if you dun like it... you can remove it)

Make sure to take the buds off the ear piece when cleaning. They are made of pretty solid plastic... so... don't feel badly about pulling hard. You may have trouble getting them back on once they are off... but again... fret not... push hard or go in from one side and then the other... you'll get what I am saying once you see them and go through the process.

There isn't a lot of bass on these headphones. Now... I love bass... but it's absense really has not made my experience with them any less enjoyable. The sound is extraordinarily clear and crisp... with not being able to hear anything but the music... AND... because it doesn't have to be loud (although it can get pretty loud)... I feel they are a pretty versatile earphone (sound wise). By all means... play with EQ settings to see what's best for you... I put a Bass Booster on mine and it gives me just enough of what I needed:

I also occassionally pop my 'phones into my laptop to listen to DVDs. Great experience... also reccomended.

Good luck with your new purchase! ENJOY!

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
loxy said:
It's probably already been mentioned, but do any of these headphones have volume controls on the headphones? If not, can you recommend any that do?

From personal experience :)lol) the Shure range have the optional accessory of a volume attenuator, which is useful if you need greater control over volume, such as the case may be on an airplane, or if the lowest volume setting on your laptop is too loud etc.

The newly released Shure e4Cs come with the volume attenuator as standard.
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