We meet a new character:
And with that:
Let's get started!
The reporter tells us about several sightings of the "Red Cape". She managed to take a photo of it (which by the way already is in the newspaper she writes for, it's not like she's giving us exclusive information here) and it looks very much like the guy that fled from the Daidouji residence before. He was last seen in Ginza-Cho. To the Mystery Machine!
The girl is talking about me. Defying all probability, we go to the city first. Another huge city area with lots of new random encounters and it's very nice looking, too, with streetcars driving around. The city can get very confusing if you don't look at the map, because there's a bridge you can walk over and under and there are some exits that are basically in the middle of the map.
On our way we find a homeless person who tries to sell us
something for 50.000 yen. Of course, this is a way too much, so we refuse. The next offer is a very different 50 yen. For that we get some kind of lucky charm. Even 50 yen seem a bit much for something we don't have much use for. But this is an adventure game, so we take what we can get, it's bound to be of some use somewhere.
We also meet a woman that asks us about some car accident. Never heard of it, sorry.
So, our first real stop is the restaurant where the reporter took the photo. We learn about Denpachi the rickshaw runner, who is close to Kiyoshi Daidouji. We should interrogate him.
But first, let's go to the Shin-Sekai which the girl on the street mentioned earlier. Here we learn that we're actually not so special, there are a bunch of devil summoners all over the world. Way to bring down our ego.
There's another very suspicious area on the map. It turns out to be some kind of garbage dump and the only thing to really do here, is to talk to a dog. After a rather strange conversation he asks us about our "dream". This seems important enough that you get to put it in freely. That's it, what was that about? Maybe it will important later on, so maybe it's a good thing that I took a screenshot. It kind of reminds me of the scarecrow in Ocarina of Time.
Back to the story. Let's look for Denpachi. The area he lives in seems to be controlled by the Yakuza, though. So, to get in there we have to ask the boss for permission. For some reason his base seems to be the bathhouse.
At least we get some fresh air for all our body out of it. The fight with the Yakuza is very very simple, I guess you have to really try to lose here, it's more for the fun of the whole situation.
The area doesn't really seem to be under control of the Yakuza, the Soulless Army turned up and made the whole thing complicated. Well, at least we're allowed to go in now.
We found his house, but noone seems to be there. Well, think again, the Soulless Army is here. We are arrested and thrown into the Dark Realm.
There we kill the wardens, before we can be locked in the cell. There is someone else in the cell who looks like he runs rickshaws professionally, but the cell is locked, we have to find the key first.
...or get a lock pick. But this means we already have to leave the Dark Realm again and go back to the store near our agency. Yay.
Doesn't seem like we can haggle this time. We get the lock pick and it's back to the Dark Realm. This time we use the shrine. But this means we enter the Dark Realm at a different part of the town. So we have to get back to the cell.
There are soldiers all over the place, so we have to take the long way around. With a flying demon, we fly over the river and fetch a boat that's anchored at the end. You can get attacked while you're using a demon. Which is kinda nice, but the fights play really bad, so I wish they would have left that part out.
At the end there's a gate that's locked from the other side, so we need to find a way around. But with all the soldiers around we have to make sure, not to be seen (which is kinda stupid because since they should have seen us plenty already). Since they won't mind a demon in the Dark Realm, we send one ahead to open the gate.
We reach the cell again and free the "mysterious" person. But as soon as we open the cell, some soldiers arrive and try to stop us. Funny thing is, this time you actually have to win the fight, it's not even that hard. Makes the whole stealth section before kind of pointless.
Surprise, the man we freed turns out to be Denpachi. But before he will tell us anything we first have to find his sister, who looks somehow familiar. But since we don't know where she went, we have to ask someone who's in the business of "finding people".
We find her in the red-light district. Turns out she will help us only if we find the one who attacked her husband, the taxi driver (the "car accident" we heard about before). So now it's help Shizu -> help Denpachi -> find Mr. Daidouji. This needs another layer of complication.
But we have no lead to go on, so first we go back to the agency. There we learn that that reporter called for us. She wants us to meet in the bar that's supposed to be for devil summoners only (huh?).
Seems we have to look for the demon at full moon under the overpass. With a little bit of luck, this means running around in circles for quite a while. At full moon we meet this car demon (which you actually fight). But it's not him that attacked the people, it's he who was attacked. He gives us a crucial item that hints at the real culprit. It's part of a rickshaw.
But Denpachi is not at home. Let's ask his sister.
She confirms our suspicion and more(?) importantly takes the lucky charm we bought earlier. We didn't really learn anything new, though.
Last chance, let's ask his employer. No news about Denpachi, but there was another attack on a taxi in the city, so at least let's investigate that.
We find the Red Cape (you know, the demon we are actually looking for?), but it flees into the Dark Realm. After it!
Even in the Dark Realm, all he does is run away. You can get into a fight with the Red Cape, but after a short while he still runs away. No chance to defeat him.
And then the game shows off its fun part again. After a while the Red Cape runs away in a circle around the city. There's a car you can move to block the way, but you need a specific ability that I didn't have. So then I had to run around and try to catch all the demons in the area I didn't already have. You need a Fury demon to move the car. Took a while.
Ha! Cornered him! The fight itself is the same as before (that's why I didn't take another screenshot), it just drags a bit longer. The one thing to look out for is his laser-like attack that can stun you.
After the fight we learn that the Red Cape was actually Denpachi which means there's more than one of them. He tells us that Mr. Daidouji likes to hang out at his old factory (who could have guessed?) and by now even the game's characters are getting cynical about the overly complicated way we had to go to obtain that information.
Chapter 2 done.