Would be cool having a simple framework which get the job done. Ok, lets do itIf you don't need the absolute lowest level (which is WASAPI I believe) I can walk you through doing that with XAudio2. ...
Am going to install and check it all out. Thx!The versioning for XAudio2 is a bit weird. If you're on a newer version of Visual Studio / the Windows Developer Kit you should have the headers and libraries since it was included with Windows starting with Vista SP1. Otherwise you may need to install the last (June 2010) DirectX SDK.
Here's a sample implementation https://gist.github.com/Ludophonic/7597906 so we have something to refer to.
It's sleep time now for me. I'll check back in ~8 hours.
So I've been wanting to make a game for a while, just got the free version of the unity engine. Any tips for someone getting started? (Besides look at the tutorials on the site of course)
Just try to do simple things. Make a cube jump by pressing space... that kind of level of thing.. Then make other cubes disappear if you jump your cube into them... Anything! Bit by bit you'll just acquire knowledge.
Just Do It
It's still 3 hours until Saturday for me, but I figured hey why not since I'm at a good stopping point and I'll be working on my char's AI partner all day tomorrow, so now's as good a chance as any.
Gifcam caused a little lag since my laptop isn't particularly up to snuff, but you get the idea:
For more reference, the game is rendering in 1080p natively:
Brack from Gamemaker
I realized that the functions I was getting mad at weren't in the paid version, I was just following outdated stuff.
Anyway I bought the Standard Edition at Yoyogames page so they got the bigger cut and I'll get a Steam key too (workshop seems at least interesting). Yesterday I went on "playing" with GameMaker until 4:30 AM and today I did some more tests (and it's past 2:30 AM already lol):
I'm really curious to test it with Pro + Compiler Module, but I should making a bit of money from GM before buying them
Good night Gaf
Feel free to hang out in the Wii U dev IRC channel linked from the forums. We're up to 7 or so people who regularly hang out, though we don't talk a lot.Sup peeps.
I have returned after a lengthy absence. Just wanted to pop in and say I am pretty good at using Unity now and I am a Wii U developer that has gotten our stuff up and running on Wii U with rendering to both screens, drag and drop using the gamepad touch, networking, etc, so if you have questions about general Unity stuff or Wii U stuff feel free to post in the appropriate channels or PM me or just post here if it's not Wii U specific.
Microsoft Store said:Valid from 1 November 2013 until 31 January 2014, or while supplies last. Available in Microsoft online stores in selected markets. Offer limited to customers that are upgrading from a previous version of Visual Studio Pro to Visual Studio Pro 2013. Not valid on prior orders or purchases; cannot be transferred or otherwise redeemed for cash or coupon code. Not combinable with other offers. Limit 1 per customer, per purchase. Taxes may apply. Void where prohibited or restricted by law.
Our lighting is looking great! Unfortunately, the appearance of "nodes" in the first level doesn't make any sense, so I need to find some other way to get some cool shadows.
The floor isn't in there yet, but it's gonna be awesome when it's in!
The versioning for XAudio2 is a bit weird. If you're on a newer version of Visual Studio / the Windows Developer Kit you should have the headers and libraries since it was included with Windows starting with Vista SP1. Otherwise you may need to install the last (June 2010) DirectX SDK.
Here's a sample implementation https://gist.github.com/Ludophonic/7597906 so we have something to refer to.
It's sleep time now for me. I'll check back in ~8 hours.
if i'm reading correctly you're using a set of buffers? Was about to have a go at a similar thing using OpenAL and a rotating set of small buffers. very interested to get something working as static sounds only makes me sad. especially coming off a project on the raspberry pi where i just talk to the hardware directly.
Yeah, in that example I'm using 4 small buffers. I fill up all four and queue them and then whenever one finishes I fill it back up and add it back into the FIFO queue.
*You're* looking sharp.This is looking sharp.
I've now grasp the main concepts about XAudio2, read about its history etc.If you don't need the absolute lowest level (which is WASAPI I believe) I can walk you through doing that with XAudio2.
There is no direct audio hardware access in Windows starting with Vista.
I'm going to be making a mystery/horror VN and I'd like some help deciding which style I should draw it in.
I've already got people voting elsewhere, but I'd like to see what GAF has to say.
I was making an entirely different game until recently, when problems with GMS caused me to sadly have to put it on hiatus. Now I'm learning Unity and hoping to get that game back on track, but it's going to take me awhile to learn how to use Unity effectively (I've only got my character moving around and jumping so far) so I wanted to have another game I can make good progress in while I'm learning that. Hence, the VN! Only a short one in comparison to the other one I have planned, but it will be good practice.
I'm going to be making a mystery/horror VN and I'd like some help deciding which style I should draw it in.
I've already got people voting elsewhere, but I'd like to see what GAF has to say.
I was making an entirely different game until recently, when problems with GMS caused me to sadly have to put it on hiatus. Now I'm learning Unity and hoping to get that game back on track, but it's going to take me awhile to learn how to use Unity effectively (I've only got my character moving around and jumping so far) so I wanted to have another game I can make good progress in while I'm learning that. Hence, the VN! Only a short one in comparison to the other one I have planned, but it will be good practice.
It's still 3 hours until Saturday for me, but I figured hey why not since I'm at a good stopping point and I'll be working on my char's AI partner all day tomorrow, so now's as good a chance as any.
Gifcam caused a little lag since my laptop isn't particularly up to snuff, but you get the idea:
For more reference, the game is rendering in 1080p natively:
Hello everyone,
Twisty's Asylum Escapades is a game that I created as part of a 2 man team (I'm the artist on the project, working with a programmer). This is our first game and it has been in development for over 5 years. The game was created using the Torque Game Engine Advanced.
Twisty's Asylum Escapades is a dark, 3D, single player, action adventure video game that is completely free. You play as Twisty; the floating brain with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, as he makes his way through this bizarre mental facility, fighting enemies and solving puzzles in order to escape from the asylum.
It's a very unique and fun game with a lot of b-movie style references and atmosphere. The purpose was sort of to invert the whole monster and hero dynamic, having you play as the monster coming up out of a dark "dungeon-like" place, as opposed to being a hero going down into one. It's also designed to be just random, crazy fun and subtly spoofs certain other gaming conventions. I'll also mention that it has a bit more depth to it than some people might think at first glance.
The game is free and you can download it from the official site- http://asylumescapades.com/
Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated!
Here's a link to the trailer video-
Also, here are a few obligatory screen shots-
Check it out!-
Thanks for all the votes, guys!
B and C pretty much tied, so I finished up both of them and included some alternate facial expressions so you can see how the character(s) will change in each style.
Tell me which you prefer! I hope it doesn't end up in a tie again, I don't want to have to choose...
I'm a little sad D only got a bare handful of votes, since that one was my favorite. But that always seems to be the case! No one likes my favorites.
This looks great and reminds me of the days when a video game was a video game and not a movie, full of wacky things instead of tears.
I like what I see!
I tried a similar kind of animation with a side project, I find that it's one of those easy to do hard to master kind of things but you seem to have it under control.
Debating 60fps for the trailer or the game?Started work on my third and final release trailer. Debating if I should go 60fps or not.
We're almost at the end of development!