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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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Awesome! Hopefully we can do the same when we Kickstart our game. Might try to get some budgeting tips from you when that time comes. :)

eat slowly, shower together, don't eat out, don't go out, don't do anything!

edit: what's your game? all I could find was your art page, which kicks damn ass, which makes me all the more interested in what your game is.


edit: aaaand I just replied twice in a row. brain fart, sorry.

In that case I'd stick with the indicated design with the light tip as it appears sharp/deadly. You could probably mistake the all purple designs for a plant leaf (maybe at worse poison type damage)


okay, with this in mind I updated the coloration a bit, and I also added more small spikes to make everything look spikier and more obvious. incidentally, I've also added in some more backgrounds elements.



eat slowly, shower together, don't eat out, don't go out, don't do anything!

edit: what's your game? all I could find was your art page, which kicks damn ass, which makes me all the more interested in what your game is.

This one

Hey guys! Me, JulianImp and Bel_Air_Jeff have been working on a game and here is our first post about it!

It is tentatively titled Slide, and is a sidescroller with elements of action, puzzle-solving and exploration.

Here is some concept art that represents what the game will hopefully end up looking like. They are both rooms from the opening stage.



Here is a sample of the music by our super-talented composer Jeff! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTjvCCZQQCM&feature=youtu.be

And here is a very early gameplay test...


One key element not shown there is that the robot can quickly swivel to other side of the pipe. This is a huge key to getting around and exploring the world.

Follow our development blog here! (Of course we'll also be posting on gaf!)

ALSO, we are currently looking for a little extra help! We are looking for someone with experience with C# and Unity, as well as someone with experience with 3D animation. Send me a PM if you're interested. I'm coming to GAF with this first because it would be great to keep the game fully GAF-developed. :)
okay, with this in mind I updated the coloration a bit, and I also added more small spikes to make everything look spikier and more obvious. incidentally, I've also added in some more backgrounds elements.

Looks great. I would not want to be spiked by one of those suckers.


Don't mind me, I'm just going to post a 35mb gif now.
what have I become


So this is a laser that activates when you pass by it. The speed that it moves at makes it no problem to your character when you're running by it. So what is the point?

Well, you actually need to get hit twice to completely lose your footing when running up the tower. The first collision will take you out of running mode and put you into a wall-jumping mode; this acts like a safety-net mechanic in case you fuck up early in the game, rather than instantly going for the restart option. If you're able to keep wall-jumping for a long enough bit of time, you'll regain your footing and go back into your running mode. This won't help you further up on the tower since obstacles are too numerous.

So, to stop the player from simply sliding down the tower until enough time has passed to regain their footing, I'm adding this Motivational Laser™ to keep them moving at a steady pace.

Here is a nice shot of it:

I seriously have no idea what color obstacles and dangers should be. I planned on red as seen in the gif, but the result looks all kinds of "meh".

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Don't mind me, I'm just going to post a 35mb gif now.
what have I become

So this is a laser that activates when you pass by it. The speed that it moves at makes it no problem to your character when you're running by it. So what is the point?

Well, you actually need to get hit twice to completely lose your footing when running up the tower. The first collision will take you out of running mode and put you into a wall-jumping mode; this acts like a safety-net mechanic in case you fuck up early in the game, rather than instantly going for the restart option. If you're able to keep wall-jumping for a long enough bit of time, you'll regain your footing and go back into your running mode. This won't help you further up on the tower since obstacles are too numerous.

So, to stop the player from simply sliding down the tower until enough time has passed to regain their footing, I'm adding this Motivational Laser™ to keep them moving at a steady pace.

Here is a nice shot of it:

I seriously have no idea what color obstacles and dangers should be. I planned on red as seen in the gif, but the result looks all kinds of "meh".

That's cool. Looks a bit off though that those metal beams are angled outwards (to me anyway).


That's cool. Looks a bit off though that those metal beams are angled outwards (to me anyway).
Damn, you caught me. I find them more visually interesting than having them properly aligned, and obstacles show up a bit better; I like to see more of the side of the girders as well so I angled them a bit. Didn't think anyone would notice or would just chalk it up to being at the edges of the camera; you have keen eyes.


Finally settled on a design for my player character.


I had hit a slump over the past couple days but switching gears and working on art really got me motivated again.


Finally settled on a design for my player character.


I had hit a slump over the past couple days but switching gears and working on art really got me motivated again.

Watch out for the right leg, it might be hard to discern on light backgrounds.


I've posted a few graphical assets for my iOS project, but haven't explained what the game is
and how it plays yet. It's time to do that, with the aid of this amazing diagram:


Basically one round of this game is split up into three phases, with performance in each phase benefiting the next.

Phase 1 is where you run up the side of the tower, jumping wall to wall to avoid spikes and other cliched obstacles.
Your objective here is to get as high as possible; the position of obstacles and such make it more difficult the higher up you travel.

Phase 2 begins whenever you fuck up phase 1. In this phase, you lose your footing on the side of the tower and start
plummeting toward the ground. Your objective now is to gain as much speed as possible during your fall, avoiding things
like missiles being shot up at you (for no reason other than someone hates you and has missiles at their disposal).
You gain more and more speed the longer you fall without hitting something, so you'll have to have done well in phase 1
to give you the best opportunity for starting phase 2.

Phase 3 happens when you hit the ground. Rather than dying in a horrifically graphic manner, your character will bust into
the ground and use the momentum gained from falling to propel themselves through the dirt. There will be things to
avoid here as well as buried treasure to collect, with the most worthwhile riches being buried deeper. The valuables
you grab can then be used to purchase upgrades of various kinds to improve your abilities in the different phases.

What you want to do is run up the tower as far as you possibly can until you hit something, use the height you gained
to reach a ridiculous falling speed, then use the speed from the fall to dig deep into the ground and collect valuable items.
Your overarching goal is to reach the top of the tower, which will be absurdly difficult; you will be able to make this goal slightly
more achievable by purchasing upgrades to make your character harder/better/faster/stronger.

I welcome any feedback on this game concept.

1. Run up
2. Get done up
3. Profit

Also, here is the tower put together, which is pretty much the main asset that you see most of in a game session:


This concept sounds like it's going to be a ton of fun. It's so simple, yet I can already tell that it's going to be super addictive.


Neo Member
Finally settled on a design for my player character.


I had hit a slump over the past couple days but switching gears and working on art really got me motivated again.

I dig it! Excited to see him with background graphics.

I make it a point to not work on one thing for too long so that I never get demotivated.


I did some optimization today and wow - I managed to reduce mesh generation time from 2770ms to <300ms. It was causing serious lag issues.

PS: Those early screenshots are a treat.


So, this is kind of a thing that happened.

tl;dr: we're hooking up with Intel to support their RealSense technology platform, and they're giving us additional funding to make it happen. ;)
You know something awesome happened when people quote you like 8 times in a row. :D
Big congratulations on the additional funding to get shit done, and the added exposure you'll get from this as well!

This is also the first time I'm seeing your Kickstarter since I'm late to the party apparently. What a great game concept and awesome pitch video, I can see why this was funded;
Wil Wheaton&#8482;

Congrats! (How does this happen? Do you contact them, or they you?)
From the Kickstarter update, it seems that Intel approached them. I'm sure Intel has people searching around the net for quality projects that would fit well with their RealSense


So happy for you!

Ok, that's pretty awesome news! More funding and exposure is always good. Feeling big things for this game. And this is your second game after Sequence right? You've grown pretty quickly!

Friggin awesome!

Someday I will aspire to be covered by Intel. Grats man!

I'm not jealous or anything, no ;)

Congrats. Awesome thing to have happen for your game.

Congrats! (How does this happen? Do you contact them, or they you?)

You know something awesome happened when people quote you like 8 times in a row. :D
Big congratulations on the additional funding to get shit done, and the added exposure you'll get from this as well!

This is also the first time I'm seeing your Kickstarter since I'm late to the party apparently. What a great game concept and awesome pitch video, I can see why this was funded;
Wil Wheaton&#8482;

From the Kickstarter update, it seems that Intel approached them. I'm sure Intel has people searching around the net for quality projects that would fit well with their RealSense
Thanks, guys! <3


From the KS update about proposed gestures:
Feep said:
you can tap your temple to activate an alternate view
Aw yeah, this is so going to be me.

Can I also alias this gesture to the "GO" command?

Alright, I've got the easy stuff pretty much down. I'm using the 2D Toolkit in Unity.

Now it's time for something hard. I'm using the Tile Map in the 2D Toolkit to create my worlds. Only problem - The Tile Maps don't support animation :(. They bake the background in order to improve performance. I don't think you can even change a tile - bush cutting might be difficult.

Given that, they recommended using materials (and essentially shaders). I have no experience in these. I want to create a water effect in my top-down Zelda-like game. It'd be boring if the world was static. Water shouldn't be too hard as a starting point I figure...

After that I need to conquer fire.

What are some good tutorials?

Edit - Are materials just for effects or can I simply replace one image with another - ie, a bush that was cut down.


Edit - Are materials just for effects or can I simply replace one image with another - ie, a bush that was cut down.

Every mesh and sprite and particle and whatnot in Unity all has a material. You can't assign an object color/texture/sprite without it.
Don't know the exact setup with 2D Toolkit, but a material is a shader and texture(s), so you could replace either just the _MainTex texture (if the material is not a shared one that is also assigned to other objects, since that would replace it for all of them too), or the entire material for that GameObject.


Alright, I've got the easy stuff pretty much down. I'm using the 2D Toolkit in Unity.

Now it's time for something hard. I'm using the Tile Map in the 2D Toolkit to create my worlds. Only problem - The Tile Maps don't support animation :(. They bake the background in order to improve performance. I don't think you can even change a tile - bush cutting might be difficult.

Given that, they recommended using materials (and essentially shaders). I have no experience in these. I want to create a water effect in my top-down Zelda-like game. It'd be boring if the world was static. Water shouldn't be too hard as a starting point I figure...

After that I need to conquer fire.

What are some good tutorials?

Edit - Are materials just for effects or can I simply replace one image with another - ie, a bush that was cut down.
I don't have a ton of experience with tilemaps, but you should be able to just swap out the spriteID number at certain intervals to create animation.


I'm having some difficulties when destroying a GameObject.

When my player dies, I deactivate the dead player, create a new player but don't make it active yet, DESTROY the old player, activate new player.

Problem is, the script that was attached to the destroyed player seemingly keeps running forever afterwards, throwing exceptions like they were going out of style.

The script is attempting to modify a color of the old player and it does this continually. Why does the script from the destroyed player keep running forever even though the object was destroyed?


I'm having some difficulties when destroying a GameObject.

When my player dies, I deactivate the dead player, create a new player but don't make it active yet, DESTROY the old player, activate new player.

Problem is, the script that was attached to the destroyed player seemingly keeps running forever afterwards, throwing exceptions like they were going out of style.

The script is attempting to modify a color of the old player and it does this continually. Why does the script from the destroyed player keep running forever even though the object was destroyed?

The script on a destroyed object can't still be running. Either the script that's throwing the exception is the one attached to the new player object, which hasn't been initialized properly. Or the old object was not destroyed, you may have mistakenly destroyed one of its components rather than the game object itself.


Why destroy and make a new player instead of just resetting and reusing the one gameobject?

Yeah, I realized how dumb my solution was and actually changed that to what you said lol. It was actually holdover code from earlier in development and hadn't gotten around to re-writing it to just use the same player object, fixed now though!

Edit: Yeah, it seems Serializing a private field nullifies values that are defined in the script, which was causing the errors, as when I instantiated the player it came along with null values because they were serialized.

On the upside, tonight I've taken a break from coding new logic to consolidating 4 scripts into one script which makes much more sense than the way I had it set up before and makes everything much cleaner. Only deal is the errors I had to hunt down 1 by 1 until the unified script functioned as intended. House cleaning is almost as much fun as coding for me :3
I'm working on a game and evaluating a lot of ideas, but I'm struggling with the graphic assets: I'm a engineer and a developer so I never studied graphic design, and in the past I tried to work together with a few illustrators, also interested in game development, to get the assets done but the experience was poor, my original ideas and concepts were radically changed and I decided to stop the thing because I really didn't get along with them.

Not that I think my ideas were better, but my original vision was no more, and I lost motivation in continuing that work: I have a day job and multiple bills to pay and without motivation it's hard for me to work on a very long project in a consistent way at night or during the weekend.

Also, I'm not that young anymore, I started programming 3 years ago because I wanted a change from the shitty jobs I was getting with my degree in my country, but it's not like I live with my parents with plenty of time and not much expenses.

What should I do, GAF? Should I reach for graphic designers or should I try to improve my graphic skills and do everything myself?


I'm working on a game and evaluating a lot of ideas, but I'm struggling with the graphic assets: I'm a engineer and a developer so I never studied graphic design, and in the past I tried to work together with a few illustrators, also interested in game development, to get the assets done but the experience was poor, my original ideas and concepts were radically changed and I decided to stop the thing because I really didn't get along with them.

Not that I think my ideas were better, but my original vision was no more, and I lost motivation in continuing that work: I have a day job and multiple bills to pay and without motivation it's hard for me to work on a very long project in a consistent way at night or during the weekend.

Also, I'm not that young anymore, I started programming 3 years ago because I wanted a change from the shitty jobs I was getting with my degree in my country, but it's not like I live with my parents with plenty of time and not much expenses.

What should I do, GAF? Should I reach for graphic designers or should I try to improve my graphic skills and do everything myself?

I have a similar dilemma. Though I have an artist that I can use for concept art, I'm completely clueless on how to implement the art in a good way. Yeah I can slap the textures on and everything, but when it comes to applying shaders and other techniques to complement the art I have no idea.
I have a similar dilemma. Though I have an artist that I can use for concept art, I'm completely clueless on how to implement the art in a good way. Yeah I can slap the textures on and everything, but when it comes to applying shaders and other techniques to complement the art I have no idea.
I'm working on a graphic novel/adventure-like game, I like my writing so far and I consider myself a "musician" (I created a full electronic music album a while ago), but I can't draw, so I'm evaluating the possibility to keep graphic assets at minimum, maybe go the full text+music way, but I'm not sure.

What kind of professional relationship you have with your artist? Do you pay for concept arts individually or you consider yourselves a team?


I'm working on a graphic novel/adventure-like game, I like my writing so far and I consider myself a "musician" (I created a full electronic music album a while ago), but I can't draw, so I'm evaluating the possibility to keep graphic assets at minimum, maybe go the full text+music way, but I'm not sure.

What kind of professional relationship you have with your artist? Do you pay for concept arts individually or you consider yourselves a team?

Luckily the artist is my girlfriend :) She's an art major at the same school that I attend and she's been creating art for basically her entire life.

Only problem is she often feels her work is lacking and thus takes a lot more time than I'd like since for the time being I'm simply having her do simple concept art that I can place in to see what I like, but she spends so much time on each piece because she wants it to be perfect.


I'm working on a game and evaluating a lot of ideas, but I'm struggling with the graphic assets: I'm a engineer and a developer so I never studied graphic design, and in the past I tried to work together with a few illustrators, also interested in game development, to get the assets done but the experience was poor, my original ideas and concepts were radically changed and I decided to stop the thing because I really didn't get along with them.

Not that I think my ideas were better, but my original vision was no more, and I lost motivation in continuing that work: I have a day job and multiple bills to pay and without motivation it's hard for me to work on a very long project in a consistent way at night or during the weekend.

Also, I'm not that young anymore, I started programming 3 years ago because I wanted a change from the shitty jobs I was getting with my degree in my country, but it's not like I live with my parents with plenty of time and not much expenses.

What should I do, GAF? Should I reach for graphic designers or should I try to improve my graphic skills and do everything myself?

If you want to keep your original Ideas then you have three options:

1. Pay other people to exactly do what you want (Money)
2. Convince others to do what you want (Charisma)
3. Do everything yourself or at least as much as you can (Motivation)

I am kinda in the same Boat like you and going with Option 3.

I don't want to go in all detail but basically if you are serious, then you need to spent money and time on Learning Lessons, the Free Tutorials on Youtube are great but nothing can replace an professional Tutor that actually understands the needs and problems of beginners.

Another Tipp: Learn Blender, you will spend a lot of hours (I needed 20 hours just for the basics and now another 15hours for character design) on learning it, but it has a Camera Tracker, this allows you to Photograph a Scene and put 3D Models on it. Perfect for a Graphic Novel!
As a periodic lurker in here, I'm curious which of the dev platforms listed in the OP have people in here come to use the most, and am respectfully requesting feedback along those lines :p


As a periodic lurker in here, I'm curious which of the dev platforms listed in the OP have people in here come to use the most, and am respectfully requesting feedback along those lines :p

Pretty sure it's Unity -> GameMaker:Studio -> Construct2 -> others. I might have GM:S and C2 backwards, but I'm biased because I myself use GM:S.
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