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India’s New Focus on Rape Shows Only the Surface of Women’s Perils

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Such crimes are routine in this country, where researchers estimate that anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 women a year are killed over dowry disputes. Many are burned alive in a particularly grisly form of retribution.

While a horrific gang rape in New Delhi has transfixed India and drawn attention to a violent epidemic, rape is just one facet of a broad range of violence and discrimination that leads to the deaths of almost two million women a year, researchers say. Among the causes are not only sexual violence but also domestic violence, family disputes and female infanticide, as well as infant neglect and poor care of the elderly that affect girls and women far more than boys and men...

...As many as 100,000 women are burned to death each year and another 125,000 die from violent injuries that are rarely reported as killings, according to government figures and other data analyzed by the research team....

...Tradition in India also results in considerable acceptance of violence. A 2005 government survey found that 54 percent of women in India said that husbands were justified in beating their wives, with the most common justification being if they failed to show proper respect for their in-laws.

Still, Indian husbands beat their wives far less than men in many other developing countries, according to comparable surveys done in multiple countries. Domestic violence levels are far higher in Colombia, Egypt, Peru and Zambia than in India, the surveys found.

But discrimination against women is so endemic and wide-ranging in India that deaths from domestic violence account for only a fraction of the overall risk of unnecessary death. “Other aspects come into play, like female infanticide, mistreatment of young girls in terms of access to resources, maternal deaths, unequal access to health care and so forth,” said Ms. Anderson, the economics professor. “Indian women face more dangers.”

100 thousand women are burned alive each year? I dont even know what to say... jesus


Still, Indian husbands beat their wives far less than men in many other developing countries, according to comparable surveys done in multiple countries. Domestic violence levels are far higher in Colombia, Egypt, Peru and Zambia than in India, the surveys found.

Great. So as bad as those stats are, it's not even the worst of it.


As sad and horrible as it is, in a country with 1,210,193,422 inhabitants numbers like these don't surprise me. I was more surprised when I read somewhere that only about 30,000 rapes are reported each year.


many of these third world nations are not only economically behind but culturally too
which is gonna be the real problem in fixing

look at all these UBER rich middle eastern countries
in many ways equal to europe/us but when you bring the culture in it you realize they still have retarded traditions/rules from 100's of years ago


many of these third world nations are not only economically behind but culturally too
which is gonna be the real problem in fixing

look at all these UBER rich middle eastern countries
in many ways equal to europe/us but when you bring the culture in it you realize they still have retarded traditions/rules from 100's of years ago

Oil money doesn't seem to work as well as educating your nation in that regard.
Same goes for acceptance of domestic violence, wonder how the statistics for that looks for the more educated in India.
225000 killed each year because of their gender? what is going on in that country
Some of these lives are ended before they begin: Indian women are far more likely to abort female fetuses than male ones. Still, such birth selection accounts for, at most, 12 percent of the figure, the researchers found.
This is almost an epidemic in India which cuts across cultures, social classes and status. From doctors to farmers. Women perform ultrasound screening and find out the gender of the baby, and abort it if it's a female. Not only that but the woman is blamed and sometimes even killed for having a female baby fetus/giving birth to baby girl. I forgot where I saw this documentary scene where an entire family and in-law family goes to the hospital for the delivery, and as soon as the doctor says it's a girl, there's a shock. There's no joy or happiness, but shock and disbelief. They just quietly go home.

It's unbelievable. India's sex ratio is very alarming right now because of female infanticide. There's gonna be a very real shortage soon.


Homeland Security Fail
As many as 100,000 women are burned to death each year and another 125,000 die from violent injuries that are rarely reported as killings, according to government figures and other data analyzed by the research team....

Jesus, India.

New Delhi, India (CNN) -- In an incident eerily similar to a sexual assault that sent shock waves worldwide, Indian police say a woman was gang-raped over the weekend by seven men after she boarded a bus at night.

Police arrested six suspects, including the bus driver, after the alleged Friday night attack in Gurdaspur district in Punjab.

A manhunt for the other man was under way Sunday.

Just like a gang rape in New Delhi that sparked international outrage last month, the new attack occurred after the woman got on a bus.

The bus sped past her stop, police said. By that time, the woman was the only passenger.
Will New Delhi rape change India?
Father of India rape victim speaks out
'I was like a bird without wings'

The bus driver and his helper then took the married 29-year-old woman to an undisclosed address where five others joined the two men and raped her throughout the night, police said.​

This is almost an epidemic in India which cuts across cultures, social classes and status. From doctors to farmers. Women perform ultrasound screening and find out the gender of the baby, and abort it if it's a female. Not only that but the woman is blamed and sometimes even killed for having a female baby fetus/giving birth to baby girl. I forgot where I saw this documentary scene where an entire family and in-law family goes to the hospital for the delivery, and as soon as the doctor says it's a girl, there's a shock. There's no joy or happiness, but shock and disbelief. They just quietly go home.

It's unbelievable. India's sex ratio is very alarming right now because of female infanticide. There's gonna be a very real shortage soon.

was it this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISme5-9orR0

the trailer for that made me sick. i cant imagine watching that whole thing and not get angry



New Delhi, India (CNN) -- In an incident eerily similar to a sexual assault that sent shock waves worldwide, Indian police say a woman was gang-raped over the weekend by seven men after she boarded a bus at night.

Police arrested six suspects, including the bus driver, after the alleged Friday night attack in Gurdaspur district in Punjab.

A manhunt for the other man was under way Sunday.

Just like a gang rape in New Delhi that sparked international outrage last month, the new attack occurred after the woman got on a bus.

The bus sped past her stop, police said. By that time, the woman was the only passenger.
Will New Delhi rape change India?
Father of India rape victim speaks out
'I was like a bird without wings'

The bus driver and his helper then took the married 29-year-old woman to an undisclosed address where five others joined the two men and raped her throughout the night, police said.​


they just don't give a damn, wth

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
100,000 a year burned to death--

This is almost an epidemic in India which cuts across cultures, social classes and status. From doctors to farmers. Women perform ultrasound screening and find out the gender of the baby, and abort it if it's a female. Not only that but the woman is blamed and sometimes even killed for having a female baby fetus/giving birth to baby girl. I forgot where I saw this documentary scene where an entire family and in-law family goes to the hospital for the delivery, and as soon as the doctor says it's a girl, there's a shock. There's no joy or happiness, but shock and disbelief. They just quietly go home.

It's unbelievable. India's sex ratio is very alarming right now because of female infanticide. There's gonna be a very real shortage soon.

What in the literal fuck.


What the fuck India?!

and OMFG at the end of that trailer! To admit to killing eight of your own daughters and then fucking laugh about it?! That vile creature needs to die.


225000 killed each year because of their gender? what is going on in that country
1.3bn people. Still horrible stats but gives some perspective. Combining this with the living conditions a lot of indians live in and some social factors and it's easy enough to understand what's going on.


I wonder if mistreatment of women in India is religiously motivated in some way, or perhaps social or caste problems?


Look at it from a macro perspective and there's clearly a pattern here affecting not just India, but other poor countries with overpopulation issues. Its not because of any one reason specific to India.


Look at it from a macro perspective and there's clearly a pattern here affecting not just India, but other poor countries with overpopulation issues. Its not because of any one reason specific to India.

I dont think a macro perspective can explain 100k deaths by being burned alive every year. As for female infanticide, the other big offender, China, has a one child policy, which helps explain why that is happening there.



New Delhi, India (CNN) -- In an incident eerily similar to a sexual assault that sent shock waves worldwide, Indian police say a woman was gang-raped over the weekend by seven men after she boarded a bus at night.

Police arrested six suspects, including the bus driver, after the alleged Friday night attack in Gurdaspur district in Punjab.

A manhunt for the other man was under way Sunday.

Just like a gang rape in New Delhi that sparked international outrage last month, the new attack occurred after the woman got on a bus.

The bus sped past her stop, police said. By that time, the woman was the only passenger.
Will New Delhi rape change India?
Father of India rape victim speaks out
'I was like a bird without wings'

The bus driver and his helper then took the married 29-year-old woman to an undisclosed address where five others joined the two men and raped her throughout the night, police said.​


This is sick and wrong...


That country really needs a cultural and social revolution ASAP. Don't get me started on dowries and Indian marriage and married life. It's insane how the society puts the man on a pedestal


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
You would think it would be poor people who try to "cheat" the system to get boys rather than girls by having Ultrasounds and try for abortions

It mostly the well off middle class or upper echelons of the starter rich class that are the worst


If a girl is born, the dowry alone can bankrupt the family, so why take the chance

I always was confused at this aspect

Say you have 10 families, they produce 8 boys and 2 girls (luckily!)
The 2 can "afford" the hit
Well when they grow up, and the 2 are taken away, What in the Blue Fuck are the other 6 dudes going to do?...

On ABC 20/20 did a special on this
There is literally a town which is 100% male born rate
I shit you not, 100% male ratio
One guy got married to a woman they had to bus over from another town
She has now produced a whopping 10 boys for the town....

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlin...-elizabeth-vargas-explores-indias-gendercide/


Little by little this shit is affecting Pakistan too now
Neighboring countries, so some shit gets picked up (the worst kind)

My aunt told me about a family who is producing kids at an extreme rate
To one up the devil spawns, if we breed more, we beat them by the sheer force of number (population wise)
The worst part, girls are a no no, too much hassle, to vulnerable or susceptible (aka Inferior sex), so they are aborted ASAP
Boys are needed for the Jihad"esque" battle to fill in the ranks....


Please be prepared for NSFL picture!:


***I REPEAT Please Click with Caution***


You would think it would be poor people who try to "cheat" the system to get boys rather than girls by having Ultrasounds and try for abortions

It mostly the well off middle class or upper echelons of the starter rich class that are the worst


If a girl is born, the dowry alone can bankrupt the family, so why take the chance

I always was confused at this aspect

Say you have 10 families, they produce 8 boys and 2 girls (luckily!)
The 2 can "afford" the hit
Well when they grow up, and the 2 are taken away, What in the Blue Fuck are the other 6 dudes going to do?...

On ABC 20/20 did a special on this
There is literally a town which is 100% male born rate
I shit you not, 100% male ratio
One guy got married to a woman they had to bus over from another town
She has now produced a whopping 10 boys for the town....

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlin...-elizabeth-vargas-explores-indias-gendercide/


Little by little this shit is affecting Pakistan too now
Neighboring countries, so some shit gets picked up (the worst kind)

My aunt told me about a family who is producing kids at an extreme rate
To one up the devil spawns, if we breed more, we beat them by the sheer force of number (population wise)
The worst part, girls are a no no, too much hassle, to vulnerable or susceptible (aka Inferior sex), so they are aborted ASAP
Boys are needed for the Jihad"esque" battle to fill in the ranks....


Please be prepared for NSFL picture!:


***I REPEAT Please Click with Caution***

You'd think the whole dowry tradition would stop due to all this crap now that its making women a rare commodity. I know that sounds awful, reducing women and marriage to supply and demand and all, but dowries are rooted in money, work as as tradition.

You'd think that some parents would eventually say "dowry? Yea, fuck that, you want your son to get married, you pay me a shit load of money" If that happens and catches on, we might see these awful trends reverse...

And that Aunt story is extremely disturbing.


Tons of cheap abortions happen in India when that baby is a girl because families don't want to have to marry away girls. The reason is that the girl is considered a nuisance and financial drain on the man's family and the girls family is expected to pay for the whole elaborate week long weeding, and then cost of living. Families are expected to go into crippling debt for the ceremony, so abortion is their solution.

Its a huge rampant problem, so much that now men can't even find wives. They don't move out usually from their families house until they marry and a lot of men are in their late 30s still unmarried because they have nothing to offer financial to the fewer brides that are out there.

I'm sure this also contributes to the rape problem over there.

A.E Suggs

Please be prepared for NSFL picture!:


***I REPEAT Please Click with Caution***

I do believe I've seen that picture floating around facebook. As bad as that picture is i find it worst that some pass it around for likes.

I wonder if mistreatment of women in India is religiously motivated in some way, or perhaps social or caste problems?

They see them as gods so I don't think that has anything to do with it.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I forget the documentary name on HBO where they show a dude, who's mother forces her son to get married to a woman to produce a male heir, while having a male (misteress?) lover that he frequents regularly

That shit made no sense to me

The Mother-In-Law ruined 3 lives for the "Respect" of the community, no shame to burden her

Also people forget in the old days when the husband died and it came time to cremate the body, women were OBLIGATED to throw themselves in the fire
Talk about backwards ass logic, lose dad and mom, enjoy being an orphan due to tradition
was it this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISme5-9orR0

the trailer for that made me sick. i cant imagine watching that whole thing and not get angry

Holy shit @ the woman in the end. I mean, she's laughing and smiling about it like she did a fabulous job.

I didn't see this doc, but it looks like it sure as hell gets the point across. I really don't recall where I saw that scene. It's a traditional punjabi family, if it helps.


Dallas Cowboys already do that!





Clothed, sober, cooperative
Tons of cheap abortions happen in India when that baby is a girl because families don't want to have to marry away girls. The reason is that the girl is considered a nuisance and financial drain on the man's family and the girls family is expected to pay for the whole elaborate week long weeding, and then cost of living. Families are expected to go into crippling debt for the ceremony, so abortion is their solution.

Its a huge rampant problem, so much that now men can't even find wives. They don't move out usually from their families house until they marry and a lot of men are in their late 30s still unmarried because they have nothing to offer financial to the fewer brides that are out there.

I'm sure this also contributes to the rape problem over there.

I know that rape is often a 'power' thing, but I always feel that it's dismissive to ignore the fact that it may be about sexual urges too. I imagine there are plenty of rapes that have nothing to do with 'power' or domination and everything to do with sexual dysfunction. The situation described above may be a mixture of both.
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