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Indie Game Development Discussion Thread | Of Being Professionally Poor

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So guys, let's see what you think about this. We are trying to create the interface for the game and we tried different things for the buttons. In the first one it stays closer to the idea of black and white in the game, the second one discards the idea but has very subtle colors, and three uses really bright one. In the team we are partial to number two (we think n1 can sometimes be difficult to see from the background and that n3 breaks too much the ilusion, although the dialogue curtains, part of the dialogs, use also the color red so it would not be the only thing with color in the whole game), we also asked on our deviantart and steam greenlight accounts and while people in deviantart prefered between 3 and 2, people on steam prefered 1. However when we counted all the voted the winner was number 2. So Dev gaf, what do you think, which one suits better for our game?

Improved my stylized 3d map and added the way selection and transition fx:

Let me say that looks abosuletly fantastic!


So guys, let's see what you think about this. We are trying to create the interface for the game and we tried different things for the buttons. In the first one it stays closer to the idea of black and white in the game, the second one discards the idea but has very subtle colors, and three uses really bright one. In the team we are partial to number two (we think n1 can sometimes be difficult to see from the background and that n3 breaks too much the ilusion, although the dialogue curtains, part of the dialogs, use also the color red so it would not be the only thing with color in the whole game), we also asked on our deviantart and steam greenlight accounts and while people in deviantart prefered between 3 and 2, people on steam prefered 1. However when we counted all the voted the winner was number 2. So Dev gaf, what do you think, which one suits better for our game?

The problem isn't their color, it's that they're shaded differently from everything else in the scene. Give me a minute and I'll do a mock up.


The problem isn't their color, it's that they're shaded differently from everything else in the scene. Give me a minute and I'll do a mock up.

I forgot to say that screen is a old one though, we are retouching the whole scenery so it looks more like watercolors.

And thanks again, we could try some plain color or grey buttons to see if it looks better.


So Dev gaf, what do you think, which one suits better for our game?
Have you tried a color outline around them instead? Not sure if that would look better, but filling in the icons seems like too much color. With a thin outline you might be able to get away with more saturated colors than #2 as well.
Have you tried a color outline around them instead? Not sure if that would look better, but filling in the icons seems like too much color. With a thin outline you might be able to get away with more saturated colors than #2 as well.

mmm, that also seems like a great idea. Will also try it, so thanks!


The Amiga Brotherhood
So guys, let's see what you think about this. We are trying to create the interface for the game and we tried different things for the buttons. In the first one it stays closer to the idea of black and white in the game, the second one discards the idea but has very subtle colors, and three uses really bright one. In the team we are partial to number two (we think n1 can sometimes be difficult to see from the background and that n3 breaks too much the ilusion, although the dialogue curtains, part of the dialogs, use also the color red so it would not be the only thing with color in the whole game), we also asked on our deviantart and steam greenlight accounts and while people in deviantart prefered between 3 and 2, people on steam prefered 1. However when we counted all the voted the winner was number 2. So Dev gaf, what do you think, which one suits better for our game?

Let me say that looks abosuletly fantastic!

Imo everything should be black and white with more "cartoony" icons, without shades, maybe something close to the baloon that is visible in those screens.


Have you tried selecting "Legacy" as animation type in the import settings/rig tab? I had a similar problem with animations from blend files in Unity and that's how I solved it. It had nothing to do with mecanim, however.
I... think my Unity was just... tired?
Reboots and anything I tried yesterday didn't help, but today I boot Unity and everything is working without touching it...
I don't know, man, I just don't know.


Sadly, we all know the Unity docs are... bad and full of rather dangerous errors.

Today's "Why, Unity, why do you do this to me?" is brought to you by: Mecanim.
Load a blend/fbx file with mesh and animation, rig it up to a humanoid, it works in the preview. Drag the animations into the AnimationController and boom, everything goes back to T-pose and is lost until you reimport the damn thing and rerig it... until you add an animation to the controller and... you get the idea.
If it's any consolation, this shit happens ALL THE TIME TO US.

One thing that we've found with rigs and stuff is that Unity stores some kind of metadata somewhere with regard to filenames (and no, not in the obvious .meta file right next to it). If a file is freaking out and not working and it's an updated version of an old file, try renaming it to something completely new. You have no idea the kind of trouble this has caused us.


From Steampunk giant scorpion robots powered by fiery orbs of death to demon goddesses, oh and an elf.

Bosses created for my client's RPG, Riders of Arylide!

Looks cool!

If it's any consolation, this shit happens ALL THE TIME TO US.

One thing that we've found with rigs and stuff is that Unity stores some kind of metadata somewhere with regard to filenames (and no, not in the obvious .meta file right next to it). If a file is freaking out and not working and it's an updated version of an old file, try renaming it to something completely new. You have no idea the kind of trouble this has caused us.

Ouch. Yeah, I'm basically saving into a different directory first now, making sure everything works... If Unity spazzes out again, I'm probably just going to raze my animations dir to the ground and reimport all of them.


I've bought so many bits and pieces from the unity store that I never use
Whoa, your post just got me to take a look at the asset store right now. Looks Playmaker is on-sale for $25 for 24 hours (seems to have started at least 15 hours ago?). I think I'm going to bite since I've heard good things about it. Not sure if I really need it though... wish it had a trial version.


There's this area in Ghost Song that's sort of a descent through a dangerous, thorny shaft. I call this room the "thorny descent".

This is what it looked like in the old pre-KS version of the game:


I like having to carefully drop through things.

I wanted to include this area in an upcoming video, but didn't do the new art assets for it yet. So that's what I'm working on right now.

I wanted to make it tenser (as with most parts of the game now) by making it feel kind of dark and maybe a bit clausterphobic. I got the idea to try and make them [the thorns] look sort of colorful and pretty. Do they still read as hazards?

well I don't mean to spread rumors, but I swear to god someone mentioned this to me as an upcoming thing, but for the life of me I can't remember who it was or what the details were. :) take it with a grain of salt, I guess.
You are practically my hero regarding artwork there, it is beautiful. Im doing an adventure horror game called The Scent.It is a very early work , and im doing this for PSP(yes the old PSP) . Ive finished the music of the game, im in charge of evrything , graphics , music , programming so as you can imagine is slow progress but very rewarding.

Those of you interested in listening to the songs here is the full album.

The Scent: Rotten Memories



I don't even think I'll need an animation of him just walking but I figured it'd be good practice. I'm somewhat satisfied with it

And this is me just messing around.

Maybe I'll actually tell you guys what kind of game I'm making soon. :p


It is possible to make somtehing by myself using Unity with low-med C++ knowledge?
Yep. Just read up on Unity's syntax. If you know code structure, plugging Unity's syntax in isnt an issue. Its just finding the right syntax for the job that can be a headache if you haven't properly introduced yourself.
So I have been hammering away on my hex turn based game, but my biggest problem is I can't decide on a theme, because I'm not an artist a lot of my themes are based purely on what I can buy on the unity asset store , so I need things that mesh well together (art packs,sfx, music e.t.c) . I have probably spent way more on the store then I should but I figure I'll reuse models I don't use :)

So here are my different themes and I would love to get gafs opinion on which is the best , regardless of my final theme the game will play the same, u build a base on a particular part of the grid and then based in build points , build various units of different strength and take out your opponent.

At each of your turns you have 3 stages


In this stage you choose to harvest a tile (if u built a harvester ) , once a tile is harvested it will reward you extra build points and cannot be harvested again. On your next turn that tile will turn to unmovable and if u I ran enemy unit remains after another turn they are destroyed.


In this stage you can build as many units as you can afford , ranging from a low damage scout to a more powerful unit


In this stage you can choose to move units around the board (different units and different travel distance), you can also choose to attack an enemy if it is within range

You win when u have killed the enemies base.

Now into my themes



Using a mixture of large destroyers, smaller squads of ships, players move around a 2d board



Good thing is it's Not a common theme for a game, the only downside I have thus far is variety of units and not slot of available ui,music e.t.c that fit the theme



A fairly common theme that has lots of available art and sounds, my only worry is that it's perhaps abit too common

Would love to get peoples opinions on what theme they like most. I am leaning towards space myself , but first I am going to try a few more themes :)


So guys, let's see what you think about this. We are trying to create the interface for the game and we tried different things for the buttons. In the first one it stays closer to the idea of black and white in the game, the second one discards the idea but has very subtle colors, and three uses really bright one. In the team we are partial to number two (we think n1 can sometimes be difficult to see from the background and that n3 breaks too much the ilusion, although the dialogue curtains, part of the dialogs, use also the color red so it would not be the only thing with color in the whole game), we also asked on our deviantart and steam greenlight accounts and while people in deviantart prefered between 3 and 2, people on steam prefered 1. However when we counted all the voted the winner was number 2. So Dev gaf, what do you think, which one suits better for our game?

User "abe_bly" already showed you a good direction.
But I think you are also lacking some distinct separation from the background. Try ading a thicker black line to the buttons so they don't feel like they are IN the game but outside of it.

Overall I would stay with the black and white for the buttons and never touch color all together anywhere.

Good job guys.


I love this thread.

Also, is it ok to ask for freelance artists and their portfolio websites?

If it's allowed, then here, another freelance graphics guy you can commission if you need to!


Some examples of commission stuff you can see on there :

I've been keeping a close eye on this topic for quite a while, actually - I wanted to post stuff about the game I'm working on when I had something close to a "complete" screenshot, but maybe I'll take this opportunity to do it sooner. Most of what is done is visible already on my tumblr, but perhaps I'll start posting updates here as well when I reach milestones!

Said project stuff, a 2D brawler/visual novel/life management game (think persona/princess maker, but with brawling segments instead of dungeon crawling), there's a prototype video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSpejPNe_w0

Stuff from another project, a sci-fi adventure game I'll get back to once I'm done with the current one :



You are practically my hero regarding artwork there, it is beautiful. Im doing an adventure horror game called The Scent.It is a very early work , and im doing this for PSP(yes the old PSP) . Ive finished the music of the game, im in charge of evrything , graphics , music , programming so as you can imagine is slow progress but very rewarding.

Those of you interested in listening to the songs here is the full album.

The Scent: Rotten Memories


thank you :D and nice playing, very moody.

why PSP? I'm sure that's what everyone is wondering when they hear you say that.


Decided to finally post a screen shot of my little crappy 2D dinosaur game I've been working on. I had the idea for the game almost a year ago when Jurassic Park 3D came out. My original idea was for more of a DayZ survival type dinosaur game, where you're a dinosaur (herbivore/carnivore) and you're just out in the wild trying to survive, either by sticking close to your fellow herbivores in groups and running for your life when a carnivore player attacks. Or maybe you could evolve some armor and horns and duke it out with the carnivores, or at least make them think twice about attacking you. If you're a carnivore, do you roll solo or hunt in groups? Size and strength or speed and agility? Or do you scavenge for scraps and eggs. Protect and hatch your eggs to evolve your species. I so wish I could make THAT game, but currently lacking on the skills.


Yoshi is a place holder. I put him in there for my 7 year old, who is obsessed with Yoshi. Decided to make the game somewhat for him, to hopefully plant a seed and get him interested in programming at an early age. Obviously by the screen shot, I've had to scale back my idea by a bunch. I have very little experience in programming and obviously I'm no artist. For my scaled back idea, I'm going for more of a Don't Starve with dinosaurs. So far, in my game, I can move the guy around in 4 directions, pick up stuff, get killed by strange flying rocks (learning collisions and paths), starve, little speed boost move, and not walk through trees. Yoshi also has a decent idea what is around him. Oh and the maps are procedurally/randomly generated.

Its about time for me to start making the world more dangerous for Yoshi and also need to give him things to do other than collect food. Hoping to turn this little GameMaker project into something that may not be amazing, but at least finished. After that I plan on making the jump Unity and maybe start on my real idea.


We can't take pics of the gamepad from the devkit? That I didn't know, and probably just saved me some trouble later on down the road.

Edit: In other news, I'm having some fun now. I'm just coding up possible abilities I might want the player to have and it's a blast just playing around with them and seeing what's fun!

Oops I've done that...
I don't think anyone minded though, but probably safest not to do it


Sadly, we all know the Unity docs are... bad and full of rather dangerous errors.

Today's "Why, Unity, why do you do this to me?" is brought to you by: Mecanim.
Load a blend/fbx file with mesh and animation, rig it up to a humanoid, it works in the preview. Drag the animations into the AnimationController and boom, everything goes back to T-pose and is lost until you reimport the damn thing and rerig it... until you add an animation to the controller and... you get the idea.

Unity documentation needs some really work. A lot of it just comes off as vague.


I'm starting to feel Unity 4.3 native 2D development is lacking. Its very touch and go ATM. Starting to think we might switch to GameMaker for our 2D game and continue in Unity for our 3D venture.

Ive just never used GM before and my job is UI, menu programming, sprites, music, logic, etc. Considering switching while in the early stages.


Neo Member
Any more eye candy goodness?
I'm not a eye candy machine! ;) Currently working on a score screen for finished tiles, experimenting with effects and animation above the gameplay scene where the player is standing on the branch in the actual game world. Made that now fading to a painterly washed out look as the background.


User "abe_bly" already showed you a good direction.
But I think you are also lacking some distinct separation from the background. Try ading a thicker black line to the buttons so they don't feel like they are IN the game but outside of it.

Overall I would stay with the black and white for the buttons and never touch color all together anywhere.

Good job guys.

That's what I was trying to do when I put white outlines on it (though it's scaled back down, so I guess it's hard to tell), because most of the things have a dark outline and nothing else has a white one. You want something that fits within the art style and yet stands out from the game. It's a difficult balance, for sure.

Another thing I had considered was a flat drop-shadow behind the buttons. Nothing overmuch, just a flat black circle at ~40% alpha translated around six pixels below the icon. The thick black outline might look better than this approach, though.


Neo Member
I forgot to say that screen is a old one though, we are retouching the whole scenery so it looks more like watercolors.

And thanks again, we could try some plain color or grey buttons to see if it looks better.

Be careful with making them all the same luminance . . . lots of color blind gamers out there .


Be careful with making them all the same luminance . . . lots of color blind gamers out there .

Is that as pertinent of a suggestion when the buttons will have icons on them? I usually try to maximize contrast between the icon shape and its background if I can, worrying about hue and lum second. Shouldn't, at least in this case, the spacial arrangement of the buttons be enough of a cue?


So, after constantly putting off starting a full-scale Unity project while I increased my 3D modelling skills, off-putting the use of my computer altogether until I could replace my main hard drive which was getting sector errors, and dabbling a bit with Blenders sculpting system, I've finally given up my attempts at finding a good art style I can use without textures and went and bought a graphics tablet.

It's been around 8 to 9 years since I've actually drawn anything properly, not counting a few doodles or makeshift maps for games I've played, but I've found it an absolute joy to use.

Being able to use layers for sketches is a dream, since I always hated sketches and how they'd make the picture messy, and avoided them (really held me back, but I could still make a decent picture or two), and I've been messing around with the smudge tools and creating basic charcoal-like images, but I still haven't created any textures yet.

Does anyone have any tutorials that might help one get used to creating textures, or maybe some that explore different drawing/colouring methods for textures?


Holy eff!!! I finally figured out what was wrong with my frame rate...

Application.targetFrameRate = 60;

Seems like this is not good for Android devices. SImply changing it to this...
      Application.targetFrameRate = 60;

Now I'm at a more stable 60fps. It was crazy, standing there doing nothing I'd go from 60fps down to 20fps. I was interrogating my shaders, NGUI code, textures, overdraw...

So now I think I'm finally bug free (on Android, as of now) SO GOOD!!!!

Now what else could I add...


Does anyone have any tutorials that might help one get used to creating textures, or maybe some that explore different drawing/colouring methods for textures?
What kind of textures are you looking to create, realistic ones? If you're just going straight into painting from a blank canvas and not coming up with anything impressive, you may want to adjust your workflow.

Now that you have a graphics tablet, you have the potential to beast at sculpting, so check some of these out; he uses zbrush but the theory is still the same. By doing things like this, you also get the added benefit of generating multiple, accurate maps from the sculpt.

If you're looking to texture props that aren't simply repeated textures over a surface, my advice remains similar. Here is an occlusion that I baked from my high poly model for some girders in the game I'm working on now:
Not only is the occlusion map awesome to have, but if I chose to texture this realistically (which I'm not because of the style I'm going for), the texture would be much easier to paint because I can easily reference where things are on the model; you would just set a map like this to multiply, keep it on top in your layers, and go crazy painting underneath it. It makes the process a lot easier than starting from a completely blank canvas.
There are also some tools that will allow you to paint directly on the model in your 3d app, as well as stand-alone programs with more robust tools for that (I remember there was one that stood out to me as being really impressive but I can't think of it now).

If you are looking to simply paint textures and don't care about extracting multiple maps and such for materials, why not reference a photo texture and paint over it? It's totally not cheating and it will help you to get a sense of different surfaces.
If it's allowed, then here, another freelance graphics guy you can commission if you need to!


Some examples of commission stuff you can see on there :

I've been keeping a close eye on this topic for quite a while, actually - I wanted to post stuff about the game I'm working on when I had something close to a "complete" screenshot, but maybe I'll take this opportunity to do it sooner. Most of what is done is visible already on my tumblr, but perhaps I'll start posting updates here as well when I reach milestones!

Said project stuff, a 2D brawler/visual novel/life management game (think persona/princess maker, but with brawling segments instead of dungeon crawling), there's a prototype video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSpejPNe_w0

Stuff from another project, a sci-fi adventure game I'll get back to once I'm done with the current one :
Impressive stuff. Honey Rose looks really cool.


Woops! I just achieved a new achievement as an indie dev. I failed my first Nintendo lotcheck. :)

Actually just 4 simple issues, that will be fixed and resubmitted over the weekend. I plan to take this time to fix a few things: First, get rid of the unused assets and backup media I had stored. Kinda bloated the app by like 20MB (I'll know by tomorrow/Sunday the amount). Given that the entire thing was like 110MB full, that's actually kind a large percentage to keep around.

Also, I plan to quickly add in another game mode that I had in my mind for a while. I have the whole weekend to add it. Simple new game mode, so I can add it quickly.

Edit: Just got done moving all backups/unused stuff to a backup folder. Apparently all that was taking up 27MB worth of space! Considering, how small my game was in size already, this should easily make it much much smaller. lol


What kind of textures are you looking to create, realistic ones? If you're just going straight into painting from a blank canvas and not coming up with anything impressive, you may want to adjust your workflow.

Now that you have a graphics tablet, you have the potential to beast at sculpting, so check some of these out; he uses zbrush but the theory is still the same. By doing things like this, you also get the added benefit of generating multiple, accurate maps from the sculpt.

If you're looking to texture props that aren't simply repeated textures over a surface, my advice remains similar. Here is an occlusion that I baked from my high poly model for some girders in the game I'm working on now:

Not only is the occlusion map awesome to have, but if I chose to texture this realistically (which I'm not because of the style I'm going for), the texture would be much easier to paint because I can easily reference where things are on the model; you would just set a map like this to multiply, keep it on top in your layers, and go crazy painting underneath it. It makes the process a lot easier than starting from a completely blank canvas.
There are also some tools that will allow you to paint directly on the model in your 3d app, as well as stand-alone programs with more robust tools for that (I remember there was one that stood out to me as being really impressive but I can't think of it now).

If you are looking to simply paint textures and don't care about extracting multiple maps and such for materials, why not reference a photo texture and paint over it? It's totally not cheating and it will help you to get a sense of different surfaces.

I don't really have a type of style I want to create, either realistic, abstract or anywhere in-between, I'd just like to try out any and all ways of painting, since I haven't used any image software besides paint for years now either. Technically any good tutorial to do with painting will do, but if there are amazing tutorials around that focus on texturing, well, that'll give me an insight into other peoples workflows as well.

One of the reasons I got a graphics tablet in the first place, besides a desire to create my own textures or model references, was to work on sculpting more, so those tutorials are just the kind of thing I'm interested in. =]

I use Blender for modelling, which has built in options to let you draw textures directly onto models, something I planned to use to create guide textures of sorts, to help make painting in a dedicated program that little bit easier, so I'll definitely be making use of occlusion maps to help the process. If the program you're trying to remember has some good painting tools when painting on models (Blender lacks layer support, as far as I know) I'd love to know, if you can remember it. Thanks.


Woops! I just achieved a new achievement as an indie dev. I failed my first Nintendo lotcheck. :)

Actually just 4 simple issues, that will be fixed and resubmitted over the weekend. I plan to take this time to fix a few things: First, get rid of the unused assets and backup media I had stored. Kinda bloated the app by like 20MB (I'll know by tomorrow/Sunday the amount). Given that the entire thing was like 110MB full, that's actually kind a large percentage to keep around.

Also, I plan to quickly add in another game mode that I had in my mind for a while. I have the whole weekend to add it. Simple new game mode, so I can add it quickly.

Edit: Just got done moving all backups/unused stuff to a backup folder. Apparently all that was taking up 27MB worth of space! Considering, how small my game was in size already, this should easily make it much much smaller. lol

Is there a size limit?


I'm planing to add an "never ending" mode to my tower defense game. What do you think is the best way to call it? It's a mode where there are no levels,m but a continuous amount of enemies that never stop coming, each one is just slightly stronger than the last, etc. Trying to think of the best way to call it.

Never Ending Mode
Endless Mode
Continuous Mode

Any ideas?

Is there a size limit?

Nah, no limit, I just wanted to get rid of that backups and unused assets from the game. Was just bugging me a little that I forgot to remove it, that's all.


So I've been out of the loop for years now (6+). How's RPG Maker VX Ace? Is it feasible for distribution now/not looked down on? Had a concept boiling in my head that I've finally written, but I haven't done any sort of game making since Game Maker 6/RPG Maker 2k(3) so I'm sorely out of practice. Graphics seem to have taken a downgrade as well? I also remember the engine getting pretty laggy on maps with lots of events/large in size.

If VX Ace is viable I might give it a shot, something like RM2K would work fine for my concept. Otherwise I might have to learn GM Studio or Unity or something.

I'm planing to add an "never ending" mode to my tower defense game. What do you think is the best way to call it? It's a mode where there are no levels,m but a continuous amount of enemies that never stop coming, each one is just slightly stronger than the last, etc. Trying to think of the best way to call it.

Never Ending Mode
Endless Mode
Continuous Mode

Tower Must Fall Mode. Or Endless, it's usually called Endless Mode.


I'm planing to add an "never ending" mode to my tower defense game. What do you think is the best way to call it? It's a mode where there are no levels,m but a continuous amount of enemies that never stop coming, each one is just slightly stronger than the last, etc. Trying to think of the best way to call it.

It's normally called endless mode. But you can get creative if you like. Modus ad Infinitum


Woops! I just achieved a new achievement as an indie dev. I failed my first Nintendo lotcheck. :)

Actually just 4 simple issues, that will be fixed and resubmitted over the weekend. I plan to take this time to fix a few things: First, get rid of the unused assets and backup media I had stored. Kinda bloated the app by like 20MB (I'll know by tomorrow/Sunday the amount). Given that the entire thing was like 110MB full, that's actually kind a large percentage to keep around.

Also, I plan to quickly add in another game mode that I had in my mind for a while. I have the whole weekend to add it. Simple new game mode, so I can add it quickly.

Edit: Just got done moving all backups/unused stuff to a backup folder. Apparently all that was taking up 27MB worth of space! Considering, how small my game was in size already, this should easily make it much much smaller. lol

Congrats and good luck!


Okay guys, I'm in need of some kind of assistance. I just can't seem to keep any of my writing for a project I'm working on nice and tidy, especially with visual novel type dialog choices. What kind of programs do you writers type up your dialog/text in? I've used Word (bad idea) and Excel so far, but haven't really figured out just how I'll organize things yet.

I was also thinking about looking into some kind of flowchart or something that might help keep dialog trees from getting confusing, but it doesn't sound handy if there's a lot of text.
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