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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | Official Trailer


Gold Member
I am a mega fan of Indy so there is virtually nothing that would keep me from this day one but so help if PWB say "mansplaining" in this film I will fucking shit a brick and burn my fedora, whip, leather jacket, gas mask satchel, epalet button down shirt, wool pants, and.....well, maybe spare the Aldens.


Gold Member
The movie was written by the Kasdans. The original directors weren’t following the script at all so Lawrence Kasdan got them fired and Ron Howard reshot the whole movie.
Fair enough. I would love to see that Lord version though. PWB was the chick c3po urging the droid rebellion, right?

I think space cthulhu was about the only thing I really really liked in that film.


Is this movie going to go back in time and show him younger? Seemed like some of the scenes they were using de-aging tech no?


Hope this movie will live up to it's great Raiders of Lost Arc and Last Crusade. (Sorry I wasn't that big of fan of 2nd one)
Nobody bats a 100 (and even that’s debatable, did Kubrick make a bad movie? And I don’t think David Fincher was to blame for Alien 3 sucking, granted I never saw Benjamin Button but all his other films range from really good to incredible IMHO), yet betting on Mangold has more logic to it than those who were 100% convinced it was going to suck before they even saw a trailer.
James Mangold is not Stanley Kubrick. Nobody is Stanley Kubrick. Whether you think Fincher is to blame for Alien 3 he still directed it. Mangold has already not batted 100, his 1st Wolverine movie and his Tom Cruise movie Knight and Day are not so hot. He's a good, heck even great director, but Steven Spielberg--one of the greatest directors of all time--cannot be trusted to deliver a surefire win of a sequel a franchise he started and successfully maintained, I don't really understand putting absolute trust in anyone else.

Ok I might been a bit condescending to OP ManaByte. I apologize. I know you love movies, I do too. However my point stands.


Steven Spielberg--one of the greatest directors of all time--cannot be trusted to deliver a surefire win of a sequel a franchise he started and successfully maintained, I don't really understand putting absolute trust in anyone else.

2008 Spielberg was not the same as the Spielberg of the 80s. He was making different types of movies by then. Even The BFG, written by the same screenwriter of E.T., ended up being one of his worst movies ever - again because he's in his 70s now and making different types of movies. Even Spielberg himself says that by the mid 80s he couldn't even make Close Encounters, because by the mid 80s he changed and wouldn't make a movie where a dad left his family.


2008 Spielberg was not the same as the Spielberg of the 80s. He was making different types of movies by then. Even The BFG, written by the same screenwriter of E.T., ended up being one of his worst movies ever - again because he's in his 70s now and making different types of movies. Even Spielberg himself says that by the mid 80s he couldn't even make Close Encounters, because by the mid 80s he changed and wouldn't make a movie where a dad left his family.

I don't buy it. Lincoln was an incredible movie and it was made in 2012. Got 12 academy awards nominations, including best director for Spielberg. You can list all the great directors that have ever lived and find duds in all their filmography. Mangold is a good director, but he is far from infallible and it's perfectly legitimate to be a little skeptical of this movie, especially when this will be the first Indy movie under Disney, and we all know what a bang up job they did with Star Wars.
2008 Spielberg was not the same as the Spielberg of the 80s. He was making different types of movies by then. Even The BFG, written by the same screenwriter of E.T., ended up being one of his worst movies ever - again because he's in his 70s now and making different types of movies. Even Spielberg himself says that by the mid 80s he couldn't even make Close Encounters, because by the mid 80s he changed and wouldn't make a movie where a dad left his family.
True enough, some good food for thought. Regardless, his track record continued to be mostly solid (critically) at that point, and he continued to dabble in different genres. Crystal Skull may not have been the same if he had made it back in the 90s, however it could have still been good. There is no reason it had to be the mess it was. I believe it failed because he got cold feet resurrecting a beloved franchise he hadn't touched in nearly 2 decades. He was trying too hard to recapture the magic, to top himself, so he threw in every 1940s pulp magazine story he could recall into a blender and hoped for the best.

Sometimes all it takes is for someone to rekindle the love for the past, or their past. He directed Tin Tin just a few years later, which despite being animated, is a great Indiana Jones film in all but name. It's your mental age, if you're young at heart, not your physical age. Just look at Hayao Miyazaki or George Miller, directors who made "young man films" as old men.


I know it's going to be a piece of shit, offensive to the real Indy movies, but I can't help to be excited by the trailer and when the music hits.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Doubting the writer/director of these:



Yes. Especially if we're looking at his full filmography and not just three cherry picked examples.

He's a great director, but has still been responsible for some less than great films. I'm not saying that this new indy film will be terrible, but I'm not 100% confident it'll be amazing based on a few chosen films from the same director.
What you heard was made up by a Neo Nazi YouTuber mad that Nazis are the villains again and is bullshit.
Pretty sure that Indy being erased from history and being replaced by Fleabag would make any fan of the series mad - irrespective of who the villains are. But Nazis being the villains would be very weak as well.


Neo Member

Deepfake or oldschool CGI? Looks pretty good! Better than Tarkin and Luke
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Yes. Especially if we're looking at his full filmography and not just three cherry picked examples.

He's a great director, but has still been responsible for some less than great films. I'm not saying that this new indy film will be terrible, but I'm not 100% confident it'll be amazing based on a few chosen films from the same director.

Mangold isn’t the problem. His Disney paymasters most definitely are. They don’t hire people to create a singular vision. They hire people to do what they’re told, according to their carefully curated marketing strategies.

The chances of this film sucking are very high.


Gold Member
Is there any "real" mythogical parallel to something like "The Dial of Destiny"? So far everything Ibdy has gone after has at least a loose basis on an actual mythological artifact. Anything out there that might give a clue to the macguffin in this film?

Otherwise the time travel idea is most likely?


If it's what they are using in Willow then it is getting better, particularly when they have good period source material to draw from.
It doesn’t rely on still photos like most deep fake stuff you see people using online, this tool can pull data from video footage.


I’m in. I get that Crystal Skull blew, but I’m hoping that one was just a blip. It’s not like Star Wars, where the shitty entries (and shows) have completely outnumbered the good.


I know you’re being purposely obtuse but that’s what people said for the new Star Wars movies. We know how that turned out.
I enjoy that people come out of the woodwork to 'defend the concept' and then conveniently ignore the track record of bodies brought on by botched attempts at this 'totally fine' concept.

If it were totally fine, painless, and natural, they wouldn't try so hard (and fail) to inject it into everything all the time.

That old Ghost Busters reboot sucked, Star Wars sucked, etc. Female leads is one thing, virtue signaling 'injection' of female heroes is something completely different. The latter group are not Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor.
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Mangold isn’t the problem. His Disney paymasters most definitely are. They don’t hire people to create a singular vision. They hire people to do what they’re told, according to their carefully curated marketing strategies.

The chances of this film sucking are very high.

Exactly. I'm not worried about Mangold. He's a good director. Kathleen Kennedy is the one I'm worry about. She's very hands on in the movies she produces, and not in a good way.


Gold Member
Ford never liked Han Solo. He loves Indy.
They're the same character, one is in space the other is in dirt.

I like them both, but do have a hair more fondness for the tomb raiding, even though I was a bigger SW fan than Indy.
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Gold Member
They're the same character, one is in space the other is in dirt.

I like them both, but do have a hair more fondness for the tomb raiding, even though I was a bigger SW fan than Indy.
I just wish we could see more of ruthless amoral Indy. Back when he was banging his mentors daughter, waaaaaay less scrupulous about taking jobs for pay, and in constant struggle to one up other grave rob....errr preservers of artifacts like Belloque. The mid to late 20's early 30's is where this character need to be and where he needs to stay IMHO.

Either ignore the "but but but white guys stealing brown peoples history" no fun allowed folks or figure out how to give Indy a local "in" for each adventure they focus on (with the opening stinger being more callous) to quell the whingers. I feel the clearly supernatural aspect to all of indys adventures gives them license to have him in exotic areas dealing with classic "adventure theater" tropes, just balance them out such that not EVERY person in the amazonian basin is either a sharp toothed bone through the nose cannibal or lusty buxom maiden for Indy to seduce. Massage out the more egregious aspects and focus of the fun, adventure, travel, and "history". It's literally a license to print money IMHO.
I'm curious if there's any way this could be worse than Crystal Skull?
There’s a 4th Indiana Jones film?
Seriously though I’m cautiously optimistic that they don’t seem to be relying on bad CGI this time and are adding nazis as a credible villain: it just really depends on how good the script is. My biggest hope is that it does well enough to launch a new young Indy chronicles.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
Why not do the Spear of Destiny, That is the spear that pierced Christ, and then they could travel through time with a cool spear.


Part of me thinks Crystal Skull sucked so hard as George Lucas helped to write it. He was probably at a point where everyone around him was like, "Yeah, monkey swinging sword fight......that could be good, George" and "Sure, nuke the fridge is hilarious, George!!"
Kind of like how Taika Waititi and Thor.
I also hated that they uncovered he was in military intelligence at one point as I liked the notion of a badass professor. Don't need an origin for everything - looking at your Boba Fett!!


Part of me thinks Crystal Skull sucked so hard as George Lucas helped to write it. He was probably at a point where everyone around him was like, "Yeah, monkey swinging sword fight......that could be good, George" and "Sure, nuke the fridge is hilarious, George!!"
Kind of like how Taika Waititi and Thor.
I also hated that they uncovered he was in military intelligence at one point as I liked the notion of a badass professor. Don't need an origin for everything - looking at your Boba Fett!!
He was in military intelligence during WW2. The first 3 films were pre-WW2.


Exactly. I'm not worried about Mangold. He's a good director. Kathleen Kennedy is the one I'm worry about. She's very hands on in the movies she produces, and not in a good way.

I just hope to christ the rumours of Waller Bridge
replacing Indy after a load of time travel shenanigans
are just that. I can easily see Kennedy wanting to do that, but hopefully more sensible minds prevailed. Mangold says it’s not true, but then he’s hardly likely to piss off his masters by revealing anything at this stage.
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