SpacePirate Ridley
So guys, let's see what you think about this. We are trying to create the interface for the game and we tried different things for the buttons. In the first one it stays closer to the idea of black and white in the game, the second one discards the idea but has very subtle colors, and three uses really bright one. In the team we are partial to number two (we think n1 can sometimes be difficult to see from the background and that n3 breaks too much the ilusion, although the dialogue curtains, part of the dialogs, use also the color red so it would not be the only thing with color in the whole game), we also asked on our deviantart and steam greenlight accounts and while people in deviantart prefered between 3 and 2, people on steam prefered 1. However when we counted all the voted the winner was number 2. So Dev gaf, what do you think, which one suits better for our game?
Let me say that looks abosuletly fantastic!
Improved my stylized 3d map and added the way selection and transition fx:
Let me say that looks abosuletly fantastic!