Indiana Jones | First Previews are up


Gold Member
One preview likened this more to Dishonored than Wolfenstein, which if true, just made me more excited for this game.


It looks good from the previews. The only thing I am not sure about, and I will keep an open mind when it releases, is the part where they seem to be placing a focus on being able to pick up any object and using it as a weapon. That on its own does not sound bad but I hope that doesn't mean that the "whip" is the only main weapon Indy is going to have?


Gold Member
Sounds like an interesting game aimed at the wrong audience marketing-wise. Will pre-order it on PC and hope for native DualSense support.

Can't wait


Gold Member
Theyā€™re the same outlets that preview every game, yes.

You mean the ones selected by publishers for exclusive access to titles in return for positive preview pieces?

Come on you know how this works. Or was this title different, was it open access to any journalist?


I read the GameRant piece. I've been looking forward to the game, hoping for the best, but that dropped my enthusiasm a notch. I'm hesitant about "a game centered on puzzles and exploration," with emphasis on stealth rather than combat and with the latter being largely hand-to-hand.

I guess I was expecting a more Uncharted type action-adventure game, not something that emphasizes puzzles, exploration, and stealth... Not to say it won't be good, just that it seems less like my cup of tea than before. But I'll keep an open mind. Previews can be misleading.
Have you seen any Indiana jones movies at all?


You mean the ones selected by publishers for exclusive access to titles in return for positive preview pieces?

Come on you know how this works. Or was this title different, was it open access to any journalist?

It certainly was open to a very wide assortment of journalists.

Maybe they really just liked it and thought it made a very good impression?


Gold Member
It certainly was open to a very wide assortment of journalists.

Maybe they really just liked it and thought it made a very good impression?
I think it looks pretty good, but all these outlets also gave Redfall glowing previews as well and that game barely functioned.

So forgive me for questioning the mainstream media. I don't trust any of them as far as I could throw them.

Maybe they just have to keep one of the industries biggest players on side to keep those advertising dollars and exclusive previews coming in.

Its all the usual suspects in the OP.
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I think it looks pretty good, but all these outlets also gave Redfall glowing previews as well and that game barely functioned.

So forgive me for questioning the mainstream media. I don't trust any of them as far as I could throw them.

Maybe they just have to keep one of the industries biggest players on side to keep those adverting dollars and exclusive previews coming in.
Didn't we just have a whole thread in the last couple days where nobody trusts gaming journalists anymore? I guess that's over.


Gold Member
Watching the video above:

Game looks the part, captured the feel and atmosphere of the earlier movies really well. Graphics are nice as well, always a bonus.

However the combat and enemy AI look shockingly bad. Most of the gameplay shown sees indy sneeking about for a reason. If this is a mostly stealth game then the enemy AI should be a lot better.

Jurys out for me could go either way, hope its good because xbox really need a good run of hits, its about time.


I just donā€™t like or care about this IP. Game will have to be a GOTY slam dunk to get me to bite.
That's me right here. I'm the right age but the IP in this case is actually a hinderance to me, and not big on FPS so....ehhhhhhhhh.


Preview cycles seem like a ritual from another age.

I only trust user reviews, usually 3+ weeks after launch, at this stage.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I must admit I'm very happy to be wrong about this game.


Looks really good. Wonder how long before it's ported over. If not it is not a big deal. Can play it on a 3070 build i got.


Gold Member
Direct comparisons to Thief, Chronicles of Riddick, and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory bode very well...can't wait to pick up a copy (even though I have GamePass--I want this one for posterity).
I think it says a lot about who the reviews think are the audience for this game that they go for such dated references. But if true that would be pretty awesome.


Gold Member

That one is negative. Does that make you moist?
Thatā€™s actually a very balanced preview from PC Gamer. From the sounds of it, we get a good Indy story with somewhat mid gameplay.

Thatā€™s kind of unfortunate but a sort of a game I will grab on sale.




ā€œThis game is shaping up to be one hell of an adventureā€*

*I was flown out to LA to play it, put up in a 5 star hotel, had food and drink paid for, and given a $2,000 goodie bag.
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