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In what multiplayer game did you dominate?

I was actually gonna make this topic.

Some people may say they are the best at SSB Melee, but I am literally the best Melee player ever, it's not even funny. If only it were online so I could show my dominance worldwide, but alas...

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Goldeneye and SSB:M

I love Mario Kart because no matter how good you get the random factor always makes the game competitive!

Too much stuff to list. Pretty much any game I got my hands on. But my level of competition was limited to schoolfriends and geeks sitting all day at Putt Putt Golf and Games.


Doom2 (used to dial people long distance #deathmatch EFNet!)

Quake1 (played at all the big tournaments)


Note that Quake2 is missing. We will not speak of that travesty of a video game.
Definitely GoldenEye 007 above all games. Used to destroy my friends, even when teamed up 3 to 1 against me. We almost always played License to Kill as well, the ONLY way to play. :)

Mario Kart 64 would probably be next. Then Perfect Dark. And the list goes on and on..


Doom ][
Duke Nukem 3d
Quake 1 / Quakeworld (oh, I miss it).

Heh, this just reminded me of the big Quake tourney (for the ferrari?) on MPlayer like, a hojillion years ago. I'd forgotten about that.
*Super Smash Bros. - I dominated all my friend at this game. I was totally unbeatable, the game was literally mine.
*UT - Same
*Diddy Kong Racing - Same


No Mercy was the only game I was really really good at. Even then, I had a friend who was INSANELY good. Not just better than me, untouchable. You'd be lucky if you were even able to grapple him without him reversing it. Punches too. His reversal timing was fricken amazing.

Compared to everyone else, though, I am pretty good.
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