SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Let me set up the story first. I was at my mom's house last week and went to the living room while she was preparing some food. My old PS3 was still there so I fired it up to kill time. I had a God of War III save and loaded it, arriving at the part with Aphrodite. You know, the one with the sex mini-game.
I figured I'd just do it while my mom wasn't looking but she came back earlier so I put it on pause. I waited for her to be gone before resuming but a minute later, some guests came in so just turned off the console. I don't mind eviscerating Hades or chopping off Hermes' legs in front of people, but a fucking mini-game would make me look like a degenerate.
Then, my older brother arrived and I told him about the situation that had just occurred. He told me he looked back fondly at those times. We talked about some games, eventually bringing up Soul Calibur 2, a game he was never good at, but mentioned that his favorite characters were Taki and Ivy. We checked some artwork on his cellphone and I was reminded that his love for them had nothing to do with how they played.
Anyway, this brings me to asking you guys this; looking back, what do you think of the more, shall we say, overt sexualisation in video games at the time? There were games like Red Ninja: End of Honor that were literally made just for some gratuitous panty shots lol. We also had classics like DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. As far as the west is concerned, we're almost at the opposite end of the spectrum. Japan and the rest of the east have somewhat mellowed out but you still get games like Stellar Blade and I think the DOA Xtreme games live on there.
Do you miss it? Don't care? Found it cringe and are glad it's gone? Pics related:
I figured I'd just do it while my mom wasn't looking but she came back earlier so I put it on pause. I waited for her to be gone before resuming but a minute later, some guests came in so just turned off the console. I don't mind eviscerating Hades or chopping off Hermes' legs in front of people, but a fucking mini-game would make me look like a degenerate.
Then, my older brother arrived and I told him about the situation that had just occurred. He told me he looked back fondly at those times. We talked about some games, eventually bringing up Soul Calibur 2, a game he was never good at, but mentioned that his favorite characters were Taki and Ivy. We checked some artwork on his cellphone and I was reminded that his love for them had nothing to do with how they played.
Anyway, this brings me to asking you guys this; looking back, what do you think of the more, shall we say, overt sexualisation in video games at the time? There were games like Red Ninja: End of Honor that were literally made just for some gratuitous panty shots lol. We also had classics like DOA: Xtreme Beach Volleyball. As far as the west is concerned, we're almost at the opposite end of the spectrum. Japan and the rest of the east have somewhat mellowed out but you still get games like Stellar Blade and I think the DOA Xtreme games live on there.
Do you miss it? Don't care? Found it cringe and are glad it's gone? Pics related: